The Development of a Learning Disability Awareness

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The Development of a Learning Disability Awareness training programme for IAPT staff

Greg Taylor (Clinical Psychologist) & Vikki Harrison (Psychological Wellbeing Practitioner) East Lancashire LD Special Interest Group Lancashire Care Foundation NHS Trust Secure Services Secure Services

The Development of a Learning Disability Awareness training programme for IAPT staff


1) Service context 2) IAPT LD Special Interest Group 3) Background to training 4) Training day overview 5) Outcomes from training 6) Future Directions Secure Services

Introduction & Background

Service Context

• • • • 5 Distinct Primary Care IAPT services – Differing demographics etc Largely economically deprived, high levels of unemployment but also more affluent areas Urban, rural and semi-rural IAPT provision of step 2 (PWP) & Step 3 (counselling, Occupational Therapy, HIT (CBT) workers, Clinical Psychology and MHP’s) Secure Services

Introduction & Background

LD Special Interest Group Context

• • • • IAPT special interest group Remit to identify and address access and governance issues in relation to LD population Collaboration between IAPT staff and Mental Health and Learning Disability Liaison Team Quarterly meetings focusing on variety of issues around improving access for clients and adjusting aspects of service and it’s offering to achieve this Secure Services

Introduction & Background

Training day development

• • • • ‘Needs analysis’ survey of clinician confidence in working with LD clients – adapted from D. Dagnan’s confidence scale (thanks Dave!) Suggested low levels of confidence and a perceived need for training around LD clients and their needs and around how to use resources and existing interventions Slightly higher confidence in ‘generic’ clinical confidence but low across the board SIG agreement that results suggest need for awareness training Secure Services

The Training Day

Aim of the day

To raise awareness of how to work therapeutically with adults with learning disabilities who are experiencing mental health problems.

• • • •

Learning Outcomes

Increase understanding about learning disabilities Develop a range of communication skills Improve accessibility to Steps 2 & 3 services to people with learning disabilities through using ‘Reasonable Adjustments’ Consider how to adapt own practice i.e. assessment tools, therapeutic interventions and resources in order to work with client with LD.

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The Training Day



What is a Learning Disability? 2.

Values and beliefs 3.

Guest speakers-LD service users experiences 4.

Communicative methods and means with IAPT clients 5.

Reasonable adjustments Secure Services

Training outcomes

Pre- and post- scores across 2 training days by IAPT role (N 29) Professional Role Pre Mean Total Score Pre SD Post Mean Post SD

• •

14 6 4 1 PWP Counsellor CBT Therapist HIT Therapist 24.36














3 OT 31.50




2 MHP 41.50




Individual item means(1=low, 5=high): Pre (n=26) 2.88 – Post (n=35) – 3.715 Wilcoxon matched-pairs analysis (n=29) shows significant increase in post-training confidence scores (p<0.001) Secure Services

Training outcomes

Other outcomes

• Increased awareness of LD SIG, role and membership • ‘Top Tips’ leaflets – drawn from attendee contributions to reasonable adjustment ‘workshop’ – versions for therapists and ELSPoA triage staff • Confidence in training model to continue to provide 1-day training yearly Secure Services

Future Directions Learning Disabilities Webpage

Designed for staff, those with learning disabilities and families/carers. Primary aim of sharing resources from training


Continue to provide awareness training (and to have this recognised as mandatory) Considering ‘modality specific’ training Possible MSc research into clinician attitudes towards working with population Still perception that actual referrals into IAPT are lower than expected – need to investigate and create better links with CLDT’s Secure Services

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