World History Chapter 10 sec 1

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English and American Revolutions
Chapter 10
Section 1
 As the lower classes began to demand more
rights, the sun set on the tranquil world of
the Enlightenment as history moved on to a
period of commotion and revolution.
 Therefore, by the late 1600s, England
would undergo two revolutions limiting the
power of the monarch.
 A new political age was dawning in England
and throughout the world.
How did the revolution start? An able leader of
England, Queen Elizabeth recognized the
importance of the goodwill of the people and of
Parliament, the lower house.
Because of her belief, after her death, Parliament,
especially the House of Commons, was
determined to increase its control over national
This move by Parliament resulted in a conflict with
the Crown that tore the nation apart.
Because Elizabeth died childless, James I, the
son of Elizabeth’s cousin, Mary, Queen of
Scots, became king.
Soon after James became king of England,
problems arose with the English Parliament.
Especially when he announced his belief in
the divine right- that monarchs derive their
power directly from God and that such
power is absolute. He lectured the
Such statements aroused the resentment among the members
of Parliament.
England’s unsettled religious issues only added to the tension
between Parliament and the Crown.
For example, in the 1600s most English people belonged to
the Church of England, but they had differences of opinion
about the doctrine and rituals of the Church.
One powerful group of dissenters, or opponents, within the
Church was the Puritans.
They wanted the Church to be “purified” of remaining Catholic
rituals and symbols.
Many Puritans in Parliament called for these reforms.
Unfortunately, James rejected the suggested changes, and in
turn warned the Puritans that if they did not conform to
the Church of England, he would force them out.
Eventually, the Puritans turned against James and many left
the land and settled in North America.
Despite his controversial ways, James did have a major
contribution to the religion and literature of the Englishspeaking world.
For instance, he had a group of scholars prepare a new
translation of the Bible from Greek and Hebrew into
The new version became the best- known English version of
the Bible.
When James I died in 1625, his son Charles
became king.
Charles I inherited the country’s religious conflicts
and political divisions.
Like his father, he opposed the Puritans and
believed in the divine right of kings.
Adding to the tension, Charles eventually married a
Catholic woman.
In addition, when he asked Parliament for money to
fight a war against Spain and France, and they only
gave him a fraction of the sum he had requested,
the king dissolved Parliament immediately and
tried to raise money without its consent.
He forced landowners to give loans to the
government. When they refused, he put
them in jail.
Obviously, people were outraged by the king’s
In addition, people were also angered by
Charles’s demand to billet, or board and
lodge, his troops in private homes, and when
he placed some areas under martial law, or
temporary military rule with limitations on
individual rights.
After all this, Parliament wanted to press changes on the king.
Therefore, in return for its approval of additional taxes to
support the war, Parliament forced Charles to sign the Petition
of Right.
The Petition severely limited Charles’s power in four ways:
 First, the king was forbidden to collect taxes or force loans
without Parliament’s consent.
 Second, the king could not imprison anyone without just
 Third, troops could not be housed in a private home against
the will of the owner.
 Fourth, the king could not declare martial law unless the
country was at war.
Charles’s desire to maintain his power, however,
was not checked by the Petition of Right
Nearly a year after Parliament had authorized funds
in return for his signature on the document,
Charles dissolved Parliament and vowed never to
call it again.
For the next 11 years, Charles ruled without the
advice or consent of the Parliament.
He continued to collect taxes and imprison
opponents ignoring the Petition of Right he had
At the same time, Charles deepened the religious
divisions within England.
He named William Laud to be Archbishop of
Canterbury, the leading official of the Church of
Together, Laud and Charles persecuted the Puritans.
They denied Puritans the right to preach or to publish.
They burned Puritan writings, and punished outspoken
Puritans with public whippings.
As a result, thousands of Puritans sought religious
freedom in the English colonies in America.
Their exodus from England from 1630
through 1643 is known as the Great
Most Puritans, however, remained in their
homeland, determined to fight Charles and
others who opposed them.
Charles and Archbishop Laud then turned their
attention to Scotland.
In an effort to establish the Church of England in
Scotland, the king and the archbishop tried to
force the Calvinist Church of Scotland to accept
the Church of England’s prayer book and formed
a National Covenant, or agreement, in which they
pledged to preserve their religious freedom.
Outraged by the king’s actions, they were prepared
to go to war to do so.
Beginnings of the Civil War
By 1640 the Scots had invaded England.
In dire need of money, Charles was forced to recall a
Parliament that he had ignored for 11 years.
The members of Parliament, however, refused to discuss
anything without first voicing their complaints about
Charles’s handling of religious and political issues.
As a result, Charles dissolved this Parliament, known as
the Short Parliament, after only 3 weeks.
Charles became so desperate for money that he
had no choice to summon Parliament once
By this time members of Parliament were
seething with anger and demanded to voice
their complaints to the king.
Controlled by Puritans, this session of Parliament,
called the Long Parliament, would meet for
almost 20 years.
The Long Parliament was determined to
decrease Charles’s power. The members
abolished the special courts used to
imprison Charles’s opponents and passed a
law requiring Parliament to be called every
3 years.
They ended all forms of illegal taxation and
jailed and later executed the hated
Archbishop Laud.
While Parliament convened, trouble erupted in
Relations between England and Ireland had been
strained since the 1100s.
The Irish people remained Roman Catholic and
refused to accept the Church of England.
What angered the Irish most was the continuing
English practice of seizing land from Irish owners
and giving it to English and Scottish settlers.
In 1641 the Irish rebelled.
Faced with rebellion in both Scotland and Ireland,
Charles was at the mercy of the Puritan controlled
As the Puritans grew stronger, a royalist, or
pro-monarchy, group formed in Parliament.
It was made up of people who supported the
king and opposed Puritan control of the
Church of England.
As time went on, debates between Puritans
and royalists became more heated.
Despite resistance by the royalists, Parliament sent
Charles “Nineteen Propositions” that made
Parliament the supreme power in England.
Charles, however, refused to agree to its demands.
With a dramatic personal appearance, Charles led
troops into the House of Commons and
attempted to arrest five of its leaders.
The five were hidden and protected from capture.
The king’s use of force meant there could be no
Both Charles and Parliament prepared for war.
The English Civil War
Charles gathered an army that included nobles and
landowners in the north and west of the country.
They were called the Cavaliers because many
belonged to the king’s cavalry, or armed
Supporters of the Parliament and Puritans drew
their strength from the south and east of England.
They were called the Roundheads because many
of them had close-cropped hair.
Parliament organized its military forces under the
leadership of Oliver Cromwell.
Cromwell was an important figure in history. He was
a very religious man and a brilliant military
His rigorous training and firm discipline of the
parliamentary forces led to several decisive victories.
In fact, he led Parliament to a victory that gave them
complete control over the English government. This
control eventually led to the establishment of an
entirely new government.
A New Government
This new government ended the monarchy and set
up a republic known as a commonwealth, a state
ruled by elected representatives.
From the beginning, the new government faced
much opposition.
However, overseas, the republic’s mercantilist
policies advanced English trade as well as their
position as a European Power.
In addition, the new government placed England
under military rule, with Cromwell himself as
Lord Protector.
Religious freedom was granted to all non-Anglican
Protestants, but Puritan rules were still followed
and people were required to attend church and to
avoid drinking, swearing, and gambling.
When Cromwell died in 1658, his son Richard was
unable to maintain the government plus people
were tired of military rule and unhappy with
Puritan restrictions.
Therefore, a newly elected Parliament restored the
monarchy under Charles I’s son, Charles II.
Representative government and individual rights
would survive, however.
In fact, no English monarch would ever be able to
claim absolute power again.