Chapter 14.1

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Chapter 14.1
From Appeasement to War
Aggression Goes Unchecked p460
• Mussolini, Hitler, Japan aggressive
• 1. Japan invades Manchuria and
• League of Nations condemned but
no action
• 2. Italy invades Ethiopia
• League of Nations condemns but no
• 3. Hitler goes against Treaty of
• Built up military,
• No action
• Policy of appeasement
Checking for Understanding??
• What were the three countries that
were militarily aggressive?
• What did Western democracies do ?
Keeping the Peace
France –weak
England-too harsh on Germany
Both fear of Soviet Communism
*Pacifism-avoid war
*Appeasement-giving into demands
• Neutrality acts-US forbade selling
arms to countries at war
• Rome-Berlin-Tokyo Axis
• Axis Powers
• Goals-fight Soviet Communism and
allow territorial expansion
Spain Collapses Into Civil War
• Liberals vs. Conservatives
• Francisco Franco- Fascist Nationalist
vs. Communist Loyalists
• Axis backs Franco vs. Soviets back
• 500,000 dead
• Battle of Guernica-Fascist Nazi help
Franco committing atrocities
• Franco dictator 1939
German Aggression Continues
• 1. Austria annexed (added to) by
• Anschluss-union of Austria and
• Western Powers-no action
• 2. The Czech Crisis
• Germany annexes the Sudetenlandan area in western Czechoslavakia
• Western Powers-no action and
request conference with Germany
Munich Conference
France, Britain, and Germany
Agree toGermany gets Sudetenland
France and Britain get promise from
Germany that Hitler will stop
“Peace in Our Time”
• Neville Chamberlin-Britain returns to
England with “Peace for our Time”
and is celebrated
• Winston Churchill- They had to
choose between war and dishonor.
They chose dishonor; they will have
Europe Plunges Toward War
• Germany breaks promise 1939
• Nazi- Soviet Pact- nonaggression pact
Hitler and Stalin
• Both agree to share Poland and
Eastern Europe
• Mistrust and fear
WWII Starts
• Invasion of Poland
• Sept 1, 1939 by Germany
• Britain and France declare war
“From Appeasement to War”