Health and the Media: Can We Write the Story Right?

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Transcript Health and the Media: Can We Write the Story Right?

Community Health through Sticky Design

Health Resources in Action Mark Fenton

Key points

• • • •

Perspective. What we’ve been doing is not working.

The evidence. A design prescription for broad community health.

The coalition. Creating an interdisciplinary team.

A jump start. An approach to kicking-off a focused & effective initiative.

Youthful recollections Were you a free range child?

30-Nov-2009 Not just my idea . . .

Changes in Walking & Cycling to School (1969 to 2001) W/B = Walk/Bike

Trends in Childhood Obesity & Overweight Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. National Center for Health Statistics. National Health Examination Surveys II (ages 6

–11) and III (ages 12 –17), and National Health and Nutrition Examination Surveys I, II and III, and 1999–2006.

What we’ve been doing has not been working.

Let’s change the conversation: US “Obesity Epidemic” Ogden et. al. (JAMA 288, 14; Oct. 2002)

The point: It’s not just an obesity epidemic. It is twin epidemics of

physical inactivity


poor nutrition


* Two of the three biggest drivers of skyrocketing healthcare costs.

The bad news in just three numbers: 30 Minutes of daily physical activity recommended by national guidelines.

20 % of American adults actually meet these recommendation (thru LTPA).

365 ,000 Estimated annual deaths in America due to physical inactivity & poor nutrition. (2 nd only to tobacco.)

2008 Physical Activity Guidelines, DHHS

• • • • •

150 minutes/week of moderate physical activity; more is better.

Any activity is better than none.

Can be broken up.

300 min/week for children.

Reduced risk for CVD, diabetes, osteoporosis, obesity, dementia in old age, clinical depression, a growing list of cancers . . .

Leisure Time Physical Activity in the US

(MMWR: 50(09), 166-9; 54(39), 991-4)

Exercise Participation

Social Ecology Model

• • • • •

Individual - motivation, skills.

Interpersonal - family, friends, colleagues, social norms.

Institutional - school, work, health care & service providers.

Community - networks, facilities.

Public Policy - laws, ordinances, permitting practices & procedures.

Necessary and important, but not enough. < We must build communities where people are intrinsically more active.

YES! Four elements: 1. Variety of uses within walk, bike, & transit distance.

2. Connecting facilities: trails, sidewalks, bike lanes, transit.

3. Destinations are functional & inviting for pedestrians, bicyclists, & transit users.

4. Safe & accessible for all ages, incomes, abilities Franklin Denton TX Elizabethtown

1. Land use.

Live, work, shop, play, learn, pray.

E.g. post office, grocery, schools Compact neighborhoods & shared open space.

Housing above, retail below. Middle School

2. Network of facilities:

• • •

Presence of sidewalks, bike lanes, pathways.

Shorter blocks, more intersections.

Access to trail, park, greenway, transit.

South County Bike Path

Bicycle network options:

E.g. Devils Foot Rd., N. Kingstown “But no one walks here anyway. Why spend the money?

• • • •


Buffer strip.

Bicycle lanes.

Median islands at key crossings (e.g. school bus stop). >

3. Site Design Which setting is more inviting for travel on foot and/or by bicycle?

Site design

Buildings near the sidewalk, parking on

street or behind.

Access & comfort, trees, benches, lighting,

awnings, human scale design.

Details: bike parking, open space,

plantings, materials.

E.g. Tower Hill Road – More like Main Street?

• • • • • •

Planting strip, buffer.

Fewer curb cuts.

Parking maximums.

Shared lots & entries.

Bicycle parking required.

Median islands!

Median islands


Roundabout (Neenah, WI)

Engineering can dramatically

improve safety.

Increasing pedestrian and

bike trips decreases overall accident & fatality rates.

Curb extensions

Lane re-alignments

Often called road diets, being seen more often.

• •

Can reduce collisions & severity.

Dramatically improves performance for pedestrians & cyclists.

Possible here?

Tower Hill at Kingstown Rd.

E.g. Traffic calming, ped/bike accommodation

• • •

Curb extensions downtown. > Mini-circles at 4-way stops, & as neighborhood calming.

High Street crossing paint; textured median & sign.

Human ‘bump-out’ at Main St. trail crossing. Columbia & Main

5. Community design & food systems?

Community gardens (near schools, parks, senior housing); conserving farmlands; Community Supported Agriculture.

Farmer’s markets, green grocers, healthy corner stores.

Regulate fast food, drive through locations.

Five Elements of Healthy Community Design Safety & access

Projects & Policies, not just Programs

• • •

Master planning & zoning ordinance updates for mixed use, open space conservation.

Complete streets guidelines & routine practice.

Transportation trail networks.

• •

Bicycle & transit infrastructure & incentives; Transportation Demand Management (TDM). Safe Routes to School, schools as healthy community centers (shared use, PE, recess).

Food system policies

• •

School policies:

Recess before lunch

Meals; Vending (sodas?)

Fund raising; concessions.

Snacks & prizes.

Overall access & exposure:

Protecting farmlands!

Trans-fats, portion policies

Sugar sweetened beverage tax; fruit/veggie subsidy.

- Regulate fast food, drive-thru locations.

Building a Healthy Community Collaborative 1. Stealth leadership teams.

2. Short list of action items.

3. Action teams, not committees.

4. Identified staff support.

5. Infrequent partnership meetings focused on action, synergy.

6. Get a jump start on action.

1. Build a leadership team targeting healthy design:

• • • • • • • • • • • • •

Education, schools Planning & Zoning Engineering, DPW Parks, Recreation Housing authority Transit system Public Health & Safety Historical preservation Social justice & equity Chamber of Commerce Developers, Lenders, Realtors Neighborhood Assoc., Church & Service Groups Environment, Conservation

The “org” chart:

Bike/Ped Advocates YMCA Rec.

Parks AHA Planning ACS ADA Employers Hospital Insurer Health Trails Developers Transport Electeds DPW Neighbor hoods Schools PTOs

The “stealth” chart:

Transport Planning Elected Parks Trails Rec.

Bike/Ped Advocate Enviro.

Neighbor hoods Employers Hospital Insurer DPW Econ.

Devlpmt Vision Environ.

Developer Chamber Health Schools ADA Found.

ACS AHA PTOs Churches Service Orgs.

NAR Banks NAHB Chamber

To be on the leadership team people must:

• •

Fully embrace the vision of active, healthy community design.

Be able to spend time on this as part of job responsibilities; not just


Have community influence and be able to reach critical partners.

2. Short list of action items; e.g. Rapid City, SD. Coldest Walk Audit in my experience (-14F).

Countdown timers > No more waivers by City Council for sidewalks in subdivisions!

3. Create action teams:

• • •

Tight, focused action teams on specific topics.

No monthly meetings, just functionally targeted work.

Specific targets & timelines for progress; benchmarks!

Transport Trail System Transit & TDM Food Systems Zoning ordinance update Leadership Team Complete Streets Healthy Schools

4. Staff the effort.

• • •

Facilitate meetings, maintain agendas.

Keeps focus on the action plans, checks progress, timeline.

Can act as main contact point for “partnership.” Univ. of Nebraska, Omaha E.g. Live Well Omaha helped hire an active transportation coordinator in planning department. Funded jointly by Alegent Health (private sector) and Metropolitan Planning Organization.

5. Convene full partnership infrequently.

• • • • •

Teams report on concrete progress toward goals & timeline.

Request assistance, guidance for areas of shortfall.

Offer support to other action teams. Seek confluence points.

Recruit new partners!!!

Trail connecting school, sports fields, neighborhoods. Boone, NC

6. Get a Jump Start on Action

• • • •

Consider an outside voice to help provoke action.

Help assess current conditions.

Engage interdisciplinary team, esp. leadership.

Focus interventions on concrete action items.

Provide on-going technical support.

Walk audit, Bloomington, IL

E.g. typical phases of the jump start:

• • • • •

Assessment: From physical scouting to full policy review.

Engagement: Stakeholder workshop(s), surveys, key informant discussions. Recommendations: E.g. leadership breakfast.

Reporting: Document steps.

Technical Assistance: On-going support on the details.

Three reasons I like walk audits:

• • •

Powerful educational tool, gets people actually experiencing the reality of the environment.

Can be critical inspiration for a community, helping them to explore what is possible. Excellent for public input & development of a specific plan, especially first steps!

Engagement: Healthy Community Workshop

• • • • • •

Any & all concerned citizens (parents, children, seniors).

Professionals: School administration, faculty, & staff; public works, police, fire, health, planners, engineers, historical, conservation.

Elected officials & staff.

Advocates: Environment, safety, social justice.

Businesses: Chamber of commerce, economic development.

Developers: Builders, land owners, realtors, lenders.

Typical workshop agenda

• • • • •

Envision. Wishes for this area 5, 10, 20 years from now.

Learn. Presentation of the tools and language.

Walk. See how it’s working here, and what’s possible.

Work. Group effort, all 3 Ps.

Plan. Commitments, next steps.

Require ideas from all of the Ps

• • •

Programs: Build awareness, support, skills, & encourage behavior change.

Projects: Alter & improve the built environment for walking, cycling, and active living in general.

Policies: Rewrite the rules so stickier environments & practices are the norm!

Recommendations & Reports

• • • •

Target: Elected (city council, school board) & appointed (planning commission) officials; department heads; business leaders; and & all who can lead to change!

Focus: Concrete action items; policies & infrastructure over programs. Get sticky!

Less background, demographics, current conditions.

More concrete action items; w/ timelines, partners, & proposed resources.

Examples of TA providers 1.





6. 7.


Olshansky, “A Potential Decline in Life Expectancy . . .”

New Eng. J. of Med.,

March 17, 2005