Aim: How will we apply Psychoanalytic Criticism to *The Story of an

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Transcript Aim: How will we apply Psychoanalytic Criticism to *The Story of an

Aim: How will we apply Psychoanalytic
Criticism to “The Story of an Hour”
Do Now: 1. Copy the following definition:
specific psychological principles to the study
of literature.
2. What does “unconscious” mean? Think about
a dream you had. How much do you
remember about the dream?
“Unconscious “ means that you
are “there” but not aware of
what is happening. It is
referred to the irrational part
of our minds.
Freud’s Model of the Human Psyche(Mind)
• Id = irrational, unconscious part of the psyche
please principle
• Ego = rational, logical part of the mind
(although part of its activities remain in the
unconscious part) (reality principle)
• Superego = internal censor, cause us to make
moral judgments because of social pressures
(morality principle)
Based on what we learned about
Psychoanalytic Criticism, how can we
apply Freud’s theories to “The Story
of an Hour”?