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Geniuses At Work
Melanie Bray
James Klosson
Mindy Ruvinsky
What kinds of schools
Dame School
•For girls
 Latin Grammar School
•To prepare boys for higher
 District Schools
•For children of all ages
gathered in one room. Usually
held 30-50 students at any
given time.
Who were the Teachers
 Dame schools were usually
taught by older women. ht by
young women.
 Latin Grammar schools were
usually taught by men.
 District Schools were usually
taught by young women.
Gender Equality
Boys received a different
education than girls.
Girls were not required to
get a higher education.
Girls and boys attended
different schools.
Education for Wealthy Boys
Son’s of planters were often
taught at home.
School day started around
 Studied higher math, Greek,
Latin, Science, Celestial
navigation, Geography, History,
Fencing, Social etiquette, and
plantation management.
 Son’s of wealthy plantation
owners were sent to England
for boarding school.
Education for Wealthy Girls
Girls were taught by a
Learned reading, writing,
and arithmetic. Also Bible
and how to manage
household expenses.
Studied art, music,French,
social etiquette, needlework,
spinning, weaving, cooking,
and nursing.
Didn’t get to go to
England, because not
considered important.
 Was usually a small wooden
paddle with a piece of paper glued
to it.
Had the alphabet, pairs of
letters, religious verses, and often
the lord’s prayer.
Some were made of metal, or
silver. Some of Ivory and even
An early kind of reading
Had the alphabet and pairs of
Mixed up the letters of the
Had lists of short words and
had a short story of fable with
pictures to show everyday life.
New England Primer
 Introduced by Benjamin
 Letters of the alphabet
were illustrated by rhymed
 Lessons contained moral
texts based on the old
 2 million were sold in the
18th century
Education State Law of
State would take over
Large towns could
afford a qualified
master to run a
grammar school
Set up free schools
Education for Everyone
 It began in the home
 Taught by mother
 trace the alphabet in
the ashes and dust by
the fireplace
 Formal education was
 Education was
available to anyone
School Day
 The day started at 7am.
 9am was breakfast
 Dinner was from 2-5pm
 used a whispering stick
 Children were not
allowed to write with their
left hands
 Dunce caps
 Whipping post
 were picked up by your
seat by your left ear
Most toys for the nonwealthy children were
Cornhusk dolls were
common to girls.
 Boys used corncobs to build
cob houses.
 Hop scotch
 Cats and the cradle
Higher Education
 Dartmouth Collegefounded in 1770
 Rhode Island College
 Harvard College-1726
 Yale College-1807
 Princeton
 Kings College -1760