Transcript Document

Business Intelligence
What is it? Why you need it
Mike Gallagher, Ford & Harrison
Doug Horton, Handshake Software, Inc
Business Intelligence
Rapid access to actionable information
Financial Information
Legal Research & More
Business Intelligence
Overlap & Convergence
Knowledge Management
Customer Relationship Management
Business Performance Management
Context of Information is Essential
Why Business Intelligence?
Better decisions with greater speed and
Recognize and maximize firm’s strengths
Shorten marketing efforts
Improve customer relationships
Align effort with firm strategy
Improve revenue and profit
Elements of Business
Data Gathering
Information capture
Understanding the context of
Timely delivery to the right people who
can act on it
Data Gathering
Existing Systems
“cube” approach
Data warehouse
Integration technologies
Reporting Tools
“Slice and dice”
Microsoft SharePoint
InterWoven Worksite 8.0
PlumTree – Lexis
Custom Web-Pages/Intranets
“Drill down” analysis
Adobe PDF
Freezes the point in time
Why Business Intelligence Fails
Failure to recognize the breadth of the
problem (not just financial system)
No Top Down support
Lack of standardize procedures or
Bad quality of information – Dirty Data
Computer systems impede rather than
enhance BI efforts
Ford & Harrison LLP
Mike Gallagher
Director of Information Systems
Ford & Harrison LLP
• National Labor & Employment Firm
Representing Management
• 11 Offices
• Growth through mergers
Business Intelligence
• Ford & Harrison’s approach to
providing business information to
lawyers and staff.
• What are the challenges in delivering
“Business Intelligence”?
• Financial System – Aderant (CMSOpen)
• Records Management
• Document Management
• Hummingbird PCDOCs document library in
each office location
• Contact Relationship Management
• Handshake
BI Software Objectives
• Contact Relationship Management
• High level of Integration
• Provide access to financial information, documents,
emails, contacts, stored images and legal research
through a BI interface
• Native Application Security
• Familiar User Interface
• Customizable Role and Matter Centric Views
Easy Deployment and Administration
Open Architecture
“Road Warrior” Accessibility
Real-time information
• Contact Relationship Management
Native Handshake Contacts and CMSOpen Contacts
Linked to Clients and Matters
Linked to Firm Members – Known Bys
Activity Tracking
• Attended Firm Seminar
• Social Invitation
Mailing Activities
Change Audits
Representative Contact Types
• Arbitrators, Alumni, Help Wanted, Prospective Client, MediaBroadcast, Referring Attorney, Expert
Mail Lists – Firm Lists & Personal Lists
• Practice Group Newsletters
• Legal Alerts
Contacts Screen
HandShake (continued)
• Document Management System
PCDOCs profile information data warehoused
Matter Centric Email delivered through PCDOCs
• Application Integration
Outlook contacts push/pull with Handshake database
Data exports to Excel and Word merge files
QuickImage PDF bills available through HandShake
HandShake Contacts available from within Word through Legal
MacPac Integration
Ecopy Images – Adobe PDF files available through PCDOCs
Internet Content Available through saved links
HandShake - Financial System
• Static Reports
• Access Produces
Custom Reports in PDF
format as a scheduled
• Reports are refreshed in
PCDOCs maintaining
native security
• One click access to
report from web interface
Static Reports
PCDOCs Profile Info
HandShake – Financial System
• Real Time Access to
Financial Information
• Point & Click
• Customize Data Fields,
Filter, Sort and Save Search
• Drill Down to Low Level
HandShake – Financial System
• Real Time Reporting
By By Reporting
Roll Band Totals Up or Down
Summary or Low Level Detail
User Selectable Report
Handshake – Financial System
• Integration with Excel
• With Formulas!
• Integration with
CMSOpen Records
Management Module
Delivery Challenges - Firm
True or False – All lawyers in the firm
embrace new technology.
To encourage buy-in for the new
technology we:
• Involved key lawyers in the
requirements phase
• Launched HandShake with a live
• Required lawyers to attend a onehour basic functionality training
• Certified Training for CLE
credits where allowed
• Supported champions of the
technology in their efforts to “Spread
the Gospel”
• Surveyed users to see where to
focus training and how to improve
Delivery Challenges - Data Integrity
• Data, Data, Data
Cleansing Data
“Hidden” Financial Information – EXPOSED!
New Fields and Relationships
Maintenance of Contact Information
• Not a Project but a Way of Life
Delivery Challenges - Training
• Can you have too much of a good thing?
• Integration, Sorting, Filtering, Exporting, Drilling Down, Exploring,
Customization, and Learning about Financials can be Overwhelming
and Intimidating
• Re-focused Training from generic navigation into granular “Areas of
Interest” requested in surveys
• Teach in Small Chunks
• Teach skills with a deliverable as a by product of the training
• “Low tech” lawyers started attending training – felt comfortable
pointing and clicking to get on-demand information
• Increased demand for “related” training
• Exporting HS data to Excel created demand for Excel training
Delivery Challenges - System
• Good News – Bad News
• Increasing acceptance of BI system
• CMS financial server performance degrades to a crawl
Delivery Challenges - Best Practices
• True or False – All lawyers in the Firm endorse the
“common good” theory. What is good for the Firm
is good for me.
• Firm Culture – To Share or Not To Share
• Private or Public
• New Business Compensation Factor
• I knew him first
• Contact Responsible Attorney or Contact Clerk?
• New Rules - Cross Selling
• Contact Change Auditing
Is it worth the effort?
• ROI - Administrative Improvements
• Reduced redundancy in mailings – saves postage
(and embarrassment)
• Reduced labor and paper costs for financial reports
• On-line financial information lowers number of calls to
accounting and increases lawyer efficiency
• Better practices for data entry – higher quality data
• Better Collections
Is it worth the effort?
• ROI - Client Development
• Target Marketing
• I.E. Hospitality Contacts in the Tampa Metro Area
• “Activities” tracking – (What’s Working – What’s Not)
• On Demand Access to Contact Information
• It’s all about relationships - Who do we know?
Is it worth the effort?
• ROI - Client Service
• Better Decision Making
• Who is the best Arbitrator
• Better Case Management
• Fosters Collaboration
• Who else is working on this matter?
• What related documents have they created?
• Are we in budget?
• Do they owe us money?
Is it worth the effort?
• ROI - Client Service (continued)
• Personal Touch
• You are my only client
• I know everything about you - including who
else in my firm knows you
• Better Communication
• Email Legal Alerts
• Management Updates
• Seminar Invitations
Is it worth the effort?
• Ford & Harrison Thinks So!
• Business Intelligence helps meet more demanding client
expectations of faster service for lower fees
• Business Intelligence helps support future firm growth
• Our Future Plans include expanding BI
• Detectives Alerting System
• Developing More Reports in HandShake
• Portal Integration
• Full text Searching Capability
• Refinements in User Interface and Content Delivery
• Information Bridge Framework
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