Transcript European

European History Renaissance through Napoleon
Column A
___1. 1492
___2. 1521
___3. 1545
___4. 1598
___5. 1648
___6. 1688
___7. 1700
___8. 1756
___9. 1789
___10. 1815
Column B
A. Fall of Napoleon I
B. Council of Trent
C. Peter the Great in power
D. Columbus discovered America
E. Glorious Revolution
F. Edict of Nantes
G. Magellan circumnavigated the globe
H. Treaty of Westphalia
I. French Revolution
J. Seven Years’ War
Briefly explain the importance of each of the following places in the period from the
Renaissance through Napoleon I.
1. Worms
3. Florence
5. Vienna
2. Versailles
4. Amsterdam
6. Blenheim
7. Utrecht
9. Manchester
8. Aix-la-Chapelle
10. Waterloo
Identify each of the following individuals and tell his importance in history
1. Gustavo Adolphus6
2. Leonardo da Vinci
3. Ferdinand Magellan
4. Martin Luther
5. Bisphop Bossuet
6. James I
7. Jean-Jacques Rousseau
8. Nicolas Copernicus
9. Voltaire
10. Thomas Malthus
Explain the Meaning of each of the following terms
Heliocentric theory
Divine Right
Enlightened Despot
Social Contract
Natural Law
Liberty, Equality, and Fraternity
Within Each Group of terms, arrange the items in chronological order
1. Absolute monarchy, national monarchy, constitutional monarchy
2. Guilds, laissez-faire, mercantilism
3. Three estates, individualism, equality
4. Nicolas Copernicus, Galileo Galilei, Isaac Newton
5. Excecution of Louis VI, Tennis Court Oath, Reign of Terror
6. Universal Church, religious toleration, established churches
7. Jean-Jacques Rousseau, John Locke, Montesquieu
8. Ferdinand Magellan, Christopher Columbus, Francis Drake
9. Portuguese, English, and Dutch commercial empires
10. Baroque, renaissance, neoclassical
Match the authors in column B with their works in column A
Column A
___1. The Courtier
___2. The Social Contract
___3. The Prince
___4. The Wealth of Nations
___5. Against the Murderous
and Thieving Peasant
___6. On the Revolution of the
Heavenly Bodies
___7. In Praise of Folly
___8. Essay on Population
___9. Two Treatises on Civil
___10. Leviathan
Column B
a. Desiderus Erasmus
b. Thomas Hobbes
c. Nicolaus Copernicus
d. Jean-Jacques Rousseau
e. Thomas Malthus
f. Niccolo Machiavelli
g. Martin Luther
h. Baldassare Castiglione
i. Adam Smith
j. John Locke
Identify the author of each quotation, and explain what the quotation means.
“Here I stand”
“I’m the state”
“But it does move”
“The Holy Roman Empire is neither holy, nor Roman, nor an Empire.”
“A prince needs only to conquer to maintain his position. The means he
has used…will be praised by everybody.”
“…the state of nature had a law of nature to govern it, which obliges
everyone, and reason, which is that law…not to harm another in life,
liberty, and property.”
“…to increase its wealth, a nation must increase its productivity.”
“…the young men will go fight, married men will make arms and
transport supplies, women will make tents and uniforms.”
“…to destroy the island of shopkeepers.”
“Paris is well worth a Mass.”
Place an X on the name of the person or event that is not contemporary with
the other two
1. Charles V, Martin Luther, Cardinal Richelieu
2. Jean-Jacques Rousseau, Voltaire, John Locke
3. Honore Mirabeau, Maximillien Robespierre, Montesquieu
4. Frederick the Great, Peter the Great, Catherin the Great
5. Isaac Newton, James II, Henry IV
6. Thirty Years War, Council of Trent, Gustavus Adolphus
7. Vasco Nunez de Balboa, Hernan Cortes, Samuel de Champlain
8. Isaac Newton, Louis XIV, Jean Froissant
9. Desiderius Erasmus, Bishop Bossuet, Niccolo Machiavelli
10. Henry VII of England, Charles V of France, Gustavus Adolphus
Identify each item and explain its importance
Tennis Court Oath
The English Bill of Rights
Ninety Five Theses
Edict of Nantes
Long Parliament
Decleration of the Rights of Man
Concordant of 1801
Diplomatic Revolution
Continental System
For each pair, label the cause C and the effect E
1. ___ Reformantion
2. ___ Agriculture Revolution
3. ___ Hapsburg power
4. ___ Louis XIV
5. ___ bankruptcy of France
6. ___ rise of Napoleon
7. ___ Glorious Revolution
8. ___ Copernicus
9. ___ The Prince
10. ___ scientific revolution
___Ninety-Five Thesis
___Industrial Revolution
___Thirty Years’ War
___revocation of the Edict of Nantes
___French Revolution
___corrupt Directory
___James II
___Ptolemaic system
___Italian disunity