Transcript Slide 1

Warsaw Conference 19 September 2011

EU 2020 Strategy from the Industrial Minerals industry perspective

Dr Michelle Wyart-Remy IMA-Europe


The Industrial Minerals Industry in the EU represented by IMA-Europe

Ground/Precipated Calcium Carbonate & Dolomite (CCA-Europe) Bentonite (EUBA); Borate (EBA); Diatomite (IDPA) Feldspar (EUROFEL); Kaolin & Plastic Clays (KPC-Europe) Lime (EuLA); Silica (EUROSIL); Talc (EUROTALC) Andalusite, Mica, Sepiolite & Vermiculite (ESMA) 28 European Countries i.e. 23 EU Member States + Croatia, Norway, Switzerland, Turkey and Ukraine 500 companies (685 mines & quarries, 750 plants) 42.500 employees 180 million tpa, EUR 10 billion Warsaw Conference 19 September 2011 2

Industrial Minerals?

defined by the variety of their applications

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Metallic ore: mineral, from which a metal can be extracted economically.

Industrial mineral: mineral, which may be used in an industrial process directly due to its chemical/physical properties. Industrial minerals are used in a range of industrial applications including the manufacture of steel, chemicals, glass, fertilisers and fillers in pharmaceuticals and cosmetics, ceramics, plastics, paint, paper, and the treatment of gases and waste, etc. Industrial minerals include barites, bentonite, borates, clays, diatomite, feldspar, fluorspar, gypsum, limestone, silica sand, talc, and many others.

(1) Report of the Ad-hoc WG on defining critical raw materials, (2010)

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Industrial Minerals (IM)

“Your world is made of them” GLASS contains up to 100% minerals

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50% of PAINT is made of minerals

calcium carbonates, quartz, cristobalite, plastic clay, talc, bentonite, diatomite, mica

A CAR contains up to 100-150 kg of minerals

in rubber (talc, calcium carbonate, baryte), plastics (talc, calcium carbonate, kaolin, silica, wollastonite), glass, casting (bentonite, silica, wollastonite)

Up to 50% of a sheet of PAPER is made from minerals

calcium carbonate, talc, kaolin, bentonite

CERAMICS contain up to 100% minerals

feldspar, clay & kaolin, lime, talc, silica

For one tonne of STEEL several minerals are needed:

bentonite, lime, olivine, silica sand

A family HOUSE contains up to 150 tonnes of minerals

Cement (clay, calcium carbonate, silica sand), plaster & plasterboard (gypsum, hydrated lime, calcium carbonate), insulation, ceramics, bricks & tiles, glass, paint, etc.



IM in high-tech, eco-innovative products

e.g. abrasives, refractories, technical ceramics, geo-polymers, composite materials

IM help to lighten materials, lower their C footprint, consume less energy, e.g. solar cells, wind mills, insulation, etc .

IM replace scarcer , less eco-friendly materials e.g. oil-based materials More schools, roads, trains, notebooks

will require more IM

IM industry requires highly skilled employees

e.g. engineers, IT, material science

Computers, smartphones, cables IM in optic fibres & plastics :

rare earths, graphite, carbon, lithium, cobalt,

Warsaw Conference


Still largely a SME-based industry IM main global players are European

e.g. Imerys, Sibelco, RTM Minerals, Carmeuse & Lhoist

Cheaper, better insulated housing

will require more IM


Resource Efficiency:

The third pillar of the Raw Materials Initiative

COM (2008) 699 Europe's Raw Materials Integrated Strategy based on three pillars

Ensuring access

to raw materials from

International Markets

under the same conditions as other industrial competitors Warsaw Conference 19 September 2011 Right framework conditions within the EU in order to foster sustainable supply from European sources

Boosting resource efficiency and recycling

to reduce the EU's consumption of primary raw materials 6

At global scale mineral resources are not scarce 1

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Only a small percentage of the Earth’s surface and subsurface have been explored in detail.

The potential for discovering new mineral deposits is vast and the geological availability is indefinite.

The main issue concerns exploration and technological developments that will allow for a sustainable exploitation of resources, e.g. feldspar is the most common mineral on Earth forming up to 60% of the Earth crust. Silica comes second with 12% of the Earth’s crust and limestone can be found in abundance worldwide.

However …

(1) Report of the Ad-hoc WG on defining critical raw materials, (2010)

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… however their domestic access may be severely constrained

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Not all grades are widely spread and geology dictates the availability of minerals and their different qualities and grades Extraction competes with other forms of land use, be these urban, agricultural, or other types of industrial use, but also nature and landscape protection, which themselves find their origin in geology This is particularly true on some markets where mineral resources may be heavily constrained by local, regional or national restrictions

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Most IM are not critical, but access is crucial

5,0 4,5 4,0 3,5 Rare Earths PGM 3,0 2,5 2,0 1,5 1,0 0,5 0,0 3,0 Barytes Diatomite Talc Perlite Clays 4,0 Antimony Germanium Magnesium Gallium Indium Niobium Beryllium Lithium Borate Gypsum Limestone Silver Feldspar Bentonite Silica Copper Titanium 5,0 6,0

Economic Importance

7,0 Cobalt Tungsten Fluorspar Graphite Tantalum Rhenium Tellurium Iron Magnesite Chromium Vanadium Molybdenum Zinc Aluminum Bauxite Manganese Nickel 8,0 9,0 10,0 Warsaw Conference 19 September 2011

Most industrial minerals are not defined as critical, except graphite and fluorspar. However this may evolve with demand and some grades may be at higher risk than others due to heavy constraints dictated by nature, landscape, cultural interests …


Resource efficiency challenges as publicly debated


“Using less, living better” concept:

consumption reduction & absolute decoupling -

“Urban mines”

to be favoured on “land mines”, to reduce impact on biodiversity! - Emphasis on

dismantlement and recycling

, not actually on “efficient use” -

A zero waste society

: LCA loop should consider

“cradle to cradle”

- Mandatory

valorisation of mining waste

, according to waste hierarchy Warsaw Conference 19 September 2011



Natural resource use may be penalised


RE indicators

based on resource use (mass flows/land use), water, GHG, energy -

Zero footprint for secondary & recycled materials

e.g. Construction Product Regulation (CPR), Green Public Procurement (GPP), etc.


Taxation of virgin raw material

“A tax reform shifting taxation from labour productivity to resource productivity” -

Eco-label, eco-design & GPP

imposing a recycled/secondary material content Warsaw Conference 19 September 2011



IM resource efficiency is manifold

1. Primary resource efficiency: efficient sourcing through sustainable mining and processing 2. Efficiency of usage: by improving the performance of the many end-use applications they contribute to developing, industrial minerals enable savings in downstream sectors 3. Secondary resource efficiency: by-products and waste valorisation, allowing waste streams reduction 4. Recycling of their end-use applications: industrial minerals are recovered through the recycling of the products in which they are used

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1. Primary resource efficiency:

sustainable mining and processing

Maximising recovery to reduce ultimate waste

Lowering energy, water and chemicals consumption

Developing new downstream markets for the full range of recovered grades


2. Efficiency of Usage:

improved performance & savings in downstream sectors Water treatment & filtration Bentonite, carbonates,

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Geosynthetic Clay Liner Bentonite Gas treatment Carbonates, Lime H 2 O borohydride fueled vehicle Boron Energy saver Tyres Talc, silica Agriculture & Forestry Borates , c arbonate,

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Self-cleaning Glass Crystalline silica 14


Industrial Minerals in alternative power sources

• High grade Quartz Sawing Silicon Wafers

Photovoltaic solar cells require high purity silica, as well as carefully calibrated grains of silicon carbide to saw the wafers

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Industrial Minerals in alternative power sources

Wind turbines

Wind turbines require fibreglass minerals, filler minerals and minerals for casting (boron, graphite and rare earths)

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3. Secondary resource efficiency:

by-products and waste valorisation

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By-products from IM processes may be processed to become co-products, e.g. double flotation allows the recovery of Ni concentrate from Finnish talc ore While some IM premium grades are used as feed additives, lower grades can be valorised as processing aids Mining waste and demolition waste valorised in road undercoats

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4. End-applications recycling:

IM are recovered

• • •

Retrieving IM from the complex matrix of their end use applications is technically highly complex and makes no sense from an energy perspective Therefore, the recycling rate of most IM stricto sensu appears very low or even nil However many of the products containing IM are recycled in such a way that IM performance is retained, allowing secondary usage (glass, PP) or downgrading

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IMA-Europe position on RE

• RE is

not just about recycling

• RE is also about

a better and longer use

• RE is about developing & selecting

efficient raw materials

• RE is just one of the aspects of


• RE requires a

holistic approach

, looking at the

whole life cycle of a product

, and not through the narrow views of mass flows and recycling • RE has always been a key priority for the IM sector : making the best of a resource in a sustainable manner is a driver of every economically viable mining company

To conclude

• • • • Warsaw Conference 19 September 2011

Reduction of resource use per se is not key for non-critical resources that play a major role in achieving low-carbon, environmentally-friendly solutions Resource efficiency for IM is a highly integrated concept which takes into account the end-use applications’ full life-cycle from cradle to cradle Resource efficiency is quantifiable thanks to life-cycle based indicators The IM sector is committed to RE progress through Innovation Partnerships European Innovation Partnership on Raw Materials - SPIRE - Sustainable Process Industry through Resource

and Energy Efficiency (Public Private Partnership) 20

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Resource Efficiency should not be limited to “using less”, it should promote

“Using better”!

Thank you for your attention!

Dr Michelle Wyart-Remy IMA - Europe, Brussels Tel: +322 210 44 10 [email protected]