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Moving Forward
Overview of the
2003 Blackout
• Power system restored within 30 hours
• Conservation efforts avoided rolling
blackouts once power system restored
• Focus now on cause and how to prevent a
• Electricity is back on the public agenda -with a serious debate about future
management of the system
Business As Usual Before Power Outage
Conditions at 4:06 EDT:
140 MW
584 MW
Demand: 24,050 MW
Imports: 2,300 MW
•Reserve requirements met
•Operating within system
•Voltages within required
490 MW
1,090 MW
First Power Swing
• The flow from Michigan reverses, changing magnitude by
about 700 MW
• Voltages across South-Western Ontario are in a declining
700 MW Surge
First Power Swing
• Flow conditions after first power swing
• System remains in a stable condition
270 MW
1,790 MW
Second Power Swing
• Power swings of 2,000-4,000 MW continue for
12 seconds
30 MW
800 MW Load
480 MW Generation
Des Joachims
20 MW
40 MW Load
720 Generation
To New York
Restoration Plan Priorities
• Restore power to all nuclear sites
• Restore power to critical transmission and generating
station, station service loads
• Restore critical utility owned telecom facilities
• Restore customer loads only to the extent necessary to
control voltages and secure generating units
• Synchronize islands together and/or to adjacent power
Restoration Paths
Decision Support
• System status briefings (two cycles daily)
• Briefings and advice provided to key decision
makers and Premier
• Twice daily news conferences
• Industry load reduction support
• Government delegated ‘Electricity’ communications
responsibilities to the IMO - co-ordinated
IMO/OPG/H1 info
Communications Activity
• Twice-daily media briefings
• IMO principal voice between briefings
• Average of 25 ‘live’ radio interviews and 5-10
television interviews daily
• 200+ media calls per day
• Twice daily news releases
• Numerous communications to market participants
• Communications provided 24 hr coverage
• 200,000 daily hits on the web site
• Help Centre staffed 24 hours a day
Normal Forecast
22-Aug-03 13:00
22-Aug-03 1:00
21-Aug-03 13:00
21-Aug-03 1:00
20-Aug-03 13:00
20-Aug-03 1:00
19-Aug-03 13:00
19-Aug-03 1:00
18-Aug-03 13:00
18-Aug-03 1:00
17-Aug-03 13:00
17-Aug-03 1:00
16-Aug-03 13:00
16-Aug-03 1:00
15-Aug-03 13:00
15-Aug-03 1:00
14-Aug-03 13:00
14-Aug-03 1:00
Demand (MW)
Conservation Efforts
Estimated Demand Response
Moving Forward
• Blackout not caused in Ontario
• Investigations underway
• Mandatory enforceable reliability standards should
be put in place where they do not exist
• Maintain and enhance the integration of systems
and markets
• The industry should continue to pursue the three
part strategy of prevention, containment and
minimization of the effects of system disturbances
Moving Forward
Overview of the
2003 Blackout