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The sounds of
the world
Discuss these questions with your partner.
1.what kind of music do you like?
2.when you listen to a song, do you listen to
the words or the music?
3. Do you play any musical instrument? What is
your favourite instrument?
4. Do you like to listen to music from other
The sounds of the world.
There is a world of music out there!
What we hear on the radio or see on
TV is only a small part of all the
wonderful music that is waiting for us.
Most of us probably like pop music
and have our favourite performers,stars
or bands,but many of us also want to
discover new sounds and rhythms.
Here is a brief look at some of the
exciting musical styles from around the
Blues music has a long history.The blues is a way for
people to show who they are and what is in their heart.
People have been playing the blues for many years,but
the music has kept many of its characteristics. The
blues comes from African songs that people used to
sing when they worked and during festivals. The
African songs met American music when African
slaves were brought to the US. The blues has been part
of African-American culture since then, and it is still
an important part of American culture. Other musical
styles,like jazz and rock music, have all come from
blues music.
Inside Blues Music Now!
Chess bluesman John Brim dies at age 81
We have received word of the
passing of blues guitarist and singer John Brim on Oct. 1,
Today’s American culture contains many different
musical styles. People still listen to
blues and rock, but they also listen to hip-hop and rap.
Hip-hop and rap have much in common with blues and
rock,but they also have their own characteristics.
Hip-hip music often combines parts of other styles to
create music that will help people hear new things in
old music. Perhaps the most important characteristic
of rap music is the way the artists sing. In rap music,
the singer or “rapper” will speak or “rap” the words
along with the beat.
英 文 名:Michael Joseph Jackson
Elvis Presley
Hip Hop / Rap 说唱
1、Alternative 另类说唱:另类说唱,由Hip-Hop的风格中衍生出来,但其内容意味反叛,不
上。代表:De La Soul
2、East Coast 东海岸说唱:东海岸说唱,言辞激烈、犀利,表演刺激、狂放,代表人物:RunD.M.C.,Public Enemy
3、Hip Hop:很早发源于美国的黑人流行节奏舞曲,节奏快,当今的 Hip- Hop融入了大量电子
舞曲的形式,成为当今流行音乐中的主流势力;代表人物:Back Street Boys 4、Old School 老
。代表人物:Beastie Boys
5、Rap 说唱:说唱,源自早期美国舞厅中的 DJ 现场表演,节奏感强,逐渐成为一种以黑人为
6、West Coast 西海岸说唱:西海岸说唱,内容多是反映歌者对经济繁荣时期美好生活的痴心
向往。它承继着大部分传统唱乐的风格。代表人物:Ice Cube
7、Hardcore Rap 硬核说唱:硬核说唱,Hip-Hop之一种,说唱中一种更具有力量感的音乐形式
Another important style in today’s world of music
is Latin music.Latin music---music that uses
traditional styles from Latin America ----has spread all
over the world. In the US,where there are many Spanish
—speaking people, Latin music is a big part of the
culture. It has always been popular in Spanish—
speaking countries and today stars like Santana and
Ricky Martin are known throughout the world.
生 日:1971年12月24
英文名:Enrique Martin
籍 贯:波多黎各
星 座:摩羯座
身 高:1.85米
体 重:75公斤
专辑作品:1991 Ricky
1993 Me
Medio Vivir
1995 A
1999 Ricky
1999 Star Profile
Carlos Santana
There are of course many other interesting styles of
music. There is a wide variety of new music to be
discovered in every corner of the world, so the next
time you look for a tape or a CD, don’t just look for
Chinese or American music---open your ears to the
sounds of the world!
1. Answer the following
1.Where does blue music come from?
2. What does the word “rap” mean?
3. Why is Latin music so popular in the US?
Is it popular in china?
4. Is music a universal language? Can you
enjoy music from other parts of the world even if
you don’t understand the words? Are there any
other universal languages? What about dancing,
paintings and photographs?
1.Blues music came from African music that was
brought to the united states by slaves.
2.To rap is to speak the words of a song
along with the beat.
 3 . Latin music is popular in America partly
because of the fact that the us has a large
Spanish-speaking population, but also
because of the success of such artists as
Santana and Ricky Martin.
 4. Various answers are possible.
2 The sentences below summarize the article.
Read them and decide if they are true or false.
Write the letter “T” if the sentence is true.
Write “F” if it is false, and then correct the
error and give the right information.
1(F) there are only a few styles of music in the
2(F) blues is a new style of music.
3( F) hip—hop and rap are completely different
from blues and rock.
4( T) Santana is a well-known Latin music artist.
5( F ) rappers sing the words to their music.
6( T) there are many Spanish—speaking people
in both north and south America.
John Lennon
The Rolling Stones