Proposed Amendment to Article 28.4 Europeana Network

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Proposed Amendment to Article 28.4 Europeana Network Association Statutes

Proposed amendment to the Statutes

Update to 28.4

to allow the Association to qualify for ANBI status under Dutch Law. This status requires the activities of the Association to be predominantly for the ‘greater good’, and in return are granted favourable tax conditions. This status is determined by the number of factors in the Statutes such as the objectives, but is completed by the addition of the proposed text below which requires any surplus cash available at the time of dissolving the Association be donated to an organization with a similar cause.

Proposed text:

Article 28 paragraph 4 shall read:

objects of the Association.

Any surplus remaining after the liquidation shall be paid for the purpose of a public benefit organization (algemeen nut beogende instelling) with objects which correspond to the objects of the Association or a foreign institution with an exclusive or almost exclusive public benefit aim (een buitenlandse instelling die uitsluitend of nagenoeg uitsluitend het algemeen nut beoogt) and with objects which correspond to the

Europeana Network Association – Proposed Amendment to Network Association Statutes