The Progressive Era, 1900-1916

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Transcript The Progressive Era, 1900-1916

Norton Lecture Slides
Give Me Liberty!
Eric Foner
Lecture Preview
An Urban Age and a Consumer Society
Varieties of Progressivism
The Politics of Progressivism
The Progressive Presidents
Sixth Avenue and Thirtieth Street
Give Me Liberty!: An American History, Fourth Edition
Copyright © 2013 W.W. Norton & Company
An Urban Age and a
Consumer Society
 Focus Question:
Why was the city such a central element
in Progressive America?
An Urban Age and a
Consumer Society:
Farms and Cities
The Muckrakers
Table 18.1 Rise of the City, 1880–1920
Give Me Liberty!: An American History, Fourth Edition
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A rare color photograph from around 1900 shows the
teeming life of Mulberry Street in New York City.
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Policemen stare up as the Triangle fire of 1911 rages.
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City of Ambition, 1910
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An Urban Age and a
Consumer Society:
Global Immigration
Immigration as a Global Process
Map 18.1 The World on the Move, World Migration
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The mansion of Cornelius Vanderbilt II on
New York City’s Fifth Avenue
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Two photographs by Lewis Hine
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An Urban Age and a
Consumer Society:
immigrants to america
The Immigrant Quest for Freedom
An illustration in the 1912
publication The New Immigration
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An Urban Age and a
Consumer Society:
Consumer Freedom
The Working Woman
Immigrant from Mexico, 1912
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Table 18.2 Immigrants and Their Children as
Percentage of Population, Ten Major Cities, 1920
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A community settlement map for Chicago in 1900
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An Urban Age and a
Consumer Society:
The Rise of Fordism
An immigrant from Mexico
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An Urban Age and a
Consumer Society:
living standards
The Promise of Abundance
An American Standard of Living
Table 18.3 Percentage of Women 14 Years and
Older in the Labor Force, 1900–1930
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Table 18.4 Percentage of Women Workers in
Various Occupations, 1900–1920
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Movie, 5 Cents
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Women at work in a shoe factory, 1908
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The Return from Toil, John Sloan
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The assembly line at the Ford Motor
Company factory in Highland Park, Michigan
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Varieties of
 Focus Question:
How did the labor and women's
movements challenge the nineteenthcentury meanings of American freedom?
Varieties of
Progressivism: Labor
Industrial Freedom
Table 18.5 Sales of Passenger Cars, 1900–1925
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One day’s output of Model T Fords
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Early-twentieth-century advertisement invoking the
Statue of Liberty to market consumer goods
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Ad for Palmolive Soap
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Varieties of
The Socialist Presence
The Gospel of Debs
Map 18.2 Socialist Town and Cities, 1900–1920
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Roller skaters with socialist leaflets during a
New York City strike, 1916
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Varieties of
Progressivism: unions
American Federation of Labor (AFL) and
Industrial Workers of the World (IWW)
One Big Union, the emblem of the Industrial
Workers of the World
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Varieties of
Progressivism: Strikes
The New Immigrants on Strike
Labor and Civil Liberties
Striking New York City garment workers, 1913
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The New York shirtwaist strike of 1909 inspired
workers in other cities.
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Varieties of
The New Feminism
The Rise of Personal Freedom
A sheet music cover, with a modern woman erasing
the word “obey” from marriage vows
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Isadora Duncan brought a new freedom to
an old art form.
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Emma Goldman, speaking in favor of birth control
to an almost entirely male crowd in New York City
in 1916
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Varieties of
Progressivism: Women
and Indians
The Birth-Control Movement
Native American Progressivism
The much-beloved and much-feared Emma Goldman,
with a poster advertising a series of her lectures
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Mothers with baby carriages wait outside
Margaret Sanger’s birth-control clinic in
Brownsville, Brooklyn, 1915.
Give Me Liberty!: An American History, Fourth Edition
Copyright © 2013 W.W. Norton & Company
The Politics of
 Focus Question:
In what ways did Progressivism include
both democratic and antidemocratic
The Politics of
Progressivism: Reform
Effective Freedom
State and Local Reforms
Children at play at the Hudson-Bank Gymnasium,
New York City, 1898
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Copyright © 2013 W.W. Norton & Company
The Politics of
Progressive Democracy
Government by Expert
The Politics of
Progressivism: Women
Jane Addams and Hull House
“Spearheads for Reform”
A staff member greets an immigrant
family at Hull House, the settlement house
established in Chicago by Jane Addams.
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Visiting nurse on a New York City rooftop, 1908
Give Me Liberty!: An American History, Fourth Edition
Copyright © 2013 W.W. Norton & Company
The Politics of
Progressivism: voting
and maternalism
The Campaign for Woman Suffrage
Maternalist Reform
Suffrage Float
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Louisine Havemeyer
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Louis D. Brandeis
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The Politics of
The Idea of Economic Citizenship
The Progressive
 Focus Question:
How did the Progressive presidents foster
the rise of the nation-state?
The Progressive
Presidents: Roosevelt
Theodore Roosevelt
President Theodore Roosevelt addressing a
crowd in Evanston, Illinois, in 1902
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The Progressive
Presidents: economics
and nature
Roosevelt and Economic Regulation
John Muir and the Spirituality of Nature
The Conservation Movement
Putting the Screws on Him, 1904
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The Old Faithful Geyser
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Theodore Roosevelt and the conservationist John Muir
at Glacier Point, Yosemite Valley, California, 1906
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The Progressive
Presidents: Taft
Taft in Office
Eugene V. Debs, the Socialist Party candidate,
speaking in Chicago
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Copyright © 2013 W.W. Norton & Company
The Progressive
Presidents: 1912 election
The Election of 1912
New Freedom and New Nationalism
The Progressive
Presidents: Wilson
Wilson’s First Term
The Expanding Role of Government
Map 18.3 The Presidential Election of 1912
Give Me Liberty!: An American History, Fourth Edition
Copyright © 2013 W.W. Norton & Company
An Urban Age and a Consumer Society
Focus Question: Why was the city such a central element in
Progressive America?
Varieties of Progressivism
Focus Question: How did the labor and women's movements challenge
the nineteenth-century meanings of American freedom?
The Politics of Progressivism
Focus Question: In what ways did Progressivism include both
democratic and antidemocratic impulses?
The Progressive Presidents
Focus Question: How did the Progressive presidents foster the rise of
the nation-state?
Chapter 18
Media link
Eric Foner on Progressivism, pt 1:
women's roles
Eric Foner on Progressivism, pt 2:
impact on American democracy
Eric Foner on Progressivism, pt 3:
battles over freedom
Eric Foner on American consumerism
Eric Foner on Margaret Sanger's fight
for birth control
Eric Foner on spiritual belief in the
environmental movement
Next Lecture PREVIEW:
—— Chapter 19 ——
Safe for Democracy: The
United States and
World War I, 1916–1920
An Era of Intervention
America and the Great War
The War at Home
Who Is an American?
Norton Lecture Slides
Independent and Employee-Owned
This concludes the Norton Lecture Slides
Slide Set for Chapter 18
Give Me Liberty!
Eric Foner