Transcript Document

Bio- Replenishment
Bone Health
Developed by
Dr. Narain Naidu Ph.D
N-Terminus Group
Exclusively by
Nikken Inc.
Bone Health a Huge Problem affecting 10s of Millions of
people, 100's of millions world-wide.
Dr. Naidu has created a Solution
Nikken has created Exclusive Global Marketing Rights
The Hottest Opportunity in Network Marketing Today
A story that's never been told
No Competition
A Simple Plan
Easy to Duplicate
Low Startup Costs
Fast ROI
Long Term Residual Income
Everybody Wins
The Hottest Income
Opportunity for 2009
Make this Your Best
Year Ever
A Small Investment - High return
Fast ROI.
Everybody works on the same plan
Take the Product
Talk to People
Tell the Story
Develop a Retail Business utilizing the
Internet and a Personal Web page
Develop a Wholesale Business by
finding 3 people who become
Consultants and show them how to do
the same thing
You create 5 Retail Customers
You sponsor 3 Consultants who
Get 5 Retail Customers
You create
Over 5,000 in Volume
Over $750 of Income
Over $250 Residual Monthly Income
Each Consultant develops a
Retail Customer Base that
Grows each month. By adding
New customers and by offering the full
line of Nikken Products
Each Consultant develops a Wholesale
Distribution Business that Grows each
month by sponsoring 3 people who want
to do what you are doing and who learn
to do the same thing.
Help your 3 Front-Line Consultants;
Set up their Retail Business and
Sponsor 3 Consultants and this is the
9 New Consultants
45 New Customers
Over $1,500 of Income
Total Future Monthly Residual now
With the help of your 3 Front Line,
Help your 9 New Consultants on
your 2nd Level,
Set up their Retail Business and
Sponsor 3 Consultants
This is the Result
27 New Consultants
135 New Customers
Over $4,500 of Income
Total Future Monthly Residual
Your Future Monthly Residual
Income -MRI
Complete Level Four $5,000 MRI
Complete Level Five $10,000 MRI
Complete Level Six $30,000 MRI
Not to mention other Retail and
Wholesale activity from your
Customers and Consultants.
How to Get Started
Click Here to Sign up
Become a Consultant
Order your Personal Product
Order your Personal Web Page
Order the Bio-Replenishment Pack
Start your Retail Activities
Find for your 3 Consultants