Transcript Slide 1

Data sources and data on enterprise groups

Sarmite Prole Head of Business Register Section Business Statics Department Central Statistical Bureau of Latvia

May 19-23, 2014


• Data sources • National data sources • International data sources • Data exchange with Eurostat • Data dissemination May 19-23, 2014

Data sources

National: • Administrative sources – Public sources • – Private sources Statistical surveys • • International: Euro Groups Register European Business Register May 19-23, 2014

National public data sources

Register of Enterprise of Latvia:

• Monitors unique identification No of legal person (duplication of ID No isn’t possible, the same ID No is used in all administrative databases) • Registers creation, cessation, restructuring, change of ownership and shares, change of legal address, change of name of legal person • On-line access to Data base * creations and closures, restructuring of existing enterprises, changes of legal form, name and address, changes of owners, share of capital, participants, Annual Balance Sheets State Revenue Service: • • Maintains Taxpayer's Register Compiles copies of Annual Balance Sheets • Compiles copies of Consolidated Balance Sheets

* Licensed data re-users

May 19-23, 2014

National private data sources

• Online access to data base of Ltd “LURSOFT IT”, Ltd “Crefo Rating” and Ltd “”, website addresses etc., which contains information from Register of Enterprise • Other data sources May 19-23, 2014

Statistical data sources

• FATS surveys – UCI country, share of capital and participants, affiliates abroad, number of persons employed • Statistical Business Register update survey information about participation in enterprise group • Research and development statistics survey information about participation in enterprise group • Other statistical surveys May 19-23, 2014

International data sources (1)

Euro Groups Register

Source: and Eurostat

May 19-23, 2014

International data sources (2)

Euro Groups Register online data base • Euro Groups Register ofline data base May 19-23, 2014

International data sources (4)

European Business register (EBR) is an organization that unites European companies’ registration systems. Its aim is to provide a unified company database exchange in online regime.

May 19-23, 2014

Summary (1)

• • Strengths: • Accuracy – information about all legal units which enclosed in Euro Groups Register • • • More complete information about non-resident units Structure of identified enterprise groups in LV and relationships between units More complete information on core variables (NACE, number of persons employed, address, shareholders) Improved data comparability with EU and EFTA countries Contacts May 19-23, 2014

Summary (2)

Weaknesses: • Timeliness – data reference period t-2 • Not all enterprise groups included in Euro Groups Register • Limited number of cooperation countries • Different confidential rules in EU and EFTA countries • Cut-off threshold May 19-23, 2014

Data dissemination (LV)

• Internal data user: – Statistics on Foreign Affiliates (FATS) – Statisticians for checking of information • External data users: – Statistical Yearbook of Latvia – CSB Database ( 22b0-416a-aacc-aa650d3e2ce0 ) – Individual data requests May 19-23, 2014

Data exchange

• SBR of Latvia is a part of Euro Groups Register • SBR of Latvia is authentic store for Euro Groups Register ID Service • Available data per period t-2 • Realized 4 EGR data update cycles between Eurostat and NSIs May 19-23, 2014

Euro Groups data update cycle

Milestones (preliminary) May 19-23, 2014

Future plans

A Vision Infrastructure Project, endorsed by the ESS Committee for 2013-2017, aiming at creating a European System of interoperable statistical Business Registers (ESBRs), assigns a reinforced infrastructural role to the BRs to make the ESBRs becoming the backbone for the production of European businesses statistics, both at national and at European level, by delivering consistent frame populations across statistical domains and across countries to improve consistency and coherence, and to reduce production costs. The project also focusses on further improvement of the EuroGroups Register to provide better insight on globalisation.

May 19-23, 2014

Thank You for Your attention!


May 19-23, 2014