Quiz on Narrative element standards and Use it Standards

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Quiz on Narrative element
standards and Use it
You may use any COMPLETED
homework and Notes. Use It week
5 would help you here
Narrative elements
Purpose is:
Author’s use of language
Author’s use of words
Author’s intended reason for writing
Number 2
• The much needed sequencing of events in
a narrative (personal or fictional) or in a
novel or play is what?
• A. Suspense
• B. Dialogue
• C. Plot
Number 3
• When a reader finally gets to that part in a
story where the facts about characters and
setting become crystal clear is called the
• A. climax
• B. exposition
• C. rising action
Number 4
• The most important character in your story
is the ______. The individual or force that
is against him/her/it is called the______.
• A. dynamic character/static character
• B. static character/dynamic character
• C. protagonist/antagonist
• D. antagonist/protagonist
Number 5
• Lets say a character in a story starts out
by being very selfish. Throughout the story
you notice that he/she becomes more
giving. This character would certainly be
classified as_______. While the friend that
stood by his/her side but didn’t really
change much would be______.
• A. static/dynamic
• B. dynamic/static
Number 6
• Two friends aren’t getting along at all. This
prevents the much needed project to go
unfinished. (lets assume this was the plot)
The friends not getting along would be
the________ of the story.
• A. conflict
• B. rising action
• C. falling action
• D. suspense
Number 7
• Ricky goes up to Paul and says:
• “I think Annie will be fine. She cant possibly be
that mean.”
• Paul says:
• “Oh , you don’t know Annie.” This would be an
example of
• A. Flashback
• B. suspense
• C. Foreshadowing
Number 8
• Blake is having a really hard time learning
to ski because of the harsh weather. No
matter how hard he tries he just cannot
master the snow and ice. Blake is facing
• A. internal conflict
• B. external conflict
• C. real issue
Number 9
• “Jessica Belle was a witchy old woman
who, no matter how hard we tried, always
treated us like dirt.” This is an example of
• A. indirect characterization
• B. a dynamic character
• C. direct characterization
• D. static character
Number 10
• “ No matter what,” Molly cried “I will always
be there for you , so don’t you worry”. A
reader can safely inference that Molly is
loyal and kind. This is an example of
• A. indirect characterization
• B. dynamic character
• C direct characterization
• D. static character
Number 11
• “ I just refused to give up my spot on the
team. Even if I had to give up breathing, I
would run my way into that varsity squad”
This is written in
• A. First person
• B third person
• C third person limited
• D. third person omniscient
Number 12
• “They were a silly old bunch those bingo
players, They sat and stared for hours at a
time. Bill hated them, hated them all. He
felt they were all al grand ol’waste of time”
This is written in
• A. first person
• B. third person
• C. third person limited
• D. third person omniscient
Number 13
• “The streets were lined with fire. The blaze
blinded the eyes of women and children alike.
The only reality was the screaming in the
background. It brought me down to earth. It
allowed me to feel just how hot hatred can be”
The _____ of this story is scary and morose.
• A. mood
• B. tone
• C. characters
Narrative elements done….now
• Take out your Use It week 5 for the next
few questions…These will cover standards
for incorporating new vocabulary, inferring,
and types of writing.
Number 14
• What does exorbitance mean?
• A. enthusiasm or extreme ardor
• B. The quality of being extremely
• C. Lack of effort on one’s behalf
Number 15
• A written document researching the
conditions for workers in third world
countries would be an example of:
• A. descriptive writing
• B. narrative writing
• C. expository writing
Number 16
• The Diary of Anne Frank would a
________piece, in which a young
documents her experiences throughout
the Holocaust.
• A. Descriptive
• B. narrative
• C. expository
Number 17
• Chose the SUPERLATIVE comparison
• A. Angie was really more excited than her
• B. Lucy was the most beautiful child I had
ever seen
• C. Anthony was taller than his brother.