Revelation - Gordon College

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Transcript Revelation - Gordon College

Romans’ Themes
Total Depravity – hamartiology—contra Total (image)
 What’s the problem with “Total Depravity”? Rom 3:9
 Gentiles sinful – Rom. 1
 Jews sinful (Rom 2): Jews as foil to Christians?
sin/grace; law/faith/works; flesh/Spirit
 All sinful - Rom. 3:23 All have sinned …
 Rom 1:16f Major theme—new way
not human need/sufficiency,
movement beyond Judaism
 How do you get rid of sin: repent /confess/ forgive
or hide/rationalize/accept/defend/advocate
Justification by Faith – sola
 Is
sola Fidei a man made doctrine made
up by Martin Luther? –Rom 1:16; 5:1;
10:8-9; Gal. 2:16
 Ephesians 2:8-9: For it is by grace you
have been saved, through faith—and
this not from yourselves, it is the gift of
God—not by works, so that no one can
Soteriology Terminology
5:1 –legal term (regeneration)
 Redemption, 1 Pet. 1:18f—debt term
 Atonement, 3:25—covering, substitutionary,
 Propitiation, 1:18—appease wrath
 Expiation; 1 Jn. 2:2--cleanse
 Reconciliation 5:10; 2 Cor 5:18ff--enemies
 Adoption: Rom 8:18ff—family term
 Sole fidei? cf. James 2:24, 1 Jn. 3:9; Mt 25
 Justification,
 Is
perfection possible? Mat 5:28 be perfect.
 Paul’s struggle – Rom 7:21ff
 Four approaches
 Unbeliever’s
struggle—pre-Christ days
 Young believer’s struggle
 Struggle in the flesh outside the Spirit
 Mature believer’s struggle—Normal Xn life
Election – Predestination
Rom 8:28-29
Eph. 1:4
Rom 9:11 Jacob/Esau; Jer 1:5; 1 Pet 1:2
Problems (see below)—Puritan terror: am I
 Human choice and divine election?
Calvinistic Hard determinism—Reformed position
All divine problems --whosoever will passages
Oxymoron/Antinomy/paradox –
TULIP Calvinism
T otal Depravity –image of God in people
U nconditional Election: predestination based in
divine choice, nothing in us -- whosoever believes
L imited Atonement: Christ died for the elect, 1 Jn
I rresistible Grace: God irresistibly calls the electChoice
P erseverance of the Saints—eternal security;
once saved always saved; --fall away? Solomon,
Election – Predestination cont.
– foreknowledge 
predestination, prevenient grace open to all
versus irresistible grace.
 Election/Rejection of Israel not
individualized in Rom 8-11
 Arminianism
– Apocalyptic, Letter, Prophecy
 Political cartoon metaphor
 5 features of Apocalyptic: SAVED
 Genre
 Symbolism,
pictorial language
 Angels, heavenly messenger mediated
 Visions, dreams
 End of all things—cosmic in scope
 Dualism: good/evil; light/darkness
 Authorship
– John – Rev. 1:1
Interpretative Approaches to
 Preteristic
View –1st century focus
 Description/definition
 Advantages
 Disadvantages
 Idealist
View – conceptual of all times
 Description/definition
 Advantages
 Disadvantages
Interpretative Approaches to
Historical View – through church history
Futuristic View – end times focus
The truth on Revelation
Premillennial Time Line
Church Age Tribulation
2000 + years 7 years
1000 years
Christ’s coming:
Rapture? Pre-, Mid-, Post-Trib
Eternal State:
New Jerusalem
7 Churches (Rev 2-3) structure
Historical 1st century,
Progressive Church History, Omnitemporal/spiritual/typical
 Pattern
 Approaches:
 Vision
of Christ
 Commendation
 Condemnation
 Advice
 Curse & blessing
 Example
– Ephesus, Laodicea-3:16
Bouncing through 4-19
Seals, 7 Trumpet, 7 Bowl judgments
 Sequential
 Overlapping
 Simultaneous
 Future through the eyes of first century
 Rev
 Pre-millennial: Christ returns, sets up
1000 reign on earth, Satan bound
 Amillennial: reign of Christ = Church
 Post-millennial: World gets better and
better until the reign of God comes
naturally at the very end
The End
 Rev.
21:3-4 Emmanuel, together forever
 Rev 21:22-24 no temple
 Rev. 22:12-13 Christ’s coming
 John’s awareness he is writing Scripture
22:18f canonical formula (cf. Deut. 4:2)
Message of Revelation
 God
is in control of the future
 Satan counterfeits and looses
 Right triumphs in the end after a long
period of chaos
 Behold the lamb of God who takes
 Gen.
3, Abraham, David, Child, Servant,
birth, life, death, resurrection and coming
 There
are no more tears in heaven