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Transcript www.hastings.k12.mn.us

Hastings Public Schools
Fall 2013
Prepared by: Marsha Edel, Chris Maul, Maria Paulson, Mary Rowan
Session Overview
iPlan Mentors
Problem Solving Protocol
Assessment Template Protocol
Log in
What’s New in i-Plan
Progress Reporting in i-Plan
Evaluation Reports
Hot Tips
iPlan Mentors
I-Plan Mentors
Lucy Flesch/Laura Bolstad
Mary Rowan/Tracy
Michele Kvikstad
Cindy Zeien
Maria Paulson
Karen Neenan
Jessica Holz
Cindy Zeien
Heidi Dabruzzi
Cindy Zeien
Middle School
Marsha Edel/Shannon Stenzel
High School
Katie Richardson
Chris Maul
This information is also located on the Special Services Web page
Problem Solving Protocol
Assessment Template Protocol
Log in from SchoolView
What’s New in i-Plan
o FBA - Functional Behavioral Assessment
o BIP - Behavior Intervention Plan
o PWN part C - Prior Written Notice
Authorization to Release Information - Blank
form is under “Blank Forms” in iPlan or under
“Other” for a specific student
Procedural Safeguards was updated in April
make sure to toss old forms
Evaluation Reports in i-Plan
Reason for Referral - explain why you are completing the evaluation in
complete sentences.
Under each testing section - make sure to complete the top box
indicating the testing that was done:
Test/Procedures - list the assessments completed under that
section, along with who completed each test. Make sure to complete
the “date completed” box OR list the dates of the testing above if
completed on more than one date.
Evaluation Results & Summary - Don’t forget to complete this section!
Evaluation Reports cont...
Determination of Eligibility - you can either use narrative form or the
eligibility criteria forms and cut and paste it into this section.
Educational Needs - will reflect what your goal(s) on the IEP will be.
Accommodations & Modifications - these recommendations will be
used on the IEP. If the student did not qualify these recommendations
will still be helpful for the child’s parents and teachers.
Eligibility - check whether or not the student is eligible for services
and what his/her primary disability is. Make sure to get signatures they are required for SLD evaluations or team override.
What May be New to Us
Restrictive Procedures Form - Physical Holding
- under “other” in iPlan. Case managers need to fill this out within 24 hours of
a physical restrictive procedure to review at the debriefing meeting.
- do not fill out a “Restrictive Procedures Form - Seclusion”...we do not use
seclusion in ISD 200.
Communication Log in iPlan - this can replace handwritten
anecdotal records. These will also track interactions so future case
managers can access them if needed.
Progress Reporting in i-Plan
Progress - Program Goals
Date on all pages needs to be the same reflecting the date the progress
report is completed. If more than one service provider is reporting on
progress, dates need to all match.
Goal Progress comments - this can be a general statement and/or
overview of the goal and how the student is making progress on that goal. It
may list the curriculum or class the student is in and/or grades. Add the
date of the progress report before you type the information.
Objective Progress comments Results box: here you can indicate if the objective has been “met” or is still “in
Progress Notes box: Date each separate set of notes so you can track and compare
progress notes for the IEP. In this box, use narrative form to give specifics on progress for the
objective (% accuracy, observational data on what the child is and/or is not doing).
Progress Reporting in i-Plan
Select “Not Addressed” box if the objective has not been covered at the
time the progress report is written.
Progress report notes should be cleared when a new annual IEP is
Remember to provide parents a copy, give one to the Child Study Tech
(D.O. copy), and save one for your working file.
The annual IEP counts as one progress report. Plan ahead for the other
2-3 needed for the year....conferences may be a great time to gather this
information for parents!
Annual IEP date is the meeting date. The next annual IEP meeting needs to be held on
or before the annual date. (meeting date to meeting date = 1 year)
Annual IEPs need to be written and sent out in a “timely manner” = 1 week after the
Initial IEPs need to be written and services offered within 30 calendar days....meaning
the IEP needs to be written and sent out to parents within 2 weeks in order for them to
have time to review the IEP and sign the consent form.
Initial/Re-evaluations need to be completed by the 30 day due date (45 for ECSE) and
parent needs to be notified by the due date of the student’s eligibility if the team doesn’t
meet on that date.
Re-evaluations need to be completed by the 3 year due date. iPlan will remind you by
changing the evaluation due date from the color “green” to “yellow” 45 days before it’s
due. It will turn “red” once the evaluation is overdue.
Re-evaluations and Annual IEPs of students transitioning to a new school, need to be
Make sure you followed the Fall Setup
procedures and changed all margins before
For IEP Go to Print center
select all pages to print
select Break Pages Between Goals
We suggest that you do not change
the Font size in the print center.
For Assessment Reports
Before entering in evaluation data, make sure to clear out
HTML “junk” from the text box. (see Hot Tips)
select Page Break at the bottom of “Accommodations &
Modifications” section so all criteria and signatures are
located on the same page.
Use only templates from the Special Services Web site
When using MS Word documents use font Arial 9.
Do not copy and paste from your Word document you
Hot Tips
Special Services Web page
Reminders for Fall
Each year it is highly recommended that you go
through iPlan and make sure everything is setup
correctly. This will help avoid problems later as
you start printing IEPS and reports.
See “Fall iPlan Set-up” on special services
webpage...under iPlan information