Transcript Hello

in our school
These’re our classes
FUNNY Students
Cook Team
Waiters Team
And the rest
Introducing letters
Hello !!
My name is Ann, I’m 19 years old. I like listening heavy metal music and
every kind of this music. When I have a lot of time I like going to a concert –
for example tomorrow I am going to a concert Cannibal Corpse to the
Cracow. I like going to the cinema with my boyfriend.
Every weekend I am working in McDonald’s company.
I have brown curly not too long hair. If I’ m boring I like playing computer
games (for example GTA VICE CITY). I am interesting in what is healthy
and unhealthy in food. In last year I started in competition about food.
Unfortunately I’m not going to third part of that competition. Now, maybe I
write something about my feature of my character. I am happy girl, I like
going to party, I am friendly and helpful. I will apply pass matura exam of
biology and math. If I have many points from matura exam I will have more
chance than I can obtain to cherished a dream. If it is not as it suppose to
be, I will try make a drive licence or English course.
In summer I like going to Woodstock Festival, I Was at Woodstock in this
year and in last year, there is great. I like playing in mud with others, going
to a concert. There is unforgettable ere, nice people, but it is worse with
train. Many people in a few train. In this year we was waited for train but it
was raining, people push themselves.
• Hi! My name is Łukasz, I’m 21 years old, I’m living and
born in Katowice. I like play on guitar and listen punk
rock and reggae music. My favorite band is Pidżama
Porno, Kult, Dezerter, Ksu and Vavamuffin. When I have
some free time I spend then with my friends on concert,
in cinema or other party. I like movie. My favorite actor is
Tom Hanks and favorite film director is Quentin Tarantino
because he make very interesting and original movie. My
favorite dish is “Placki ziemniaczane” on English is
potato pancake. The made it in grate potato and onion
with flour, eggs, salt and pepper. All that things mixed
together and fry on oil. That make dish you can eat with
cheese, meat or cream-garlic sauce.
Our names are Krzysiek and Kamil.
We’re from gastronomy school.
We like to cook in free time in home or in our school on gastronomy lessons, once
in a week we have 1 day in the real restaurant or hotel in the kitchen.
We also like listening to music for example kaliber 44 , paktofonika and something
heavier like norther and sabaton now we learn how to drive a car and prepare to
Our favourite dishes are “gołąbki” this dish is made from rice, meat ,cabbage.First
we do the stuff: boild rice mix with meat and then we roll it in the cabbage leaf
and now we boil it all again and then we can eat it with potatoes and tomatoes
In the weekend we like going to football matches or concerts or have fun in club we
love watching
movies all of types during the week after school we are playing some interesting
games like NFS and wasting our time doing nothing or for study.
Every Monday we go to “carpe diem” to relax and drink something, we like this club
because there is nice atmosphere and cool music. Our friend from class is in the
band who play’s in that club at last Sunday. He play on drums and he is very good
in my opinion.
We’re interested in combat sport like box, kick-boxing and we like watch k1 or pride
in television.
• Hello;)
• My name is Natalia Kowieska. I have 19 years
old. I like long walk. Cars are my passion. I like
Seats particularly and Volkswagen.
• I own one pretty car color green. I like movies
particularly horror fairy tales and movies with car
races. It works as waitress to weekends in
restaurant. I live with parents and two oldest
sisters. I have a rabbit. His name is Puszek and
he is sweet. It is young and so funny. My
favourite color is red and I have this color hair. I
like listing to music in my free time.
• Hello
• My name is Michael Czepy. I’m 19 years old. I’m
tall well build, sunbathed I’ve got brown hair. In
my life is two important things break dance and
medical rescue. This is my passions. My hobby
is reading books and play in counter strike. My
favourite type of music is rock, reggae and rap.
In my opinion the best raper is Eminem and
Fokus. I like meet with my friends and dance
with they. My favourite dish is pierogi with meat
stuff and butter. In the future I want to be
Medical relief worker.