Transcript Document

Preparing For a
Consultant Post
Chris Till
Consultant Anaesthetist
Head of the NW School of Anaesthesia
Deputy Regional Advisor NW Region
Aims and Objectives
► Choosing
a post
► Making yourself suitable for that post
► Preparing your application
► Applying for that post
► The interview
Choosing a post
Once upon a time………
Reasons for choosing a post
► Have
worked there previously
► Good department
► Good place to live
► Family/relationships
► Good schools
► No need to do private practice or can do lots of it!
► Sub speciality interest
► Teaching Hospital kudos
► It is the only post going!
Making yourself suitable
► Look
around, but don’t commit at this point
► Show interest
► What posts have they got coming up, that
you can tailor your CV towards?
► Speak to the clinical director, department
head or other consultants there
► 6 months prior to CCT
Preparing your Application
► Person
► Your CV/application form is your passport to
an interview
► Sell yourself
► Make it easy to read
► Long or short?
► Include EVERYTHING that is good about
The Application Form
► Prepare
your CV first
► Use your CV as a template
► Word limit is a problem
► Give yourself plenty of time
► Write it multiple times
► Show it to somebody you trust
► Don’t lie
Short Listing
► All
the panel members short list
► Once you are short listed, then you can go
and see individual persons
► Medical Director, Clinical Director and
especially the CHIEF EXECUTIVE
► What do you ask?
► If stuck, ask about the finances and future
of the trust
The Interview
Who is on it?
Panel members
► Lay
► College Rep
► Chief Executive
► Medical Director
► University Rep
► Clinical Director
► Other consultants
Do your homework
► Local issues
► National issues
► Speciality issues
► Some topics are HOT
► QIPP & finance constraints
► Clinical Governance
► White Paper
► Relaxing of targets
► EWTD/lack of juniors
► Changes to Commissioning/GP Consortia
Some Questions
► What’s
your experience of Governance within the
last six months?
► How does the change in Government change your
► How should the Trust spend a £1m windfall?
► How could we improve the delivery of our service?
► How well does the Clinical Incident system work
and how could it be improved?
► How do you see the NHS developing in the future?
► How can the Trust deal with the move to 7 day
working in your department?
► Give
us an example of something you have done
badly and the lessons you learned
► Give us an example of something someone else
has done badly and the lessons learned
► Give us an example of something you have done
► Give us an example of how you have resolved
conflict in your department
► What would you as an individual bring to the Trust
► What could you do to reduce stress in trainees?
► What is the Consultant’s role as an Educator?
► Suppose
we appoint 2 of you today and in a year
need to lose a post – how would you persuade us
to keep you?
► Tell us about an audit you’ve done and what it
► Who’s been a role model for you and why?
► What are the dis/advantges of being a FT?
► What qualities make a good leader?
► What changes have you made where you work in
the last 18 months or so?
► How could we resolve the problems we currently
have here?
Interview Techniques
► Look
the part
► Want the job
► Focus your nerves
► Answer the question!
► Express YOUR views in a considered way
► Use CAR or STAR techniques
► Know your CV
► Do some home work
► Practise
Selling yourself
► Teamwork
► Leadership
► Communication
► Experience
► Motivation
► Teaching
► Management
► Credibility
► Good/bad
► Critical incident
► Change
► Leadership
► Motivation
► Stress
► Good/bad communication
► Strengths/weaknesses
How is the decision made?
► Everyone
expresses their views and ranking
► College Rep first
► Lay Chair last
► A decision is made with the whole panel
► References
► You are informed
► Feedback offered
Any Questions