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Welcome Back Special Services
★ Leadership Changes/Responsibilities
★ New Staff
○ Nancy Lincoln - McAuliffe
○ Chris Kummer - JFK, McAuliffe, & Pinecrest
★ Team Meeting Calendar - Updated
Priorities - 2014-15
★ Getting to know you, the students, and practices in District 200
★ Increase math and reading scores (CIMP)
○ Core instruction for all students
■ Service students after core instruction has been given
○ Standards based IEP’s
■ Align goals/objectives to grade level standards
★ PLCs
○ How can we align our efforts with general ed to increase student
growth for our students?
Priorities Continued
★ Transition programming - Increase graduation rates (CIMP & Vision 2025)
Work-based learning
Grades 9-12 transition programming
★ Due process - Systems and training
○ Goal is to take the guesswork out of due process paperwork
■ Timelines & dates
■ Required language/info/documentation practices
MDE Monitoring
★ Monitoring training will be held Oct 27, 28 & Nov 4, 5
○ Hastings Monitoring Team trained
★ File Review & Correction Plan
○ File reviews & citations identified - Nov 14
Responsible: Hastings Monitoring Team
○ Corrections due on any IEPs/Evals - Jan 14
Responsible: Case managers with consult from Hastings Monitoring Team
○ Review files following corrections - upload to MNCIMP - Jan 21 & 28
Responsible: Hastings Monitoring Team
Canvas/FACTS - Updates
New TAP therapist for HMS & HHS to replace
Christine (resigned in July).
○ New TAP therapist for 3 elementary sites. Therapist
is yet to be hired - New position.
Services to referred students birth through age 5.
iPlan Mentors
★ If there are any questions regarding iPlan
contact the iPlan mentors at your building.
★ A short iPlan update will follow this meeting.
Q & A for Dave and Amy
★ Dave Haveman
[email protected]
★ Amy Berge
[email protected]