Status of International Business in Community Colleges

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Status of International Business
in Community Colleges
Presented by:
Gretchen Carroll
Assistant Professor of Management
Owens Community College
First The Facts
• There are 1,100 local community colleges in the
United States.
• There are now over 200,000 international students
at over 500 community colleges around the USA.
• 20% of international students are majoring in
business. It is the most sought after degree.
• Almost half of the nations community colleges are
actively involved in some form of international
• All of the regional accrediting associations
have adopted standards or policies to guide
two-year institutions as they move into
international education.
• Many two-year institutions have altered
their mission statements to include foreign
study for students as a means to develop
global perspectives.
• American Assembly of Collegiate Schools of
Business (AACSB) in their 1984-1985 standards and
guidelines for business school accreditation
encouraged business schools to adopt a systematic
acceptance of the internationalization of their
• Association of Collegiate Business Schools and
Programs (ACBSP) included in their standards, for
two year institutions, that students develop a global
perspective, and the study of the international
environment should be included in the business
Government supported these initiatives with
an international education policy
• To continue to compete successfully in the global
economy and to maintain our roles as a world leader,
the United States needs to ensure that its citizens
develop a broad understanding of the world,
proficiency in other languages, and knowledge of
other cultures…
• A coherent and coordinated international education
strategy(which includes the community college) will
help us meet the twin challenges of preparing our
citizens for a global environment while continuing to
attract and educate future leaders from abroad.
How does the government
support the initiative?
• Encouraging students from other
countries to study in the United States;
• Promoting study abroad by U.S. students;
• Supporting the exchange of teachers,
scholars and citizens at all levels of society;
• Expanding high-quality foreign language
learning and knowledge of other cultures.
International education must be part of the
community college’s mission….. Why?
• Nearly half (44% in 1999) of all Americans begin their
education at a community college- equates to 10.5 million
• As communities across the US have become aware of the
importance of learning how to compete in the global
marketplace, community colleges have become the most
important institutions charged to respond to this challenge.
• Curriculum internationalization helps us stay competitive
in the business education marketplace, meet accreditation
requirements, and provide the business community with a
well prepared labor force.
American Association of
Community Colleges Policy on
International Education
• “To ensure the survival and well-being of
our communities, it is imperative that
community colleges develop a globally and
multi-culturally competent citizenry. In
Meeting this challenge, community colleges
should provide:”
• internationalized curricula
• multicultural activities and programs
The ACC Policy also includes...
• Foreign language
• Cultural and ethnic
• Study abroad
• Faculty and student
exchange programs
• Professional
• Technical assistance to
other countries and
• Local/state/national/
and international
• International student
How Owens Community College
is meeting the standards...
• In 1997, after I
attended the MSU IBI,
we began developing
an international focus
in the business
program and across
the curriculum. It was
a 8- step process that
• 1) Overcoming resistance in the department
about the need for an international focus.
• 2) Presentation at a Division meeting on
incorporating a global perspective in all
business classes.
• 3) Presentation at a College-Wide faculty
development seminar on incorporating a
global perspective across the curriculum.
• 4) Selecting management, marketing, & blaw texts that include an international focus.
• 5) Adding International Business as a
required course for all management majors.
• 6) Adding an International Business option
which included: international marketing &
import/export management.
• 7) Adding Canadian Studies Transfer degree
which includes the opportunity to study for
a semester at a Canadian two-year college.
• 8) Joining the Toledo Area International
Trade Association and the International
Trade Assistance Center to develop ties with
the business community.
• 9) Creating strategic relationships with
BGSU, University of Toledo, University of
Findlay to facilitate transfer students and
professional development for faculty.
Future Plans for international
education at OCC….
• 1) International Business Transfer Degree
(developed with the division of arts & sciences) which will include: a
language requirement, international
business, cultural anthropology,
contemporary business, principles of ethics,
human geography, etc.
• 2) Increased focus on getting international
students enrolled at Owens and in our
business transfer programs.
• Work with Educational Tours to establish an
affordable 15 day custom tour of Europe,
including major business centers in London,
Paris, and Frankfurt.
• Establish an international student club.
Utilize foreign student speakers in the
• Conduct field trips to mutinational
• Consider an e-mail student exchange
The Challenges…..
• 1) Faculty support.
(administration is very
supportive and eager to move forward)
• 2) Marketing the program. In terms of a
terminal degree we have yet to find a job
market for our students, or make the right
• 3) Student Interest- out of 18,000 students
at OCC fewer than 50 have selected the IB
options. Difficult to run courses without #’s.
“Saber es poder”
• Knowledge is power.
• It is time to define a new set of principles for
international education that responds to the
contemporary challenges of our time, including
distance learning.
• Expanding international education strengthens
democracy, encourages prosperity, and inspires
new intellectual thought and inquiry.
• Global education does a lot for shedding
egocentric and ethnocentric attitudes.
• What happens outside of the US does
indeed affect the price of the automobile,
per-capita income, national security, your
job and perhaps personal freedom (Even in
Toledo, Ohio)
• Global education can help community
college students make this connection.
So what is the status of International
Business in Community Colleges?
• At OCC we have
recognized that the
world is our oyster,
and we are willing
to deal with the
sand, if the end
result is a beautiful
string of pearls.