Transcript Document

The Florida State University
Student Government Association
Constitution and Statutes Workshop:
Title Ten
Last updated July 2008
Bobby Seifter
President Pro Tempore
60th Student Senate
Title Ten of the Student Body Statutes
The Executive Agencies
An agency is an administrative division of the Executive Branch created to
provide support for and education on a particular select interest group of the
Florida State University whether it be racial, ethnic, academic, or
philosophical in nature.
Each Agency shall have a Director and Assistant Director that is appointed by the
Student Body President and confirmed by the Student Senate.
Each Agency shall be under the jurisdiction of the Student Body President and Title
Nine of the Student Body Statutes.
Title Ten of the Student Body Statutes
The Executive Agencies
American Indian Student Association
– The AISU promotes and provides for the social welfare of the American Indian
Student body at Florida State University. It functions as an educational and
cultural learning instrument for the FSU community, by providing cultural
awareness and materials, which promote American Indian cultures. The AISU
serves as a liaison between the Florida State University community and the
American Indian community.
Asian American Student Union
– The AASU serves as the nucleus of a network to improve the opportunities and
living conditions of the Asian community. To this end, the AASU shall represent
all registered Asian and Asian-American student organizations on campus,
coordinate available resources, and serve as a catalyst in protecting the rights of
the Asian and Asian-American student body.
Title Ten of the Student Body Statutes
The Executive Agencies
Black Student Union
– The BSU serves primarily to promote and provide for the social welfare of the
Black Student Body at the Florida State University. The BSU also strives to
provide and promote economic, political and academic enrichment through its
activities, and it shall serve as a catalyst to the enlightenment of the Florida State
University community to the distinct heritage of Black people in America as well
as on the African continent.
 Certain members of the Black Student Executive Board are elected annually by the
Student Body.
Center for Participant Education
– CPE is a forum for progressive and alternative ideas on education,
politics and the arts. CPE provides guest lectures, movies, classes and
other alternative programs to traditional programs.
Title Ten of the Student Body Statutes
The Executive Agencies
The Hispanic-Latino Student Union
– The Hispanic-Latino Student Union functions as an educational and cultural
learning instrument for students, faculty and staff about Hispanic/Latino culture.
It provides a centralized coordination of resources and services for the
Hispanic/Latino community.
The Institute for Conservative Studies
– ICS is a forum for presenting a conservative perspective to thought on
educational, political, philosophical and social issues.
The Institute for Liberal Studies
– ILS is a forum for presenting a liberal perspective to thought on educational,
political, philosophical and social issues.
Title Ten of the Student Body Statutes
The Executive Agencies
The Inter-Residence Hall Council
– The Inter-Residence Hall Council coordinates programs and activities for
the enhancement of student life in the residence halls, represents the views
of residents, and enhances communication between residence halls.
The Jewish Student Union
– The Jewish Student Union seeks to provide opportunities for exploration
and understanding of the cultural and ethnic experiences and diversity of
the Jewish people through campus programs, speakers, community
interaction and other events.
The Pride Student Union
– The Pride Student Union provides programs and services to address the
needs of lesbian, gay, bisexual, and transgendered students and increases
awareness to issues pertinent to them.
The Women’s Center
– The Women’s Center provides programs and services to address the needs
of Women at Florida State University and increases awareness to issues
pertinent to women.