Transcript Document

We will have weekly singing with Caroline. The children learn a
range of songs from different cultures and consider the pitch,
rhythm and beat of the songs. We will also be listening and
responding to music from the 13th century.
This term we will be looking at shadows and how shadows can be
formed and changed. Over the term we will be considering
seasonal changes which can be observed.
Our ICT skills will be developed in other curricular areas such as
maths, English and history.
In PSHE we will think about our rights and responsibilities,
human rights and fair trade following the Wiltshire Learn 4
Life scheme.
RE Towards the end of the term we will study the symbolism
associated with Easter.
Willow Class
Term 4
It’s Not Fair!
We will be refining our drawing skills in a number of curricular
areas. In addition we will look at art from the 13th Century. This
will include practising to use a quill and to illuminate letters.
This term in French we will learn the days of the week, months
of the year and the seasons. We will practice putting this
vocabulary into simple sentences.
We will have two P.E. sessions a week. One will be swimming
and the other will be focussing on adventurous activities.
We will study life in the 13th Century, how people lived , their
homes and clothes. We will also be thinking about King John and
the reasons why he put his seal to the Magna Carta.
We will be looking at the features of play-scripts, turning given
text into a play script and then writing our own play-scripts linked
to our history work about Magna Carta. Later in the term we will
look at newspaper reports and recounts. We will look at writing
detailed descriptions of characters.
We will continue to work on our number skills of addition and
subtraction using our knowledge of place value to help us with the
calculations. We will extend our number skills to working with
money and fractions. Through the term we will be looking at
volume and capacity. Each day the children will have a chance to
work on their passport targets and we will also have a daily
counting session.