Transcript Document

618 – 1800
- Tang, Song, Ming & Qing Dynasties
- Mongolians, Japanese & Korea
618 - 907
• Leaders and Accomplishments
• Kao-tsu (618-626)
• Each male was granted a piece of land in exchange for
paying taxes
• Created use of a money system = copper coins
• Wrote laws that lasted until the Ming Dynasty
• 626 His son, Tai-tsung, killed all his brothers and forced
Kao-tsu to abdicate (give-up) the throne
• Tai- tsung
• Saved $ by decreasing size of government
• Used money to build up a surplus of food incase of famine
and to aid farmers in the event of a natural disaster
• All government jobs had a test and interview process to get
the most qualified and wise officials
• Only major threat were the Turks, which were run out by 657
• Created wooden block printing
• Created gunpowder (used gunpowder filled landmines against
the Mongols)
• Embraced multiple cultures and religions
• Known for art and poetry
What does this land have to offer?
Where would you expand to next and why
based on the maps?
960 - 1279
• Internal rebellions and unrest caused the Tang Dynasty to
• Led to battle for power in China, eventually the Song
family takes over
• Song Dynasty
• Most economically successful dynasty, “Golden Age”
• Was the most technologically advanced place in the
• Europe was in the “Dark Ages”
• Rapid population growth
• Required government officials be highly educated
• Key traditions came about: rice, tea, feet binding,
porcelain, compass
• Rice: figured out how to ripen rice early allowing for
2-3 crops per year
• Tea: became major export
• Became successful seafaring traders with the Middle
East (compass) “Maritime Silk Road”
960 - 1279
• Established the Royal Painting Academy
• Neo-Confucians become dominate, focus was on peace,
culture, art and trade
• In the mid 1200’s Italian merchant, Marco Polo, visited
Song Dynasty
• Was very impressed!
• Brought back…
• Ice Cream
• Paper Money
• Coal
• Eye Glasses
• Actually spent a lot of time with the Mongolian leader
Kublai Khan, was a trusted friend of his
Weakness of the Song
- Little to no military
- Paid “tributes” (blackmail) to
keep enemies out
- Lost Northern part of Empire in
1126 to the Mongolians
- Instead of fighting back, moved
capital and royal family to
- Ultimately fell to the Mongolians
under the leadership of Kublai
“If you're afraid - don't do it, - if
you're doing it - don't be
Genghis Khan
January 9, 2014
An Interruption to Chinese Reign
• The Mongolians were a series
of clans (ruling families) that
were unified for the 1st time
under Temujin a.k.a. Genghis
Khan “Strong Ruler”
• Considered to be a military
• Horseback skills were incredible
of all his warriors
• Used curved sabers, more
efficient for killing on horseback
• Gunpowder: bombs/grenades
Horsemen skills were crucial
Curved sabers
Lance and mace (W. Europe)
Gunpowder grenades and
bombs (China)
Camel allowed for travel in
extreme cold temps when too
cold for horses
Other Elements
• Took full control of Silk Route
• Tolerant of other
• Mongolian women were the
business and economic
leaders, allowed for men to
be able to expand territory