Transcript Slide 1

Delbert Ault
Marketing & Promotions
University of Kentucky
Parking & Transportation Services
- means a device that a person may ride and that is propelled
by human power and has two tandem wheels at least one of
which is more than 14 inches in diameter. (Kentucky)
- § 32-5A-281
A human-powered vehicle with two wheels in tandem design
to transport by the act of pedaling one or more persons
seated on one or more saddle seats on its frame … but does
not include a tricycle. (Alabama)
Bike Lane
- means any portion of a sidewalk or roadway defined by
signs, stencils, and paint that is dedicated for use by bicycles
Bike Path
- means an area designated for the exclusive use of bicycles
Shared-use Path
- means any designated and marked pedestrian walkway,
sidewalk, or area for use by both pedestrians and bicyclists.
Bike Route
- a route or course of travel over city
streets, highways or right-of-ways
which has been designated for bicycle
travel by posting of signs
Successful bike registration
begins with understanding
the value of increased bike
use on a campus or in a
• Reduces need for vehicle parking spaces
• Less noise pollution and air pollution
• Contributes to rider’s physical health
• Lessens traffic congestion
• Saves money vs. automobile use
- less fuel
- Insurance, parking, wear & tear costs (repairs)
Did you know …
… if you live within two to five miles of
your workplace or university, and live in a
metro area or attend an urban-situated
university, chances are you can get to your
destination faster by riding a bike?
• Similar
programs have reduced bike thefts
• Increases lost or stolen bike recovery by 30%*
• Opportunity for safety inspection and equipment
• Opportunity to educate about safety and bike
* National Bicycle Registry, 2004
• Rider identification in case of accident
• Provides opportunity for communication
• Assists in bicycle law enforcement
• Can help raise funds for:
• Recovery of registration costs
• Printing and distribution of literature, maps, etc.
• Bike Coordinator
• Bike facilities
Don’t Ask!
The bicycle
registration launch
is extremely important
• Marketing & promotion
• Easy and accessible sign-up
Marketing & Promotion
• public service announcements
• press releases
• presentations for groups and organizations
• flyers at bike shops, hot spots, etc.
• e-mails, listservs, renewal mailouts, etc.
Easy and Accessible Sign-Up
• registration tables/booths
- government buildings
- student center
- heavy-traffic bike area (near bike racks)
- shopping centers
- dorms, residence halls
These are in addition to on-line, bike office, etc.
• Online
- Best option; greater response
• In person
- may create wait time or longer lines
- less response and slower
- better to have multiple location, tables
• Telephone
• Mail-in application
You must
the program and its benefits to
gain support and acceptance
• University and student groups
• Community agencies and leaders
• Local law enforcement
• Bicycle dealers & organizations
You must
students, employees, and the
community of the advantages
of bicycle registration
You must lay out what is
from cyclists and others
• ALL must register their bike
• Consequences of not registering
• Enforcement guidelines
• Name, Address, Phone numbers
• E-mail address
• Student, employee or personal I.D.
• Bike manufacturer and model
• Primary and secondary color
• Serial Number
• sticker
- applied directly to bike frame
• locking permit sleeve
- Attach to handle bar
• engraving
• The estimated cost to register a bike is $2
- decals
- promotion
- personnel
No Fee
Some cyclists will complain
Less Cyclists will register
Can improve bike program
May portray as more important
Less complaints from public
No fee
per year
for 5 years
$10 for life
$15 for 10 years
$15 for life
Note 1: Owner must report bike sold, lost, stolen or destroyed
Note 2: Each new owner must register the bike
Pick the fee the best fits your situation
Bicycle Regulations
must be
Bicycle Regulations
must contain:
 registration guidelines
 parking violations
 traffic violations
 penalties and costs for violations
 impound and appeal procedures
Bike registration will give
your university or
municipality the opportunity
to communicate with
cyclists about
bike laws and bike safety.
Teach ‘em
before you
tow ‘em
• Cited
bikes will have a known owner
• Impounded bikes are easier to claim
• Warnings can be issued before
• Law enforcement agencies can
contact owner
Bicycle registration start date:
July 2009
Estimated daily # of bikes on campus:
Number of registered bikes:
Percentage of bikes registered:
UK bike use increase 1999-2009:
We never had to register our bicycles before. Why do we have to do
this now?
We believe that a registration program will help us better educate and
enforce the rules that will make bicycling at UK a positive experience for
everyone. Registration has benefits for all members of the UK
community, not just cyclists.
Who must register their bicycles? Where can I do it?
All members of the campus community who plan to park their bicycle on
campus must have a valid bicycle permit. Starting in July 2009, bicycle
permits will be available at Parking Structure #6 (721 Press Avenue) and
What if I have more than one bicycle?
You must register each bicycle that you plan to park on campus.
I don’t ride a bike. How will this benefit me?
As more members of the University community turn to cycling, the
demand for parking will be reduced. When that happens everyone wins –
our campus, our community and our environment.