Using MicroGrade for Windows - SBCC Faculty Resource Center

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Using MicroGrade
Management Software
©2001 Chariot Software Group
Why Use MicroGrade?
Keeps you organized and informed
Saves time
Lets students know where they stand
Provides many different types of reports
Makes seating charts
Tracks attendance
WebGrade feature
Informs parents of student progress
Informs resource room teachers and counselors
©2001 Chariot Software Group
Your Grading System
Total points
Percent weight of categories and assignments
Relative weight of categories and assignments
Relative weight of assignments
Bonus assignments
Drop a low score
Four quarters and final exam
©2001 Chariot Software Group
MicroGrade Highlights
Student rosters
Individual grade sheets
Class grade sheets
Blank worksheets
Entire grade book
Grades by assignment
Statistics report
Free form reports
©2001 Chariot Software Group
Attendance records
Seating charts
Grade posting
Quick Start
Quick Start
Simplifies Class Set-up
©2001 Chariot Software Group
The Easy Way
Use the Quick Start feature under Help menu
Type in Class Name and Grading Period
Select Grading Method and Display of Student
Set Grade Standards (A, B, C ……)
Add Categories and Assignments
Add Student Records
©2001 Chariot Software Group
Choose Grading Method
Decide how you keep your grade book
Go Edit, Preferences For, Grades and Scores
Choose from:
Percentage weight of categories and assignments
Relative weight of categories and assignments
Total points of assignments
Relative weight of assignments
©2001 Chariot Software Group
Choose Grading Method
©2001 Chariot Software Group
Preferences: Student Information
Go Edit, Preferences For, Student Information
Name Format – choose “As Entered” This will
take care of students such as McDonald
Click: Student ID required
Select: Generate IDs manually
Select: WebGrade password - automatically
©2001 Chariot Software Group
Student Preferences Screen
©2001 Chariot Software Group
Entering Student Information
Go: Students, Student Records
Add students: Make sure “Add Students”
button is checked
Type: required information (last name, first
name, student ID)
Type: any other information you want to include
in student records
Edit student: make sure “Edit Active Student”
button is checked
©2001 Chariot Software Group
Student Records
©2001 Chariot Software Group
Student Attributes
Used when you want to sort a list of students
Suggestion – combine students taking same
course into one file (all English 10)
Sort students according to
Your own groupings
©2001 Chariot Software Group
Define Student Attributes
Go To: Students, Define Student Attributes
Click: Add New Attribute
Type: Attribute title
Click: Add Attribute Value
Type: Values for Attribute (i.e. period numbers)
©2001 Chariot Software Group
Define Student Attributes window
©2001 Chariot Software Group
Assign Student Attributes
Go: Students, Assign Student Attributes
Select: Attribute for each student as they are
Use: Down arrow key to select students
©2001 Chariot Software Group
Assigning Attributes
©2001 Chariot Software Group
Select Students Using Attributes
Go: Students, Select Students
Use first column of buttons, select Student
Use second column, select Period
Use third column, select equals (=)
Use last button, choose period you want
©2001 Chariot Software Group
Select Students
©2001 Chariot Software Group
Preferences for Display & Sorting
Uncheck “Mark altered scores with a *
Adjust “Highlight this grade or below in red.”
Adjust Windows highlight color
©2001 Chariot Software Group
Preferences for Display & Sorting
©2001 Chariot Software Group
Security Issues
Use a password?
Where you keep your “main files”
Work from a hard drive, floppy backup
Work from a floppy for portability, hard drive backup
School vs. home
Always make a backup – ALWAYS
Turn disk into office at end of year – make a
©2001 Chariot Software Group
Working with Class Rosters
Type in names manually
Import names from School Information System
Import from a text file
Exporting names for use with other programs
Use Export, General to transfer roster to
another MicroGrade file (Middle School teams)
©2001 Chariot Software Group
Grade Standards
Used for High Schools and Middle Schools
Same standards for entire school – consistent
©2001 Chariot Software Group
Grade Standards
©2001 Chariot Software Group
Changing Grade Standards Table
Go: Edit, Grade Standards
In “% Cutoff” column, use lowest number for
that category
Eliminate rows you don’t want or need
©2001 Chariot Software Group
E-mail Reports
MicroGrade can e-mail the following
The Class Roster Report
The Student Summary Report
The Class Standards Report
The Grades by Assignment Report
The Free Form Report
©2001 Chariot Software Group
Must be connected to SMTP server
Must have e-mail addresses for students
Enter manually or import from SIS
You can send free form e-mail to all students
©2001 Chariot Software Group
Report Preferences
Change font and size
Decide what information to use in headers
Show or not show grade letters in reports
Show points or percent for categories and
©2001 Chariot Software Group
Preferences for Reports
©2001 Chariot Software Group
Reporting Methods
E-mail 1
Email 2
Email 1 &2
©2001 Chariot Software Group
Sample Reports
Start with output to screen – save paper
Can shrink using page setup
Use horizontal format where appropriate
Post on door, bulletin board, wall
Use e-mail and web to save paper
©2001 Chariot Software Group
©2001 Chariot Software Group
Student Summary
©2001 Chariot Software Group
Class Standards Report
©2001 Chariot Software Group
Overall Class Grades
©2001 Chariot Software Group
Grades By Assignment
©2001 Chariot Software Group
Grade Book
©2001 Chariot Software Group
Statistics - Graphs
©2001 Chariot Software Group
Statistics Chart
©2001 Chariot Software Group
©2001 Chariot Software Group
Free Form Report
©2001 Chariot Software Group
Attendance Report
©2001 Chariot Software Group
Attendance Grid
©2001 Chariot Software Group
Seating Chart
©2001 Chariot Software Group
The Windows
©2001 Chariot Software Group
Windows Management
You can have all four windows open at once
Class Roster
Student Summary
Categories and Assignments
Class Scores
Let any box take over screen using
middle button – less confusing
©2001 Chariot Software Group
Class Roster
This is the main screen
Sort according to
name, id, score
©2001 Chariot Software Group
Student Summary
Individual information
Can input info here
Total picture of student
©2001 Chariot Software Group
Categories and Assignments
Listing of every
test and assignment
©2001 Chariot Software Group
Class Scores
Input scores in this window
©2001 Chariot Software Group
Label scores
Use Class Score window
Mark score as
Return to
Import scores
from other file
©2001 Chariot Software Group
Fill using Command
©2001 Chariot Software Group
What else can you do?
Export rosters for use in spreadsheet – posting
Set up and assign comments
Import scores from other MicroGrade files
Use MicroGrade for attendance
Use MicroGrade Help
Instruction manual available from Chariot
©2001 Chariot Software Group
Send reports to WebGrade – Chariot’s server
Accessed by students, parents, counselors,
resource room teachers
Everyone informed and up-to-date
Total grade sheet available for viewing
Roster, graphical statistics available
©2001 Chariot Software Group
WebGrade Process
Upload to Chariot
Open account – follow online instructions
Each class has own file
Students access by using student ID and
password generated by MicroGrade
Go to WebGrade
©2001 Chariot Software Group
Contact Information
Web Site:
Email: [email protected]
Telephone: 619-298-0202
Mail Address:
Chariot Software Group
2837 Presidio Drive
San Diego, CA 92103
©2001 Chariot Software Group