Transcript Supplements

In today’s world of sports and
athletics, the pressure to compete
and succeed as well as just to
keep up with your competition
has caused an enormous influx of
dietary supplements into the
marketplace. These dietary
supplements are effective at
improving strength and speed,
gaining muscle mass, increasing
energy and cutting weight at a
quick pace. However, the
potential side effects from these
dietary supplements are extremely
dangerous and have even caused
death in several professional
(Korey Stringer, Steve Bechler)
and high school athletes looking
to improve their performance.
It is estimated that virtually all college
and professional athletes as well
as a fair amount of high school
athletes take some form of a
dietary supplement. In 2002, the
legal, over the counter dietary
supplement business grossed
approximately $17.7 billion in
business. The problem with
supplements is that they have not
had to under go the scrutiny of the
FDA. They have not been
subjected to clinical trials, there is
little known about their chemical
composition, their future side
effects or even how much they
could improve your athletic
performance. Currently, these
products are only scrutinized by
the FDA if they can be proven to
cause harm.
The current trends for dietary
supplement use have many boys
taking them for the purposes of
gaining strength, adding muscle
and increasing their speed while
the girls have primarily taken these
supplements to lose weight. These
supplements cone in many forms:
gum, candy bars, gel, drinks, and
powders. In years past if an
individual wanted to gain any sort of
performance enhancer, they would
have to meet the local steroid
dealer in the back alley behind the
gym but now there is a wide variety
of of supplements available at any
vitamin center, the grocery store or
a GNC.
Stimulates the body’s
cardiovascular system and
central nervous systems which
help burn fat off.
Found in: Weight loss, energy
boosting and body building
product including Stacker 2,
Metabolife 356, and Hydroxycut.
Risks: can cause elevated blood
pressure. When taken in
excessive doses or people with
certain medical conditions, car
result in cardiac arrhythmia,
heart attack, seizure or stroke.
Banned by: NFL, NCAA, Olympic
**Ephedra can cause the heart to
pump at such a high rate it will
give out.
 extract taken from orange peel
and used as a substitute for
ephedra; sometimes call bitter
orange. Also aids the body in
burning off fat.
Found in: Weight loss, energy
boosting and body building products
markedas “ephedra free” including
Stacker 2 Ephedra Free, Xenadrine
EFX, Ephedra Free and Metabolife
Ephedra Free.
Risks: Could cause an athlete to test
positive for Ephedra as well as some
similar effects as Ephedra.
Banned: NCAA
…stimulates the body’s production of
testosterone which is used to
increase lean muscle mass.
Found in: Andro 100 Poppers plus
most supplement companies make
their own version of an Andro
Risks: Can produce side effects
similar to anabolic steroids: breast
enlargement and testicular atrophy in
men; breast shrinkage and and
deepened voice in women; growth
retardation in teens.
Banned by: NBA, NFL, NCAA,
Olympic committee.
Human Growth
Hormone Booster
…chemical equivalent of hGH ( a
substance made by the pituitary
gland for growth and cell repair)
taken by individuals who are
looking to increase their
Found in: Ultimate hGH and
Secretagogue-One which
contain amino acids that in turn
help the body to release more
Risks: High levels of hGH can
damage heart and liver. It can
cause the jaw, forehead, hands
and feet to grow. May cause
Banned by: NFL, NCAA, Olympic
…a natural compound created
from 3 amino acids which is
produced by theliver and kidney
and used by the muscles as an
energy source. Often taken to
improve workouts and and build
Found in: Supplements
designed to increase muscle
mass and build strength and
endurance. All major dietary
supplement companies make
their version of a creatine
product. It is also found in red
meat and fish.
Risks: Can cause dehydration,
stomach cramps and muscle
and ligament tears.
Banned by: NONE
…stimulant which causes
temporary alertness.
Found in: Coffee, tea, chocolate,
colas, energy drinks such as
Red Bull. It is also found in
some supplements and drinks
such as SoBe Sports System
drinks that contain guarana, a
caffeine rich plant.
Risks: mildly addictive, in
extremely large quantities can
effect the heart.
Banned by: NCAA, Olympic
committee( in amounts roughly
equivalent to consuming 8 cups
of coffee in a 2 hr time.)