Chapter 3 License to Drive

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Transcript Chapter 3 License to Drive

  Chapter 3

          Vision Age Coordination Hearing Size and Height Chronic Illness & disability Fatigue & Lack of sleep Illness Injury Carbon Monoxide Poisoning

Many of your decisions made while driving are based on what you SEE.

 Visual Acuity o Ability to see objects both near and far.

• 20/20 vision is normal  Field of Vision o Area you can see directly in front of you, to both sides, and straight ahead

 Field of Vision o o Central Vision • • The area in front of you where everything is clear Only about 3 degrees wide Peripheral Vision • • • Unfocused areas to the sides of your central vision 180 degrees Peripheral vision is reduced 25% at 30mph and almost 90% at 60mph

 Depth Perception o Ability to judge the distance between two objects • i.e., following distance, stopping, ?

 Color Vision o Ability to see color • i.e., signs & signals • Color blindness • Inability to differentiate between certain colors • Can still drive, but uses other visual cues

• • Pros More experienced Better at detecting potential hazards • • • Cons Decreased reaction time Poor eyesight Poor hearing 

Older drivers may reduce their speed and try to avoid situations that require quicker reflexes

 Determined by how quickly and efficiently you muscular and nervous systems can work together.

o Hand & Foot Coordination • i.e., steering, braking, accelerating, shifting gears  Some people are naturally more coordinated than others, but with practice can develop good driving skills.

o Increase space cushioning and following distance

 Hearing can tell us lots of things while driving o o Your ears detect sounds of potential hazards • • • • Horns Sirens Vehicles you cannot see Pedestrians Other instances  Information obtained from hearing can be crucial in split second decisions

 May limit a driver’s ability to comfortably or safely operate a motor vehicle.

o o o Too short Too tall Obese  Make adjustments inside the car o o o Mirrors Seat Steering wheel o Pedals?

 Thanks to technology, many can drive  Chronic Illness o o Can control their conditions with medicine However, they shouldn’t drive while taking certain medications that affect their ability to drive  Disabilities o Adapted vehicles to make accommodations o Given a license on a case-by-case basis

 Can affect your reaction time and decision-making abilities  Fatigue o o o mostly on long trips, but can be caused by a number of factors, such as boredom, eyestrain, poor ventilation, eating or drinking too much Sets in slowly Symptoms • • Physical • Drowsiness, blurred vision, double vision, slowed reactions, lack of coordination, and problems judging distance and speed Emotional • • Irritability inattentiveness

 What can you do?

o Pull over o o Rest areas Eat lightly

 Avoid driving at all costs o Illness makes you drowsy and/or inattentive o Injury can affect your ability to drive or affect reaction time

 Causes o o o o Damaged exhaust Driving in an area with insufficient ventilation Starting vehicles in a garage with the door closed Smoking with the windows closed  Symptoms o Headache, nausea, drowsiness, confusion, and/or loss of strength  End result o o Unconsciousness Death

 Anger  Stress  Anxiety, Excitement, & Depression  Distractions

 One of the most powerful emotions  Aggressive mindset leads to aggressive driving  Road Rage-action specifically targeted to another driver o Tailgating, yelling at other drivers, obscene gestures, blocking paths, assault

 Causes of road rage o Hot temperatures o o Over-crowded roadways Set off by minor event that acts as the last straw • Person already under stress

 Busy schedule  Not enough sleep  Personal problems at work, home, or school o Stress causes adrenaline rushes, muscle tension, increased breathing and heart rates, sweaty palms, headaches, and extreme fatigue.

 Plan ahead to reduce stress o Allow extra time during rush hour or bad weather o o Map your route before leaving Call ahead if you are late

 Major source of anxiety is driving in unfamiliar surroundings o Panic sets in and it is easy to miss or overlook critical information  Being too excited can decrease your attention and increase your willingness to take risks.

 Depression can affect your concentration and coordination  Best thing to do is have someone else drive for you

 Car stereos  Cell Phones  Passengers and Kids  Smoking  Pets  Rubbernecking

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