Introduction to Capturing Kids’ Hearts

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Transcript Introduction to Capturing Kids’ Hearts

The primary focus of Capturing Kids’
Hearts is to develop healthy
relationships between
members of a school’s educational
community and to teach effective skills
that help participants:
Develop self-managing classrooms and decrease discipline
issues through innovative techniques such as a social
Decrease delinquent behaviors such as disruptive outbursts,
violent acts, and drug use
Utilize the EXCEL Teaching Model™ and reinforce the role
of emotional intelligence in teaching
Build classroom rapport and teamwork to create a safe,
trusting learning environment
Develop students’ empathy for diverse cultures/backgrounds
Increase classroom attendance by building students’
motivation and helping them take responsibility for their
actions and performance
1. The EXCEL Leadership/Relationship/Teaching
2. The Social Contract
3. Four Questions for Misbehavior
4. Four Questions for Disrespect
5. SOLER Listening Skills
The steps outlined in The EXCEL Teaching
Model™ prepare teachers to effectively
impact their students each time they come
together, from the beginning of class to the
E Engage
X Xplore
C Communicate
E Empower
L Launch
This first step is essential to the success of the
day. It begins when we greet the students at
the door with a handshake at the beginning of
each class. We draw them into a relationship
with us upon which we can build as the class
There are several things we accomplish with
this step: we start the day with a positive
greeting, affirm each student, welcome the
students into our class, and give them our full
attention, first thing.
When we start the class with Engage, we are
preparing the way for the students to be
involved with us in the learning process.
Facial expression: relaxed, smiling, welcoming
Tone of voice: 38% of what we communicate is through
tone of voice
Posture: lean in, turn slightly sideways to be
Handshake: firm, yet comfortable; initiate the
Level of relaxation: be confident, but not stressed or
Dress/grooming: professionally dressed, with good
Energy: positive and energetic, confident
Eye contact: look other person in the eye and pay
attention to the person’s needs
This second step lays the foundation for the
content of the class which is to follow. We get
in touch with where the students are
personally, emotionally, and academically.
Students are our “customers.” We must
identify their needs before we can serve them
effectively. Do the products/services we
deliver meet the needs of our customers?
The skills we use when we Xplore with our
students are much like those of a counselor:
listening, attending, conveying empathy,
probing, and asking open-ended questions.
A successful Xploration can take place only in a
secure environment. We do not disclose our
needs, whether personally or academically,
until we feel safe from ridicule and rejection.
Learning cannot take place until we are able to
discuss what we don’t know.
This step is the Communication of the content of
the class. The teacher addresses the needs
discovered in the previous step.
A two-way process, it is not simply the passing
along of information and material, but instead it is
a dialogue between teacher and students. The
process is dynamic and experiential, requiring the
teacher to be facilitator and resource to the class.
Teachers who are powerful Communicators in this
model are teambuilders.
A certain degree of order is necessary, but
flexibility and creativity are essential, as well.
Teachers must be able to Communicate the content
of their course in a way that is captivating,
creative, and responsive to their “audience.”
A very important task in this step is the ability to
translate that which is being taught into “real
world” benefits. The students must be able to see
how their studies will assist them in their future
efforts at earning a living and finding meaning for
their lives. When students object to the need to
learn certain material or skills, the teacher, like a
good salesman, must be able to overcome their
objections and convey the need for learning to take
Empowerment occurs when students gain the
ability to “use and do” the things they have been
taught. Possessing the same skills as the teacher is
the goal of education. When we can do what we
have been taught, then we are truly Empowered.
The students learn information or a technique in
the Communication step, and then in this step they
practice and apply what they have learned until it
becomes a skill. Teachers who operate from an
Empowerment perspective desire that their
students know all they can about the subject...that
they possess as much skill as possible.
Teachers see their students in terms of what they
are becoming. They see themselves as the resource
to help their students become.
A key to this step is to build an atmosphere of trust
in which the students feel free to fail while going
through the learning process. With the class social
contract in place, everyone knows the rules—what
is acceptable and what is not, as well as the
consequences. This common understanding
provides for the students the foundation for
positive interaction with the teacher and with each
other. In this environment the students are
Empowered because they experience
encouragement and support.
In the EXCEL Teaching Model™, Launching
has to do with the way we end and send. It is
the way teachers end a classroom experience
and the way they send their charges forth to
face the future. This is vastly different from just
having students rush out the door when the
bell rings.
The teacher prepares the class for “liftoff” by
summarizing what has occurred in class that
day and by getting commitments from students
to follow the “flight plan.” Prelaunch questions
would include:
What did we do and discuss today?
What is its relevance to you, both for now and
for your future?
How are you going to use these skills before
our next class?
What will result if you don’t use these skills?
What will result if you do use these skills?
Every great speaker and teacher realizes the
importance of ending on a powerful note. We
must be able to effectively use quotes,
anecdotes, poems, stories from our own
experiences, and other motivational stories to
drive home the points we want our students to
remember. Passion is the thrust we use to
propel our students toward their destination.
In the words of Og Mandino, “My last must be
my best.”
E Engage: Handshake, Welcome, Affirm, Model
X Xplore: Customer’s Needs, Listening Skills,
Safe Environment
C Communicate: Content, Dialogue,
Flexibility, “Real World”
E Empower: Use and Do, Develop Skills,
Becoming, Encouragement
L Launch: End and Send, Summary,
Commitment to Action, Passion
The Social Contract is designed to let all
participants in a classroom or school know
what behavior is acceptable and what is not. It
is an agreement of behavior to promote a self
managing class. The primary questions to
consider when developing a social contract are:
1. How do you want me to treat you?
2. How do you want to treat each other?
3. How do you think I want to be treated?
4. How will we handle violations of the contract?
Using the Social Contract, the teacher is able to
create more self-managing classrooms as each
student takes responsibility for his or her own
Remember to sell the contract
How many of you getting tired of the teacher
nagging you etc?
 Well I am not going to do that because you are all
mature young adults.
 This is OUR classroom, so we are going to decide
how to treat each other and you are going to help
each other follow what we decide.
 The best part is if you help each other, and I do not
have to get involved, there will be no consequences!
 Work on team work
Put 4-5 students in a group
Each member is assigned a role: facilitator, scribe, spokesperson,
timekeeper, on-task person or affirmer
Give each group the 4 questions. After each group answers all 4
questions, reconvene the class, but remain in groups.
Using chart paper and markers ask for a scribe
Get responses for each question from each group
After a group reports out their question responses, teacher picks one to
As answers are given the scribe writes them on the paper (word) and if
clarification of definition/example needs to be made it is discussed
(definitions are not written but explained and agreed upon)
Go to the next group on the same question. If same answer is called out
scribe puts a checkmark next to word or if teacher thinks it could have a
likeness to a word already up, use “is this the same as”
A contract varies but should have about 10-25 words/terms, let the words
be THEIRS, do not rewrite it for them.
3 things must be included: 1) effort 2) listening 3)no put downs
Thumbs up – leader uses with class
 Sidewards thumb – students use with eachother to
check themselves
 A signal for fouls
 If it is called it counts
 Not a joke or toy
 Someone can call a foul for someone else
 If foul called no explanation needed and must give 3
put ups
It must be referred to constantly – not just an
chart on the wall (visit at least once a week)
It must be used (expectations, fouls, signals)
It must be modeled
1. Excuse me . . . What are you doing?
2. What are you supposed to be doing?
3. Are you doing it?
4. What are you going to do about it?
These questions help the student focus on the
behavior, demonstrate that he/she knows what
behavior is expected, own up to the fact that
he/she is not doing what is expected, and
determine what he/she should be doing
1. Excuse me . . . whom are you talking to?
2. How are you supposed to be talking to me?
3. Were you doing it?
4. So, how are you going to talk to me?
The Chinese symbol for the word “listen”
involves characters for “ears, eyes, heart, you,
and undivided attention”. To listen effectively
to another person, you must “listen with your
ears, eyes, and heart with your undivided
attention”. Sometimes we want to convey that
we are listening, but we may not know how to
show the other person that we are doing that.
S= Square up to the person you are listening to
O= Open posture
L= Lean in
E= Eye contact
R= Relax and Respond