The Indian Removal Act of 1830

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The Indian Removal Act
of 1830
Presented By:
Dan M.
Geography of this Area
This area included
1,881miles north to south
and 860 miles east to west.
The top is how it looked
before the Europeans came.
The bottom one is after the
Revolutionary War.
The average low
temperature was 54 degrees
It was mountainous, it has a
plateau, has a valley area,
and contains a plain.
The Trail of Tears
. 
There were many people
supporting his approval.
The Trail of Tears was
located in Georgia.
The tribes that were
involved in this were
located in Georgia,
Alabama, Mississippi,
Tennessee, Oklahoma,
Missouri, Kansas and
The Indian Removal Act was…
A period of forcible removal first started with the Cherokee
Indians in the state of Georgia. In 1802, the Georgia
Legislature signed a compact giving the federal government’s
all of her claims to western lands in exchange for the
government’s pledge to extinguish all Indian titles to land
within the state.
The Cherokee Indian tribes had a substantial part of land in
Georgia that they had for many generations though. They were
worried about losing their land so they forced the issue by
adopting a written constitution. This document proclaimed that
the Cherokee nation had complete jurisdiction over its own
He suggested that laws be past so that the Indians would have
to move west of the Mississippi River.
The Trail of Tears II
Within 10 years of the Indian Removal Act, more than 70,000
Indians had moved across the Mississippi. Many Indians died
on this journey.
The term “Trails of Tears” was given to the period of ten years
in which over 70,000 Indians had to give up their homes and
move to certain areas assigned. to tribes in Oklahoma.
The tribes were given a right to all of Oklahoma except the
Unfortunately, the land that they were given only lasted till
about 1906 and they were forced to move to other
reservations. Many people died on this journey. The tribes
walked all day and had very little rest.
The Cherokee, Chicksaw, Choctaw, Creek, and Seminole
Indians were all affected.
Andrew Jackson
The Indian Removal Act
happened on May 26,
Surprisingly Andrew
Jackson the 7TH
president was for this
He said the Native
Americans should be
moved for their own
Weapons of the Cherokee
Some of the weapons they used
were the tomahawk, bow and
arrow, axes, and knives also
widdled sticks .
They used the weapons for war,
battles and hunting.
They hunted deer, elk, duck, bear,
birds, rabbits, frog , wolves and
Other tribes used these weapons
because they refused to give up
their land.
The most famous was The 3
Semenole wars before and during
the Indian Removal Act of 1830.
Mrs. Sottnik
Mrs. Lucchesi
Mrs. O’Hara
The Trail Of Tears by Micheal Burgan
The Relocation of the North American Indian By John Dunn