DBA Chairperson Orientation

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Transcript DBA Chairperson Orientation

DBA Chairperson Orientation

Guidelines for the use of Bar Staff

Office Hours.

office. The DBA hours are from 7:30 a.m. to 5 p.m., Monday through Thursday, 7:30 a.m. to 4:00 p.m. on Friday. The CBA staff must be notified when meetings are scheduled at the CBA office, especially at times other than normal working hours as notice must be given to the building security to arrange to be here or open the •

Conference Rooms.

accommodate 4. The DBA has five conference rooms available by appointment on the 9th floor. The conference room capacities are: one conference room will accommodate 30 persons, two rooms will accommodate 20 each, another 12 and the smallest will •

Parking Validation.

The DBA will validate members' parking coupons when visiting the DBA office for Executive Council Meetings and Committee Meetings.

Guidelines for the use of Bar Staff

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the kitchen. The area outside of the conference rooms is equipped with a coffee maker, water, refrigerator and sink. Coffee is available to members and visitors at no cost. Soft drinks may be purchased from the machine in

Staff Assistance.

The DBA staff is available to assist committees and sections in the following ways: – Reserve conference rooms for meetings. Reservations should be requested through the DBA staff as far in advance of each meeting as possible to avoid conflicts in scheduling. – Send out notices of meetings if notified to do so within a reasonable period of time prior to the meeting. We suggest at least three weeks advance notice to give members adequate time to plan. The Colorado Supreme Court requires 2 weeks notice to ensure time to grant CLE credit for an event. – Reproduce and distribute meeting minutes to committee members. It is the responsibility of the committee to take and prepare minutes. – Provide public relations assistance.

Staff Organizational Chart

Chuck Turner, Executive Director Greg Martin, Deputy Executive Director Dana Collier Smith, Assistant Exec. Director

Staff Organizational Chart

Departments: Communications and Marketing (

The Docket

) Finance & Membership Internet & Technology Local Bar Relations/Access to Justice Metro Volunteer Lawyers Public Legal Education Sections & Committees

The Committee - Staff Relationship

Two Elements, One Team

• Committees focus being visionaries; strategically moving forward.

• Staff manages the day to day operations.

• Consider it a partnership, alliance, collaboration between committees and staff to achieve the goals of the organization.

• Avoid micromanagement.


• • • • • • • • Committees are not given Budgets but there is a committee pool of money that can be distributed by the Deputy Executive Director. Committee members are not reimbursed for travel expenses associated with meetings. Committee members, with the approval of the chair, can be reimbursed for incidental photocopying, telephone and postage costs. Larger administrative projects should be coordinated through the DBA offices. Meal function costs, including luncheon meeting expenses, are not reimbursable. Committees are expected to cover their direct expenses for CLE programs unless a special subsidy has been granted. Any monies generated by committee activities must be submitted to the DBA for placement into the general fund of the DBA. All reimbursement requests should be approved by the chair before submission to the Director of Finance. Cannot give or allocate monies from their budget to an outside entity without prior approval from the Board of Trustees.