The Age of Jefferson

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Alien & Sedition Acts
The Alien and Sedition Acts
marked an attempt by
Federalists to suppress
opposition at home.
These acts gave the
President the power to
arrest and deport any
alien suspected of
having "treasonable or
secret leanings."
The Patriot Act, passed 45 days after the terrorist attacks of Sept. 11, 2001,
gives the government the right to access personal information about
American citizens that had previously been private, including FBI access to
medical, library and student records. The act also allows the FBI to retrieve
such information without the citizen’s knowledge of the search.
The Age of Jefferson
Election of 1800
• Nasty politics (Federalist newspapers
claimed that the election of Jefferson would
cause the "teaching of "murder robbery,
rape, adultery and incest".)
• A tie between Jefferson and Aaron
• After 4 days of wrangling, the House
chose Jefferson as President.
Federalist Era comes to an
• Slowly declined after 1800
• 1804, the party was weakened after
Alexander Hamilton was killed in a duel
with Aaron Burr
• Had helped shape the nation, most
policies would remain in place.
As the first peaceful transition of political power between
opposing parties in U.S. history, the election of 1800 had farreaching significance.
Thomas Jefferson – 3rd President
• Deliberately tried to
downplay his
• Was determined to make
the government more
• With his informal manner,
showed that the President
was an ordinary citizen
Virtual Tour of Monticello,
Federalists fear the worst
“The minority
possess their
equal rights,
which equal
laws must
• Feared Jefferson
would bring
change to the
• Would he punish
the Federalists for
the Alien and
Sedition Acts?
Alexander Hamilton, the Federalist
“We are all Republicans, we are
all Federalists.”
• Tried to reconcile party differences
• Still felt the federal government was too
• Reduced the power of the navy & army
• Cut the federal budget
• Kept the National Bank
• Let the Alien & Sedition Acts expire
Strengthening the Supreme
• Adams increased the number of
judges in the Supreme Court before he
quit office.
• Federalists judges
• John Marshall, Chief Justice,
responsible for establishing the power
of the Supreme Court as a check and
Established the
Court’s power
Judicial Review
Chief Justice John Marshall
The Louisiana Purchase
“Who should control the
• By 1800, almost 1 million Americans lived
between the Appalachians and the
Mississippi River
• Spain controlled New Orleans
• Pinckney Treaty – U.S. agreement with Spain
to use New Orleans as a trading port
• Spain gave the Louisiana territory back to
France in 1800
The U.S. buys Louisiana from
• Napoleon had
problems, inspired by
the French revolution,
Haiti revolted
• Sold the land to the
U.S. for $15 million
• In 1803, the United
States doubled in size
Toussaint L’Ouvreture
Lewis & Clark Expedition
• Jefferson asked his personal secretary,
Meriwether Lewis, to head an
• He wanted a route to the Pacific
Ocean mapped
• He wanted to learn all about the
• (1804–1806) was the first
expedition to the Pacific
Coast by the U.S.
• accompanied by a 15yr-old Shoshone Indian
woman, Sacagawea,
the wife of a FrenchCanadian fur trader
Head of a vulture
drawn by Clark, Monday,
February 16th, 1806
"... Shannon an[d] Labiesh
brought in to us today a
Buzzard or Vulture of the
Columbia which they wounded
and taken alive. I believe
this to be the largest Bird
of North America. it was not
it good order and yet it
wayed 25 lbs.”
Zebulon Pike
• 1805-1807, explored the Upper Mississippi
River, the Arkansas River, and present day
Colorado & New Mexico
• Was caught by the Spanish, who took all of
his maps and records
• He managed to hide one in the barrel of his
New Threats from Overseas
After the revolution, American
overseas trade grew rapidly.
“The captain said if we would come up, he
would give us some drink…as soon as we got
on the quarter deck they all surrounded us
and the second mate clapped a pistol to my
breast. ‘If you move an inch, I will blow your
brains out.’”
- from the journal of Jacob Nagle,
American sailor, 1775-1841
Trading around the world
• Yankee traders were always on the
lookout for new goods and markets
• Traders faced great risks from pirates in
the Mediterranean Sea, so much that
the U.S. paid annual tribute to the
Barbary States so they wouldn’t
The Barbary Coast showing main piratical sovereign states of Morocco, Algiers, Tunis,
and Tripoli.
Barbary Pirates
• The Barbary pirates preyed
in packs and wanted
everyone to see and know
what they did. They openly
operated out of major
seaports like Tunis and
Algiers. The Ottoman
Empire backed the Barbary
corsairs and incorporated
them into its navy.
Barbarossa, the
original Barbary
Did you know?
• After the Revolutionary War, we lost
Britain’s protection on the high seas
• The U.S. spent approximately 1/5 of its
annual budget on tribute and ransoms
to Barbary states (approx. $2 million)
• Conflict with Barbary pirates helped
develop the tradition of American
Marines & Navy
Captain Stephen Decatur, Jr.
During the Barbary Wars,
converted a Tripolitanian boat,
called it Intrepid, entered the
fortified harbor of Tripoli, went
alongside and boarded the
previously captured American
frigate Philadelphia, blew it up
at the pier while escaping
without a major casualty. After
the War of 1812 his
Mediterranean Squadron
extracted a treaty of peace
with the Dey of Algiers that
guaranteed ship passage
without payment of tribute.
Burning the U.S. frigate Philadelphia
(had 36 cannons on board)
American Neutrality is Violated
• Between 1805 and
1807, hundreds of
American trading ships
were captured
• The British navy
increased impressment,
practice of forcing
people into service.
Jefferson tries an Embargo
• Like Washington and Adams, Jefferson
wanted to avoid war.
• First tried a total embargo on foreign
trade (Embargo Act, 1807)
• Then passed the milder embargo just
on trade with Britain and France
(Non-intercourse Act, 1809)
The Road to War
Conflict with Native Americans
• Indians forced to sell Ohio territory
• Tecumseh and the Prophet organized
a confederation
• Battle of Tippecanoe – Harrison
defeats Tecumseh and the Prophet
• U.S. makes a deal with France, starts
trading with them but NOT Britain.
William Henry Harrison
“[Tecumseh] is one of those
uncommon geniuses which
spring up occasionally to
produce revolutions and
overturn the established order
of things.”
“The whites have driven us
from the great salt water,
forced us over the
mountains…The way, the
only way to check this evil is
for all red men to unite in
claiming equal right in the
Madison becomes 4th President
• War Hawks wanted war
with Britain
• Felt it would give U.S. a
chance to seize Florida
from Spain
• Would bring lasting safety
to settlers in the west.
• War declared in 1812
Section 5
The War of 1812
• American attempts to invade Canada
• British burn Washington
• Battle of New Orleans (Andrew
Jackson makes a name for himself)
• New Englanders feared that they
would lose power because of the war
Hartford Convention
• New Englanders threatened to leave
the Union
• With the war over, the protest was
Treaty of Ghent
• Officially ended the war
• “Nothing was adjusted, nothing was
• No discussion about impressment or
• “The people are now more American.
They feel and act more as a nation.”
The Treaty of Ghent marked the end
of the last armed conflict between
Britain and the United States. Never
again did these two nations war with
each other.