Transcript Slide 1

Politeness costs nothing!
Value of the month
| March 2015
Upcoming events
Wed 1st April | 5.30pm
I can still hear the above phrase ringing in my mind as my grandfather drove around whilst
simultaneously offering all passengers a mint. Our value for this month is, of course, Politeness.
As part of an assembly, the children considered how there are different levels of politeness whilst
at the same time, understanding that there is a core set of manners that we can all share and
believe in such as not jumping in a queue and waiting for a turn. We also considered politeness that
goes above and beyond such as saying ‘thank you’ for small, everyday things (a teacher handing
out books, a driver stopping at a zebra crossing, etc) and being mindful of those around us.
Martin Smith, Headteacher
Autism Awareness Workshop
Thurs 2nd April
Y4 Class Assembly
Thurs 2nd April | 2pm
End of Term and FOPHS Easter Bake
Monday 20th April
Inset Day
Tuesday 21st April
Children Start Back
Book Week
It has been an exceptionally busy month
but we still found time to celebrate world
book day. The book swap was also a
roaring success as was the sponsored
book challenge which has raised a
staggering £1,600 for the school to spend
on new books. Well done everyone!
Thurs 23rd April | 5.30pm
Parent Forum
Mon 27th April
Start of Science Week
Thurs 30th April
Y3 Class Assembly
Mon 4th May
Bank Holiday
Tues 5th May
Pupil Progress Meetings
Thurs 7th May
YR Class Assembly
Fri 8th May
FOPHS School Disco TBC
Mon 11th May
Start of KS2 SATs Week
Mon 18th May
Start of KS1 SATs Week
Thurs 21st May
Y1 Class Assembly
Sat 23rd May
Solar Eclipse
Despite the rolling cloud, the children really enjoyed
our solar eclipse day. I’m sure many of you are
aware that the Hemel Gazette covered the event
with an amusing picture of children who were
supposed to be looking at the sun (but in reality
shows children looking in many different directions)!
For a brief few minutes, the cloud parted and we
were able to take the photo (right) which shows a
partially eclipsed sun breaking out from the clouds.
The skies became very clear at lunch and many
were treated to fantastic views of the sun in an
impromptu observing session using our loaned
hydrogen alpha scope.
FOPHS Football Tournament
Mon 25th – Fri 29th May
Half Term
A reminder to all parents that our
‘Autism Awareness’ course is
running on Wednesday 1st April
starting at 5.30pm.
There will be another chance to try out
the special glasses and scope during
science week which will be taking place
in the week beginning 27th April.
As happened last year, the timing of
the Easter holiday means that there
will be no April edition of the
newsletter. The May edition will cover
any events happening in April hence
the dates above cover April and May.
Comic Relief
Thank you for supporting our Comic Relief fund
raising efforts. We usually alternate in profile between
Comic Relief and Children in Need each year. This
was intended to be a lower key event for Comic Relief
but despite this, we almost doubled the total raised
last year, raising an enormous sum of £343!
We hope you enjoyed reading your
child’s report which should’ve reached
you last Friday. An enormous amount of
time and effort goes into writing reports
which best reflect your child’s efforts,
progress and achievements.
Please could I ask all recipients to sign
the slip which will help us check with
certainty that the report has reached its
destination. We would also value your
feedback as we continue to work in
partnership to give your child the best
education in a nurturing environment.
Curriculum Celebration Evening
Week of 06/03/15
Reception: Zara Milligan
Year 1: Lola Whiston
Year 2: Alex Driver
Year 3: Mia Crouch
Year 4: Hayden Flury
Year 5: Alfie Harvey
Year 6: Phoebe Causer
Week of 13/03/15
It has been a year of workshops. We’ve
run workshops on Phonics, Writing,
Autism, E-Safety and, most recently, the
curriculum celebration evening. If you
would like to see the school run a
particular workshop, then please do let us
know as we start to plan next year. If you
missed out, we discussed the changing
face of the new national curriculum, what
we have done to meet the challenges
of this and participants were able to
see our new curriculum in action as
teachers produced displays and
discussed the curriculum for their year
group. The result of all this work
means we have a more creative,
stimulating and challenging curriculum
than we’ve ever had.
Musical Instruments
A big well done to the school council (pre-February)
who talked with their classes about what kinds of
tuned and untuned percussion instruments they would
like as part of our drive to give music a more
prominent role in the school. You can see the fruits of
their work here after new djembes, talking drums,
indian tabla, etc arrived. The children have already
had a chance to use the new equipment as part of a
recent singing assembly. Look out for details of our
‘Music on the field’ event planned for the summer term
where children will be able to showcase their talents.
Reception: Isabella Coles
Year 1: Katelyn-Jane Pearman
Year 2: Whole Class
Year 3: Samuel Brinklow
Year 4: Aron Belson/Darcey
Year 5: Thomas Baker
Year 6: Lauren McAuliffe
Week of 20/03/15
Reception: Daniel Lewis
Year 1: Alfie Powell
Year 2: Dorian Scamardella
Year 3: Bhavan Walia
Year 4: Malachi Wicks
Year 5: Lillie Hammond
Year 6: Derin Su
Week of 27/03/15
Reception: Ben Evans
Year 1: Harley Morgan
Year 2: Grace Deane
Year 3: Charlie Holland
Year 4: Jolene Giles
Year 5: Matthew Humphreys
Year 6: Ayden Davidson
I am concerned with the safety and wellbeing of several children arriving late to school (after
8.55am) without parental supervision. These children are not able to access the school due to
locked doors and we have found some children wandering round the playground, knocking on
classroom doors. Please can all parents and carers ensure that their children are brought to
school via the front entrance if late so that we can properly register the children and keep them
safe. Absence after 9.10am is considered ‘unauthorised’ not ‘late’ as set out in our attendance
policy available via the school website.
Well done
to everyone!