Update on OGC involvement in GEOSS

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Transcript Update on OGC involvement in GEOSS

GEO Architecture and Data Committee

Task AR-07-02

Architecture Implementation Pilot

George Percivall Open Geospatial Consortium Task AR-07-02 Point of Contact December 2008

GEO Task AR-07-02

Architecture Implementation Pilot

• Lead incorporation of contributed components consistent with the GEOSS Architecture… • AIP Phase 2 Themes – Augment the GEOSS Common Infrastructure – Operational persistence; "persistent exemplars” – Emphasize four communities identified with UIC • Call for Participation, released in July, remains open – 37 CFP responses received to date – 85 persons at Kickoff Workshop, Sept 25-26 – 9 Working Groups established for Development • Demonstration & Transition to operations, March ‘09 Slide 2

AI Pilot Development Approach


Concept Development

AR-07-02 Architecture Implementation Pilot Evolutionary Development Process Participation

Call for Participation

Participation Continuous interaction with external activities Updates for each step

Kick-off Workshop

Participation Architecture Documentation

Development Activities

Participation Baseline

Persistent Operations (AR-07-01)

Operational Baseline and Lessons Learned for next evolutionary spiral

AIP Phase 2 Master Schedule

AIP-2 CFP Announced CFP Responses for Kickoff due Kickoff Workshop at NCAR Status & Interim results to GEO Plenary Scenario demonstration capture AIP-2 results transition to operations 26 June 2008 1 September 2008 25-26 September 2008 November 2008 February 2009 1st quarter of 2009

AIP Phase 2 Themes

• Augment the GEOSS Common Infrastructure • Emphasize SBAs identified by UIC/ADC collaboration • Develop "persistent exemplars” • Elaborate GEOSS Architecture – Scenarios and Use Cases – Service and Component types – Interoperability Arrangements Slide 5

CFP response: Why participate in GEO AIP?

• Better awareness of community interoperability efforts • Better understanding and use of proposed GEOSS standards • Standardization of intra- and inter-system data exchange • Leveraging and reuse of existing resources through service-chaining • Increased value of existing development investments • Improved resource availability and decision-making for end users Slide originally from Shawn McClureCIRA, Colorado State University

• • • • • • • • • • • • •

AIP-2 CFP Responses (37 to date)

ACRF BKG Caribbean Flood Team CIESIN CNES and ERDAS Compusult EPA AirNow ERDAS Titan ESA ESIP AQ Cluster ESRI ESRI Canada EuroCryoClim • • • • • • • • • • • • • GEONETCast GEO Grid GEO-Ukraine Giovanni ICAN ICT4EO INCOSE IP3 ISPRA JAXA KDDI Mines Paris Tech NASA World Wind • • • • • • • • • • • NOAA/NASA GOES-R and GMU CSISS NOAA IOOS NOAA NCDC NOAA SNAAP Noblis Northrop Grumman Spot Image SURA/NIMSAT/GoMO OS USGS VIEWS Washington University in St. Louis

CFP Architecture – Component Types

Client Tier

GEO Web Site GEO Web Portal Portal Community Portals Client Applications GEOSS Registries Components Services Standards

Requirements Best Practices

GEOSS Clearinghouse Community Catalogues GEONETCast Product Access Services Sensor Web Services

Business Process Tier

Alerts/Feeds Servers Workflow Management Processing Severs Model Access Services Other Services

Access Tier

Other Services

AIP-2 Kickoff Workshop, September 2008

• At NCAR Mesa Laboratory, Boulder, Colorado, USA • 85 Participants • 3 Plenary Sessions • 12 Parallel Sessions based on CFP Responses • Established Working Groups; and Development Plan

AIP-2 Working Groups (WGs)

• Community WGs – Disaster Response – Climate Change and Biodiversity – Renewable Energy – Air Quality • Transverse Technology WGs: – Clearinghouse, Catalogues, Registries and Metadata – Access Services: products, sensors, models – Workflow and Alerts – Portals and Application Clients – Test Facility for service registration

Scenarios and Use Cases

• Coordination between WGs by technology Use Cases supporting science Scenarios • Scenarios provide end user view of the value of GEOSS – Focused on topics of interest to a community – Occur in a geographic Area of Interest (AOI) – Steps in a scenario are Use Cases – Scenarios developed by Community WGs • Use Cases show reuse of GEOSS service oriented architecture – Use cases for discovery, data access, etc – Utilize Interoperability Arrangements – Use Cases developed by Transverse Technology WGs

Community Scenarios - Draft

• Air Quality and Health: – Use of earth observations to inform three decision-makers: policy-maker, AQ compliance manager, and the public • Disasters: – Disaster cycle for Flooding events • Biodiversity and Climate Change – Polar scenario(s) – CC impact on Pikas in North America; – Protected areas monitoring; • Renewable Energy – Site selection process for solar and wind energy

• •

Transverse Technology Use Cases - DRAFT

Portals and Application Clients: – Discovering, saving Context – Discovery of components and services in clearinghouses – Discovery and display of CAP alerts/RSS feeds – Semantic search for specific communities – Authentication of users – Referral from GeoPortal to community portal/client – Visualization of EO products – Ordering of products Workflow and Alerts: – constructing a workflow – executing a workflow • • • Clearinghouse, Catalogue, Registers & Metadata – Assess Resources – Search Services – Publish Metadata System – Search Clearinghouse for Resources – Harvest Metadata – Registration Access Services – accessing a dataset, accessing a model, accessing a sensor – commanding a sensor Test Facility: – registering a test tool – testing a service

AIP-2 Interim Design Review

• 2 December at the Valencia Conference Center – A meeting of opportunity, co-located with several other meetings in same week, for example: GEOSS User and Architecture Workshop XXV • Design Review Agenda – AIP-2 Development Overview – Community WGs Scenarios – Transverse Technology WG Use Cases – Update planning

AIP-2 Development Schedule

AIP-2 Kickoff Workshop Community Scenarios - draft Transverse Tech Use Cases - draft Interim Design Review (Valencia Spain) Scenario storyboards developed Service registration Complete Scenario Testing complete; Screen captures Engineering Reports Complete; post some as Best Practices Operational baseline defined AIP-2 results transition to operations September 2008 November 2008 November 2008 2 December 2008 16 January 2009 16 January 2009 February 2009 March 2009 March 2009 1st quarter of 2009

AIP-2 Interim Design Review - Agenda

1400 AIP-2 Development Overview George Percivall 1415 Community WGs Scenarios (4 * 15 minutes each) * Biodiversity and CC: Stefano Nativi * Disasters : Didier Giaccobo, Stuart Frye, Alexandre Robin * Air Quality: * Renewable Energy: 1515 Transverse Technology WG Use Cases (5 * 15 min each) * Access: Terrence van Zyl, Herve Caumont * CCRM: Josh Lieberman * Portal and Clients: Herve Caumont * Workflow and Alerts: Satoshi Sekiguchi * Test Facility : Mirko Albani, Mauro Semerano 1645 Summary 1700 Adjourn