Chapter 32 Geography and Early Development of Rome

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Transcript Chapter 32 Geography and Early Development of Rome

     32.1 Introduction 1. The King was afraid of them taking power 2. He wanted to be the King of Rome 3. Parts of the story are not true 4. The real groups of people who found Rome

         32.2 The Early Romans and their Neighbors 1. They were the first Romans They invaded Italy before 1,000 B.C.E.

2. On the Palatine Etruscans and Greeks 3. Dominate Etruria, just north of Rome Ruled northern and central Italy 4. When Greek colonists established towns in southern Italy From traders and Greeks in Rome

         1. Engineering techniques like the Arch and Cuniculus 2. A long underground trench To carry water for irrigation Drain swamps Carry water to cities 3. The keystone Bridges Stadiums Aqueducts

   32.4 The Influence of Etruscan Sporting Events 1. Slave fighting and chariot races 2. Gladiators fights and chariot races

  32.5 The Influence of Greek Architecture 1. The Romans used Greek designs in their public buildings

     32.6 The Influence of Greek Writing 1. The Etruscans adopted and changed the Greek alphabet, the Romans then adopted and changed the Etruscan alphabet 2. Romans wrote in all capital letters like the Greeks Romans carved inscriptions in walls and columns for all to see like the Greeks Roman writers were inspired by Greek writers

    32.7 The Influence of Greek Art Pottery Sculpture Painting

    32.8 The Influence of Greek Mythology 1. Blend of many influences Especially Greek Mythology 2. They blended that god’s characteristics with their own gods