Mapping Sciences: Lecture #1 - City University of New York

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Mapping Science: Lecture 1
What are maps?
Cartographic basics
A Brief History of Maps
Introduction to Mapping Sciences: Lecture #1 (Introduction and Map Reading)
Maps as a Model of the Real World
Introduction to Mapping Sciences: Lecture #1 (Introduction and Map Reading)
Map Abstraction
Introduction to Mapping Sciences: Lecture #1 (Introduction and Map Reading)
Map as Communication
Goal is to capture the spatial character of
particular area and help the user to
understand the geographic relationships
The principal task of cartography is to
communicate environmental information.
The task of the map designer is to enhance
the map user's ability to retrieve
Introduction to Mapping Sciences: Lecture #1 (Introduction and Map Reading)
Map as Communication
Maps perform two important functions:
Storage medium for information that humanity
Provides a picture of the world to help
understand spatial patterns, relationships, and
environmental complexity
Introduction to Mapping Sciences: Lecture #1 (Introduction and Map Reading)
Cartographic Basics
Maps tell us:
Where is it?
What is it?
(often) When is it?
What is nearby? How far away? In which direction?
How do I get there?
What other things are there also?
How might they be related?
Introduction to Mapping Sciences: Lecture #1 (Introduction and Map Reading)
Understanding the Environment
Represent real world features
Introduction to Mapping Sciences: Lecture #1 (Introduction and Map Reading)
Feature Types
Introduction to Mapping Sciences: Lecture #1 (Introduction and Map Reading)
Feature Dimensionality
0-D Points
1-D Lines
2-D Areas
3-D Volume
4-D Time/Change
Introduction to Mapping Sciences: Lecture #1 (Introduction and Map Reading)
Cartographic Basics
Basic characteristics of all maps:
Reduction of reality
Geometrical transformation/projection
Abstractions of reality
Introduction to Mapping Sciences: Lecture #1 (Introduction and Map Reading)
Cartographic Basics
Location and Attribution allow many types of
relationships to be formed:
Relationships among locations with no attributes –
distance, bearing
Relationship among various attributes at the same point
Relationship among different locations of the same attribute
Relationships among locations of combined/derived
attributes of given distributions -- spatial distribution
of per capita income vs. educational attainment
Introduction to Mapping Sciences: Lecture #1 (Introduction and Map Reading)
Cartographic Basics
Classification of maps:
Classed by Scale
Small scale
Medium scale
Large scale
Classed by Function
General reference maps
Thematic/special purpose maps
Classed by Subject Matter
Cadastral maps
Soil, vegetation, precipitation, etc.
Introduction to Mapping Sciences: Lecture #1 (Introduction and Map Reading)
Cartographic Basics
Mapping involves information transformations:
Data collection
Use of map
Introduction to Mapping Sciences: Lecture #1 (Introduction and Map Reading)
A Brief History of Maps
pre 2000 B.C.
Earliest direct evidence of mapping comes from the middle east.
These ancient Babylonian clay tablets depict the earth as a flat
circular disk.
Ancient Chinese Maps
In ancient times, Chinese cartography was more advanced than
their contemporaries'. Their maps were accurate and detailed
compared to other ancient maps.
200 B.C.
The Greeks understood that the earth was a sphere. Eratosthenes
accurately calculated the circumference of the earth using angle
Introduction to Mapping Sciences: Lecture #1 (Introduction and Map Reading)
Clay tablet from Ga-Sur, ca. 2300 B.C.
Introduction to Mapping Sciences: Lecture #1 (Introduction and Map Reading)
Town Plan from Catal Hyuk (6200 B.C.)
Introduction to Mapping Sciences: Lecture #1 (Introduction and Map Reading)
Mesopotamian City Plan, Nippur 1500 BC
Introduction to Mapping Sciences: Lecture #1 (Introduction and Map Reading)
Turin Papyrus ca. 1300 B.C.
Introduction to Mapping Sciences: Lecture #1 (Introduction and Map Reading)
Babylonian clay tablet world map, ca. 600 B.C.
Introduction to Mapping Sciences: Lecture #1 (Introduction and Map Reading)
Reconstruction of Herodotus World Map
ca. 450 B.C.
Introduction to Mapping Sciences: Lecture #1 (Introduction and Map Reading)
The Babylonian cosmos
Introduction to Mapping Sciences: Lecture #1 (Introduction and Map Reading)
A Brief History of Maps (cont.)
150 A.D.
Ptolemy defined in Geography the elements and form of
scientific cartography. In spite of his errors (he maintained that
the sun revolved around the earth, and calculated the earth as 3/4
its actual size), Ptolemy was far ahead of his time on how
scientific research should be conducted. He proposed a system of
projections and coordinate systems that are still used today
Middle Ages
European maps were more ecclesiastic than cartographic. Cosmas
exemplified this concept, incorporating religious themes and
references into many of his maps. In contrast, Arab maps
advanced the earlier Greek practices. Al-Idrisi designed a stillfamous world map.
Introduction to Mapping Sciences: Lecture #1 (Introduction and Map Reading)
Reconstruction of Homer's view of the world
Introduction to Mapping Sciences: Lecture #1 (Introduction and Map Reading)
Introduction to Mapping Sciences: Lecture #1 (Introduction and Map Reading)
Reconstruction of the Orbis Terrarum (20 A.D.)
Introduction to Mapping Sciences: Lecture #1 (Introduction and Map Reading)
Reconstruction of the world map
according to Dionysius (124 A.D.)
Introduction to Mapping Sciences: Lecture #1 (Introduction and Map Reading)
Ptolemaic World Map, 12th -13th century
Introduction to Mapping Sciences: Lecture #1 (Introduction and Map Reading)
A small section of Tabula Peutingeriana 350 A.D.
Introduction to Mapping Sciences: Lecture #1 (Introduction and Map Reading)
Catalan Atlas (1375)
Introduction to Mapping Sciences: Lecture #1 (Introduction and Map Reading)
Martin Behaim's Globe, 1492
Introduction to Mapping Sciences: Lecture #1 (Introduction and Map Reading)
A Brief History of Maps (cont.)
16th century
Mercator created a map- the Mercator Projection that allowed
mariners to sail to their destinations by following a fixed rule
called a rhumb line.
17th century
Newton postulated that, due to the centrifugal force of the
spinning earth, strongest at its equator, the earth bulges at the
equator and flattens at the poles. The earth is not a true sphere,
but a spheroid.
Introduction to Mapping Sciences: Lecture #1 (Introduction and Map Reading)
Cantino's world map, 1502
Introduction to Mapping Sciences: Lecture #1 (Introduction and Map Reading)
Gerard Mercator's famous world map, 1569
(first known use of the "Mercator projection" on a world map)
Introduction to Mapping Sciences: Lecture #1 (Introduction and Map Reading)
Europae Abraham Ortelius, 1564
Introduction to Mapping Sciences: Lecture #1 (Introduction and Map Reading)
World map, John Speed, 1627
Introduction to Mapping Sciences: Lecture #1 (Introduction and Map Reading)
Nova Totius Americae Descripto, 1666
Introduction to Mapping Sciences: Lecture #1 (Introduction and Map Reading)
A Brief History of Maps (cont.)
19th century
Europeans implemented the metric system which introduced a
simpler and more universal language for map scale. The
Greenwich prime meridian was established
20th century
Aerial photographs, computers, electronic distance-measuring
instruments, inertial navigation systems, remote sensing, and
applications of space science create new extensions of
cartography's reach. The Internet makes that reach accessible to
all of us.
Introduction to Mapping Sciences: Lecture #1 (Introduction and Map Reading)