Talk for Scotland Forth Valley launch

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Talk for Scotland Forth Valley Launch

Report of the 20 th Nov 2008 Sensory Centre, Camelon

The people

• • • 60 people attended Some worked for – NHS Forth Valley – the Local Councils – the Police – Forth Valley College – Voluntary Organisations Some had communication support needs

What happened

• 5 people with communication support needs told their story

To quote them we heard directly from the horse’s mouth !!

The stories

• were very powerful and moving • told how communication support needs affected people’s lives – – – what they found helpful what they found frustrating what each one of us could do to help • told us that the impact of having communication support needs is very similar regardless of the cause

They talked about the Talk for Scotland Toolkit, a new resource to support people with communication support needs

Time to look at examples of local practice

There were examples from: NHS Forth Valley, Stirling Council, Action for Children, Quality Action, Stirling University

Looking at what we do now

The examples were designed to help people communicate in different situations such as:  expressing an opinion or a view  planning for the future  making choices  in meetings

• • Everyone was asked to work in small groups They thought about barriers and solutions for people with communication support needs going to the new hospital There was lots of cutting, sticking and chatting as some groups made posters

Two groups used Talking Mats

Themes which emerged

1. Preparation 2. Letters 3. Signposting 4. Reception 5. Time 6. Information 7. Staff 8 Environment Many of the barriers and solutions will apply to all sorts of situations e.g coming to council offices, attendance at parents meetings etc.

1. Preparation

• • Professionals need to prepare and have advance knowledge of needs. The following would help – A flag on a file that identifies a communication support need – GP letters should have a proforma to be filled in routinely when referring someone to hospital which would indicate the best support to use Patients with communication support needs should prepare before appointments • Know what you want to say • Think about how you can say it

Fail to prepare is to prepare to fail

2. Appointment letters

• • • • • Use large font Clearly spaced and well laid out Focus on key information such as time, department, date Use different formats to suit different needs e.g. email, CD , texting, symbols, raised letters People should be able to request this is in a similar fashion to requesting different languages

3. Sign posting

• • • Should start from your first appointment information A map is better than no map but often you think – Where is the main entrance?

– Which entrance is best for you?

Think about design. What about the London underground system – lines and colour coding

• • • •

More sign posting

it’s a BIG issue

Why not use clear simple language like – blood instead of haematologyeyes instead of ophthalmology An order to the signs – alphabetical might help Symbols would be a big help – a universal system Employ ‘meeters and greeters’ Make sure it is easy to find where the disabled parking and public transport is and importantly how to get back out !!

4. Reception

• • • • It is really helpful if the receptionist gets to know you and understands your needs

‘she phones for my transport because I can’t’

The mechanics of calling out names could be both visual and auditory. A ticketing system plus your name or number might help Pleasant surroundings help stop fatigue and reduce anxiety The attitude of the receptionist is very important

‘I should not have to explain what's wrong with me before I get to the appointment [ie to receptionist] She should accept me as I am’

5. Time

• • • Communication takes longer so double appointments help For some with additional care needs getting out takes longer so 9 a.m. appointments are very difficult Tiredness and fatigue makes communication problems worse for some so being picked up early and dropped of late is not helpful

6. Information

• Leaflets are not always the best way to give information so think about other formats – video, PowerPoint , podcasts • People with communication needs should share some responsibility for letting staff know what they need - ‘I have aphasia’

‘If you get it right for people with communication support needs you might make it better for everyone’

7. Staff

• • • Staff need to know how their communication can make things worse ‘The doctor covered his mouth even when I

asked him to uncover it – then he said he thought I was being deliberately slow’ ‘speak to me not my supporter’ ‘Doctors would rather do it their way not the

way that is easier for the person

Staff need to know more about communication support needs

• • There is a difference between hearing and understanding

‘I hear everything but I don’t understand’

How to use the supporting strategies – key words – symbols – alternative and augmentative forms of communication ‘how do you use a communication book ?’

Staff are the biggest resource

• • They can raise awareness. Use people’s stories and develop role models of people with communication support needs It works if staff – value people – respect them – have and use the knowledge of supporting communication needs and create the right environment

‘Go the extra mile’

8. The environment

• • • • Background noise has a huge impact

‘even a little noise can put you off’

Care with Colour – not distracting for lip readers Care with lighting to aid lip reading It is cheaper if you think about what you need to ensure a good communication environment from the beginning

Everyone was asked ‘What are you going to do?’

People said ‘I am going to .....

• • • • • • • • find out more about accessible information look at our first appointment letter involve people with communication support needs in inclusive communication training always ask about someone's communication support needs think about someone’s communication support needs when interviewing raise the profile of this work in the annual report give people more time and ask them what helps give people with communication disorders the same support and emphasis as I would give those with disabilities, race etc,

And I am going to .....

• • • • • • • • • create a picture menu book for people young people using my service think of using larger fonts in my letters raise more awareness of people with these needs arrange education on accessible information for admin workers arrange Talking Mats training ensure that our communication strategy is for everyone – don’t treat accessibility issues as an add on make sure people know we can do a bit of sign language avoid using too many symbols cause that can be confusing Keep in touch with the people from Communication Forum Scotland

A big thanks to

• • • • • •

Communication Forum Scotland

Robert Dalrymple Connor Stewart Bill Jones Clifford Hughes Lindsay Richardson Amanda Bennett

Lynn Waddell The Hard to Reach Communities Fund

More Information from

• • • • Anne Marie Irving [email protected]

Lois Cameron [email protected]

Joyce Firth [email protected]

Amanda Bennett Communication forum Scotland