Family Emergency Plan

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Family Emergency Plan
Presented By:
Jefferson County Sheriff’s Office
• An emergency preparedness plan is your
Family’s guide to safety.
• Will help your family survive and to cope
during an emergency and/or disaster
Why Prepare for Disaster?
Disasters can strike without warning, forcing
to go for days without basic necessities or to
evacuate tour home. Relief workers will be
on the scene following a disaster, but may
not be able to reach you immediately.
You need to be prepared. Knowing the steps
to take during a disaster-whether flooding,
tornadoes, earthquakes or another crisiscan greatly reduce the danger and distress
your family may face.
A Good Emergency Plan
Should Consider The Following:
Identify a place for family
members to meet if
separated by a disaster
i.e.: A Church, Store, Hospital, or any
other Landmark
Two Persons To Contact:
Establish an out of town friend or relative to be a
contact point for separated family members to call.
(Make sure that everyone knows the number)
Check Your Local Emergency
Management Office For The
Following Information:
• Type of Warning Systems Used for Your Area
• Evacuation Plans or Routes Used
• Locations of Public Shelters near your home,
work, church and school
Make An Emergency Checklist
And Review it With Your Family
• Keep a copy available for quick access
• Show maps to specific meeting places
• Make a list of things to do before leaving the
home. (Electric/Gas/Water Shut-Offs if safe to do
• Designate a responsible person to do the shut
offs and leave the tools where needed
Make Emergency Phone
Numbers Handy So That You
• Make emergency calls when and where
safe to do so.
• Notify the specified contact
member/number to advise your
location and situation
Other Preventative Measures
• Locate and discuss safe areas in the house
depending on the emergency situation
• Teach your children Basic First Aid.
(Contact your local Red Cross, Fire
Departments, or Ambulance Districts for CPR
and Basic First Aid lessons)
• Install and maintain smoke detectors have at
least two that has lighting (change batteries at
each daylight savings time period)
Others Measures
Show each family member how to use a
fire extinguisher, the location and the
proper usage
Inspect your home regularly for
possible hazards and correct them as
soon as possible
Practice Implementing Plan
• Practice how you and your family members
might react to different situation.
• Use a scenario for training. The, “What If”
• Draw floor plans of escape routes.
Emergency Supplies Kit
• 3 Day supply of water in non breakable containers. (1 gal. per
person per day)
• 3 Day supply of non perishable food per
• At least one change of clothing per person
to include sturdy shoes
• A blanket or sleeping bag per person
• A First-Aid Kit to include prescriptions
• Emergency tools flashlight, battery powered radio, waterproof
matches, non-electric can opener, knives, extra batteries, etc.
• Sanitation supplies (baby wipes)
• Special items for infants, elderly, handicapped
• Important family documents: Insurance policies, passports,
immunization records, and other family documents.
Emergency Checklist
• Family Emergency Plan: Get it ready and
practice it
• Emergency Meeting places (At Least Two)
• Emergency supplies kit
• Know the schools and workplace emergency
• Plan for pets
• Aware of local emergency shelters
• Familiar with evacuation routes
Checking Damage of your Home
• Use flashlights. Do not use matches or
any type of flamed lighting
• Check by smelling for gas leaks. If you
smell or suspect gas leaks, evacuate
• Do not use light switches, if you smell or
hear arching wiring, evacuate
• Stay away from downed power lines. DO
NOT try to walk over or drive over with
your vehicle
Emergency Numbers
• Jefferson County Sheriff’s Office
• Jefferson County 9-1-1 Dispatch Non-Emergency
636-797-9999 / Emergency-911
• Jefferson County Emergency Management
• Federal Emergency Management
• National Weather Service 636-441-8467