Transcript Zamestnania

The importance/ significance of a job
Choosing a career is an important step (a crucial step) in
everybody´s life.
• We have to think carefully to make a final decision about
our future profession.
• WHY do we have to work?
• we have to earn money for our living (to pay bills, taxes,
to have money for our needs)
• without doing a job our life would be boring
• we feel useful
• we need to find our place in society and self-satisfaction
in the job
In our childhood we dream about different jobs:
Girls dream of being actresses, models, singers, ballet
Boys want to be dustmen, policemen, firefighters,
chimney sweepers or pilots
In choosing our future career we can be infuenced by:
our parents – we want to follow in their footsteps
other relatives
Sometimes friends – we choose the school or ajob
because of our friend
Or teachers can give us some advice as for an
occupation if we are not able to make a decision
but we should make a decision according to our
abilities, interests or preferences
When choosing a job, we consider:
The type of work which we would like to do
Salary – other benefits,
Promotion opportunities
Working time – regular/irregular hours, on shifts,
Travel opportunities
Our qualities, interests, preferences
When we are
between 14 and 19
we have to make a
choice whether to
continue our studies
or to go to work
There are different
kinds of jobs:
manual or mental
For doing manual jobs
– you need to be
skillful, but you don´t
need to have a higher
Mental jobs – you need
a higher education
provided by univesities
or colleges, on the
other hand you can get
a better-paid job
a bricklayer
a plumber
an electrician
a decorator
a carpenter
Manual jobs
a locksmith
a driver
a firefighter
a fireman
a waiter
a cook
a baker
a salesman
a shop assistant
a hairdresser
a car mechanic
a dressmaker
a tailor
a farmer
a gardener
A chambermaid
a nurse
a doctor
a vet
a dentist
a lawyer
a judge
a teacher
a computer programmer
a manager
a secretary
Mental jobs
a soldier
a sailor
a fisherman
a policeman
a pilot
a railman
a railwayman
a steward
a stewardess
Other jobs
a postman
There are professions in
which you need some
talent or gift,
imagination and a lot of
a singer
a dancer
an actor
a musician
a sculptor
a painter
Kinds of jobs/work
Full – time jobs – you work 8 hours a day
• A part-time job is a job in which an employee does not
work full hours.
• Seasonal jobs (summer jobs) - a short-term job during
a certain time of year
• odd jobs - Not regular or skilled, usually low- paid
• voluntary work – you don´t get money for doing it
• temporary jobs - the employee is expected to leave
the employer within a certain period of time,
• self-employed – you run your own business
• freelance – journalists, actors can work in this way
Qualities and personality traits
• a doctor
• you need determination, sensitivity, patience with people, be
prepared to work on shifts, even at weekends
• a teacher
• must be good at explaining things, patient with children, be
friendly and fair
• a policeman
• policemen should be physically and mentally strong. They have to
be good at listening and speaking, they also have to be brave, loyal
and respect the laws.
•A bookkeeper
• Bookkeepers need to be detail-oriented, organized and logical
thinking. Bookkeepers also need to have patience, persistence, and
tolerance for lots of numbers and be good at calculating.
The ways of finding a job
• after completing an education there is the time to look
for a job
• looking for a job is sometimes quite demanding,
especially if you don´t have a proper qualification
•How to search for a job?
• go through the classifieds in the newspapers ( job
• ask your friends or acquaintances about job vacancies
• go to the job centre for help, you can be offered some
re-qualification trainings if you have been made
redundant (fired, sacked)
What to do after you have found a job
• you have to write a letter of application (cover letter)
• a part of it is an updated CV ( curriculum vitae) –
enclose it
• What data should a CV contain?
• personal data : name, address, the date of birth,
nationality, gender (male or female), marital status
(single or married), sometimes a recent photo is
• educational background – schools where you studied
• work experience – if you have any
• other skills or abilities like knowing languages, having
a driving licence, or computer skills
• The aim of sending it is to be invited to a job interview
A job interview
An applicant is invited to an interview
• How to behave at a job interview? Say if we should
DO it or shouldn´t
• come late or be on time
• dress appropriate clothes (smart clothes) or some
casual ones
• act politely or rudely (the first impressions count!)
• lie or tell the truth ( can we exagerrate a little bit?)
• praise or underrate ourselves
• think about our strengths and weaknesses
• ask questions about: our salary – pay, benefits,
working time/hours
• greet eveybody you meet and shake hands with
Answer the questions:
Why do people work?
Who are we influenced by in choosing a job?
What jobs do girls and boys dream about in their childhood?
What was your dream job when you were a child?
When do children have to make a final decision about the job?
What do we have to take into consideration when choosing a job?
Did anybody influence you in choosing this school?
If you could , would you change your mind and choose different school?
9. Name some mental and manual jobs – occupations?
10.What kinds of jobs do you know?
11.Have you ever had any part-time or seasonal job? Why, where, when?
Were you satisfied with earned money?
12.Which qualities are needed for doing these jobs: doctor, bookkeeper,
singer, model, policeman, car mechanic
13. How can people find a job?
14. What will they do after they have found it?
15. Describe a job interview - how should people act?
16. What would you like to do after graduating from Business Academy?