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What is Consultation?


noun \kän(t)-s ə l-tā-sh ə n\ : a meeting in which someone talks to a person about a problem, question, etc.

  a discussion about something that is being decided the act of looking for information in a book, on a map, etc.

Full Definition of CONSULTATION

 1: council , conference ; specifically : a deliberation between physicians on a case or its treatment  2: the act of consulting or conferring Merriam Webster Online

Why Consult?

We consult in order to make wise decisions

Ecclesial Consultation implies shared responsibility

Pope Benedict XVI 8.20.2012

"A great many wonderful things are to be hoped for from this familiar dialogue between the laity and their spiritual leaders: in the laity a strengthened sense of personal responsibility; a renewed enthusiasm; a more ready application of their talents to the projects of their spiritual leaders." "The latter, on the other hand, aided by the experience of the laity, can more clearly and more incisively come to decisions regarding both spiritual and temporal matters. In this way, the whole Church, strengthened by each one of its members, may more effectively fulfill is mission for the life of the world" (n. 37).

Different Types of Consultation


“knowledge that is always and everywhere true” Staff Finance Council Colleagues Diocesan Staff

Practical Wisdom

“knowledge that depends on the situation” Pastoral Council Those who will be affected by decision

“In my experience as superior in the Society, to be honest, I have not always behaved in that way—that is, I did not always do the necessary consultation. And this was not a good thing.” --19 Sept 2013 Interview

Pope Francis “I do not want token consultation, but real consultation.”

About What Should I Consult?

Things that Matter - “important” decisions

Decisions that will impact people

 Planning Axiom – Do not plan for people, plan with them.

Canon Law requires consultation in some specific circumstances

Implementation Strategies

Is or Is NOT

Consultation is…

 Gathering information about need or impact  Allowing the perspective others to shape your thinking about something   Seeking advice Part of responsible decision-making

Consultation is NOT…

    Getting permission Weakness or avoidance of responsibility Limit your ability to act Decision-making by majority vote

Get the REAL scoop…


Thomas P. Sweetser, S.J.

The Parish Evaluation Project (PEP) was founded in the early 1970’s as a way of uncovering what parishioners were thinking and feeling.

Asked leaders about attitudes and desires of parishioners Surveyed the people Found that Leaders knew the thoughts and concerns of the more active people but not a cross-section of parishioners Many came to church regularly, but never voiced an opinion or gave the leadership any feedback—not until they were asked directly.

Let’s Take a Survey!

Key to Success: Short, Simple, Focused Best used to determine attitudes or get feedback about something in particular Begin with the end in mind – What do you want to know?

Be clear about what will happen with the responses Use random sampling “Before” and “After” assessment when anything new is introduced


Nametag/Index Card & Group # Lg Group Prayer Time to Reflect Sm Group Share Ideas Recorded Lg Group – Each Small Group selects one idea to share

Town Hall Meetings

Pros and Cons

Personal Interviews

best tool for getting under surface Pre-set number of interviews, 45 min. each Common format Same questions Person not identified when comments recorded Summary report given to pastor, leadership

Be creative…

What other ways can you think of to consult?

Focus groups Ministry Meetings Neighborhood Visits Suggestion Box Coffee & Conversation

Please contact us : Diocese of Trenton

Office of Pastoral Life & Mission Dept of Pastoral Planning Mrs. Terry A. Ginther 609. 403.7143

[email protected]