Transcript Banner 7

Banner 7
Another Year…
Another New Release….
It’s All Web
Banner 7 - Portal
Enter your personal bookmarks here.
Can be customized to display the
functionality you need most. For example, the
Parking Permit Application can become visible
when new permits need to be requested.
Will provide single sign-on capability.
Banner 7 Confidentiality Page
Message lines are gone
Must change screen resolution to 1024 X
768, otherwise all parts of the form will
not be visible.
Banner 7 – Opening Menu Form
New Menu Form
Items on the Menu Bar – Window and Help
Addition of the Tool Bar
Products Line replaced by Drop-down list
Icons are replaced with text
Magnifying glass is gone – Search or List
Tells you who is connected to the session
Banner 7 – Opening Menu Form
New Menu Item: XTender Solutions – Imaging
You only see what you have access to
New Banner Messages section
New Links on the right
Link to My Institution
Banner 7 – New Forms Look
UIS Icon is no longer available
Menu Tabs on many forms
Provides another way to navigate forms
The F5 key will call up a “Go to” window, where users
can navigate to another form without having to return to
the main menu. Pressing F5 again will close the window.
Banner 7
Right-clicking anywhere on the background canvas will
call up the Options menu. The Options menu now
includes Rollback, Save, Exit, Print, and Add to Personal
Menu, in addition to forms and windows that relate to
that particular form.
When a radio button or check box is present, you can
click on the label to select that option rather than having
to click directly in the circle or box.
Banner 7
Name searching from SPAIDEN and all
You can tab to the Name field and
enter the Last Name, a comma, and the
first name. The % can be used.
A list of the matches will appear where
you can further refine the search.
Banner 7 – Common Matching
An attempt to minimize multiple PIDMs, but not
a silver bullet
For data entry, not for searching – enter all data
in one screen instead of into five different blocks
Called from all “IDEN” forms if you click
“Generate ID” or enter an ID number that
doesn’t exist in Banner
Banner 7 – On-line Help
On-line Help
-Form Field and task help
How it is accessed:
-Online Help button on toolbar
-Online Help option in Help menu
-Help Center link on main menu
Functional Change Highlights
* Giving button on APAIDEN is now available if the
constituent has ANY contribution
* AGIMATG—New form that shows Employer Waiting
Matching Gifts
* APAPERS and APATELE are now obsolete
Accounts Receivable
* Document Number field added to TSADETL and TSAMASS
* TGACOMC--When comments reach the end of a line, the cursor
now stops instead of erasing the whole line
Functional Change Highlights
* FOAPERS and FOATELE are now obsolete; this information is now
included on FOAIDEN
* FTMAGCY and FTMVEND—information on these forms has been
reorganized, and common matching can be called from here.
Financial Aid
* Setup for Common Matching for the Tape Load Process
* New form—ROIASIQ—assists in determining if the student had a
prior aid application or has a record in the Student or Accounts
Receivable system.
Functional Change Highlights
* Concurrent Curricula structure. There are two ways of keeping
track of curriculum data
—you can overwrite the existing curriculum or keep a history.
* New form—SHATCKN (Course Maintenance Form) replaces
Human Resources and Payroll
Tabs added to many forms
No major functional changes
Banner 7
Use of the Emergency Contact Form
(SPAEMRG or the Emergency Contact tab)
Should the University make use of the
Banner Emergency Form to collect this
Banner Reminders
Don’t search from the gateway window or the grey
screen otherwise you will be kicked out of INB.
The INB window will disappear !
When you click on the Confidentiality Screen and move
into Banner you are accepting the responsibility to
protect the data
EXTRACT Data option
Reporting Banner Errors to the Help Desk
Cancel Query icon, Enter Query and Execute Query
Calculator and Calendar icons
Banner Support Page
My Banner
Banner 7 – Duplicates and SSNs
If you find duplicate records, enter the same
SSN on both records. The records will appear on
a weekly list for processing.
Then send e-mail to Lorraine Mancuso
indicating which record should be deleted.
If an SSN is entered as an ID, all information
on that person will be deleted and the person
who created the record will need to recreate the
entire record.