Career Pathways - John Tyler Community College

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Career Pathways

Creating new possibilities for success

Career Pathways

• • • Overview Local Initiatives Dr. Peggy Westcott State & National Initiatives Ms. Elizabeth Creamer


A series of connected support services, education, and training programs that enable individuals to secure employment within a specific industry or occupational sector and to advance over time to successively higher levels of education or employment in that sector.

Traditional Career Pathway

Off The Path

Military Other barriers Path Need for more skills training Economy Family

Career Pathway Components:

• • • • Career planning services and educational advising Transitioning to higher levels of education and training Credentials: degree, licensure, or industry standard certifications Connection to employers: internships, service learning, apprenticeships

Career & Academic Advising

Middle School High School College Work

Career Coaches

Empower students to make informed decisions about their career and educational plans and prepare students for success in postsecondary education and training.

• • • • • Facilitating the development of career plans and portfolios Career assessments Disseminate information on careers and career pathways Connecting students to early college programs such as Tech Prep and Dual-enrollment Easing the transition of students from high school to postsecondary education and training and the skilled workforce.

Career Coaches

• • • • • Currently have 6 career coaches in place: Hopewell High School Meadowbrook High School Petersburg High School Vernon Johns Middle School Sussex High School



To provide a framework for skill development and training in which students’ progress systematically through a seamless system of career exploration, preparation, and skill upgrades linked to academic credits and credentials. Delivering a multi step pathway that prepares students for high wage, high demand jobs in the greater Richmond region.

Career Pathway Programs @ JTCC

• • • • • • Dual Enrollment Tech Prep Career Coaches On Ramp Great Expectations Workforce Services

Tech Prep Career Pathways

• Four to six year programs of study that begin in high school and end with a postsecondary • credential, such as a certificate, associate • degree, or baccalaureate degree Contains academic and CTE courses at the secondary and postsecondary level.

Prepares students for high demand occupational fields Aligned with national career clusters and pathways


Targets displaced adult workers who are unemployed or underemployed • • • Goal: to increase the number of adults who obtain a college credential or industry-recognized certification or licensure Assess skill levels and interests Help with developing a career and training plan Provide information about in-demand career fields in Central Virginia

Great Expectations

• • • Statewide initiative of The Virginia Foundation for Community College Education and Virginia’s Community Colleges. Established in 2008, the program provides transitional support to at-risk foster teens as they finish high school and leave their foster homes. Great Expectations focuses on the value of a college education as the best way to gain employment and achieve independence.

Workforce Services

• Community College Workforce Alliance (CCWA) • Contract Courses • Apprenticeship • Work Keys • Quick Connect

National and State Career Pathways New US DOL and DOE Grant Projects Support from National Foundations

1) Build Cross- Agency Partnerships 6) Align Policies & Programs

Career Pathways: Six Key Elements

5) Identify Funding Needs & Sources 2) Engage Employers & Conduct Gap Analysis 3) Clarify Roles & Responsibilities 4) Design Programs

Transition Between Education and Employment State and Regional Structure Driving Postsecondary Education Credentials Supportive Services

State Goals

Business Engagement Use of Data System Wide Sustainability


• • • • Career Coaches High School Middle College WIA Youth Programs Commonwealth Scholars


• • • • • • • Adult Career Coaches Apprenticeship Related Instruction (ARI) On The Job Training (OJT) WIA Adult and Dislocated Workers/Rapid Response Career Readiness Certificates One Stop Career Centers Share Network Access Points (SNAPS)

Next Steps in Virginia

• • • • • Virginia's College Readiness Standards New Standards for Youth Workforce Programs Industry Sector Driven Pathways and Workforce Credentials Career Coach Certification The Next Tech Prep

Any Questions?

For More Information: Ms. Elizabeth Creamer [email protected]

Dr. Peggy Westcott [email protected]