Benefits of Khan Academy - AuroraGT

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Benefits of Khan Academy

C H O I C E S F O R G I F T E D E D U C A T I O N B R A N D O N D U N K I N S C I E N C E I N S T R U C T O R , A U R O R A Q U E S T K 8 B L D U N K I N @ A P S . K 1 2 . C O . U S Q U E S T S C I E N C E G U Y .

W E E B L Y .

C O M P R E S E N T A T I O N W I K I : H T T P : / / A U R O R A G T . W I K I S P A C E S . C O M /

Online resource

 Absolutely FREE!

 Available anywhere with internet access  Technology increases engagement  Videos can be paused and re viewed


 Focus is on mathematics   Extensive knowledge map “Limited” science material…but it’s growing  Biology  Chemistry  Physics   Healthcare Limited in other content areas  Humanities, finance, and test prep

Benefits For the Student

 Self-paced  Automatic differentiation  Goal setting for lessons (ownership of learning)  Enrichment opportunities

Goal Setting

Benefits For the Teacher

 Immediate student data

Granular Student Data

Instant Class Data

Class Progress at Your Fingertips

Other Benefits for the Teacher  Increased student engagement means more time for one on one  Pre-testing for math is taken care of  Multiple uses – limited only by your imagination…

Many Uses of Khan Academy •


• Virtual tutor, summer academy •


• Access curriculum not available in district/school •

Online homework for snow days

Prepare for substitute

Teaching assistant/stations

Get students caught up from being absent

Warm ups (brain teasers, etc.)

…and to help guide: students and parents… You need to communicate!

A Class Website (easy communication)  There are many free ways to create a class website  Find one that suites your style  Find one that is easy to use  Find one that allows flexibility  I chose


For more information

  02/what-khan-be-done-with it.html  