Transcript Document

Patient and Public
Practice Development Day
Thursday 17 October 2013
The aim of this session is to provide you with an
overview of patient and public involvement.
Specifically we want to help you to understand:
What is patient and public involvement?
Why do we involve patients and public in our work?
How do we involve patients and public in our work?
Patient and Public Involvement
What is patient involvement?
Engagement, or patient and public involvement,
Discussing our plans with patients and the public
Getting views and thoughts on those plans
Getting views and thoughts on what they want from
health services
Explaining why services need to change.
It is about enabling patients and the public to have
a say and the NHS listening to and acting upon
their views.
Patient and Public Involvement
Why do we engage?
‘No decision about me, without me’ is at the heart
of the government’s reforms to the NHS.
We are responsible for engaging with the local
population to ensure that the services they are paying
for meet local needs. There are a number of statutory
and non-statutory requirements we have to meet:
The NHS Constitution
The Health and Social Care Act 2012
The Francis Report
Patient and Public Involvement
Why do we engage?
We don’t just engage with the community to fulfil
our legislative duties - more importantly successful
PPI activity brings a wealth of benefits:
Develops our local reputation
Makes our journey clearer – community must want to
come with us!
Makes it easier to create change
Helps to achieve QIPP targets through development
of new ideas
Encourages patients to lead change
Patient and Public Involvement
The engagement cycle
The Engagement
Cycle is a strategic
tool that helps to
identify who
needs to do what,
in order to
patients and the
public at each
stage of
Patient and Public Involvement
Engagement Framework
PPG Network
We have established an engagement
framework which describes our
approach to involving stakeholders
Youth Voice
Better Together
Patient and Stakeholder
Advisory Group
Governing Body
Patient and Public Involvement
Other groups
Lay representation
We have a Lay Member for Patient and Public
Involvement on our Governing Body.
The role of the Lay Member is to:
Support the Governing Body in public and patient
engagement activities
Hold the CCG Executive Team to account for the
delivery of its strategic objectives
Ensure that patient and public engagement is
considered across all levels of SWCCG
Challenge processes which do not support the
objectives set out in our engagement strategy
Patient and Public Involvement
Patient and Stakeholder
Advisory Group (PSAG)
Fundamental to the way that SWCCG operates is the
establishment of a Patient and Stakeholder Advisory
Group. This group advises the Governing Body and:
Provides a key communication channel to
Enables two way communication on key issues and
Provides a vehicle for stakeholders and patients to
input into strategy and commissioning plans
Advises the organisation on how to undertake
involvement work
Patient and Public Involvement
Better Together membership
We have established a membership scheme called
‘Better Together’ which is a group of volunteers who
are willing to be involved in shaping local services.
Participants are able choose their level of
Participants receive the appropriate training and
support to be involved
Aim to have a sufficiently widespread number of
local people involved in the scheme so that it is
demographically and geographically representative
of our population.
Patient and Public Involvement
SW PPG Network and PPGs
The South Worcestershire PPG Network consists of
representatives from PPGs and provides:
A collective mechanism for engagement
A forum for networking across our localities
The opportunity to share best practice
A conduit for two-way information between practice
patients and the Patient and Stakeholder Advisory
Group (PSAG).
The intention is that all active PPGs are represented on
the group but more work needs to be done to ensure it
is more representative of south Worcestershire and the
four localities.
Patient and Public Involvement
Benefits of PPGs
Patient Participation Groups are good for our
organisation because:
Their members represent patients who already hold
an interest in local health services
Many members engaged with PPGs are often the
same people who are active in a wide range of other
community groups
They already collect practice-level patient insights –
many are actively involved in analysing and evaluating
patient insight data (eg GP survey_
They can work as intermediaries with patients
They can support distribution of patient information
Patient and Public Involvement
Benefits of PPGs
Patient Participation Groups are good for patients
Patients will be more responsible for their own health
Patients will have better understanding of practice
Patients will be involved in arrangements around
primary healthcare before decisions are made
Patients will benefit from improved communications
with practice staff
Patients will have a forum to suggest positive ideas
and voice concerns
Patients will maintain an open dialogue with GPs and
other healthcare professionals
Patient and Public Involvement
Benefits of PPGs
Patient Participation Groups are good for practices
GPs and practice staff will be able to plan services
with patients in order to increase their effectiveness
They will be able to get help from patients in meeting
targets and objectives (eg carrying out surveys)
They will have a forum to voice concerns, ideas and
suggestions to their patients
They will get closer to the community for whom they
care for
They can offer more practical help (eg flu clinics)
Patient and Public Involvement
What have we done so far?
5 year strategy
Quality assurance
IFR decisions
Hospital from Home
tender evaluation
Patient and Public Involvement
SWCCG Constitution
Strengthening Healthy
Speech and
Urgent care
Stroke services
MSK ICATS tender
Final thought…
A CCG without effective means to
engage, listen to, learn from and
respond to its patients and public
risks frustration, failure and legal
Patient and Public Involvement
Where to find out more
For more information about patient and public
involvement contact:
Sarah Harvey Speck
Lay Member for Public and Patient Involvement
[email protected]
Tom Grove
Head of Communications and Engagement
[email protected]
Patient and Public Involvement
Questions for discussion
If you currently run a PPG…
How effective do you find it? Is it a useful forum for
planning services? Do members help with practice
initiatives? Is it representative of your practice?
If you don’t currently run a PPG…
Why not? Is it due to financial constraints? Is it due lack
of available staff / GP time? Have patients not shown
any interest?
If you are thinking of setting up a PPG…
Do you know how to do it? Do you know who you can
approach for help in setting one up?
Patient and Public Involvement