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College of Health Sciences and Human Services Budget Presentation: AY 2008-2009 Provost Paul Sale Bruce Reed, Dean March 14, 2008


Mission of the College

 The College of Health Sciences and Human Services supports and facilitates the mission of The University of Texas-Pan American through academic programs of higher education, research and community services. The College is committed to enhancing the quality of life and health care in the Lower Rio Grande Valley bi national border community and region. The faculty espouses a holistic multidisciplinary approach to meeting the dynamic health and human service needs of a diverse and multicultural society. ( Annual Action Plan ) 2

College Goals




Provide students with a quality educational experience that enables them to complete their education goals in a timely fashion.

Become an outstanding research institution emphasizing collaborative partnerships and entrepreneurship.

Enhance UTPA’s engagement with the community to meet the challenges and maximize opportunities.


College Goals




Collaborate with P-12 schools to enlarge the pool of applicants who are personally prepared and academically qualified for higher education.

Infuse inter-American and global perspectives throughout the University community.

Optimize institutional effectiveness and efficiency with high quality organization standards.

( Annual Action Plan ) 4

Degrees Offered

    Clinical Laboratory Sciences  BS Degree Communication Sciences and Disorders  BS & MS Degrees Dietetics  BS Degree Nursing  BS Degree  MS Degree  Family Nurse Practitioner   Pediatric Nurse Practitioner Advanced Adult Health      Occupational Therapy  MS Degree Pharmacy Cooperative  Doctorate in Pharmacy Physician Assistant  BS Degree Rehabilitation  BS Degree   Concentration: Addiction Studies Concentration: Deafness  MS Degree  Rehabilitation Counseling Social Work  BS & MS Degree 5

New Academic Developments

MS Physician Assistant – Fall 2008

Certificate in Health Care Administration and Leadership with COBA, COE


New Programs “Under Construction“

 Current Proposals   PhD in Rehabilitation Counseling MS in Health Sciences (online)  Other Possibilities   BA/BS to BS Nursing Doctorate in Nursing (Cooperative ?) 7

College Scholarships External Funded (AY 2007-2008)

 Funding Sources:    U.S. Department of Education (RSA) U.S. Department of Health & Human Services (HRSA) McDermott Foundation Total Amount of Grants = $1,108,786 Total Amount for Scholarships = 8


Semester Credit Hours – Fall Semester

Undergraduate Masters TOTAL 2004

10,679 2,604 13,283


10,835 2,723 13,558


11,109 2,426 13,535


11,993 2,537 14,530

%Rate 2004 - 2007 13% -3% 10%

12,000 10,000 8,000 6,000 4,000 2,000 0 2004 2005 2006 2007 Undergraduate Masters 9


Student Enrollment – Fall Semester

Undergraduate Masters Totals 2004

2,082 289 2,371


2,156 305 2,461


2,359 304 2,663


2,524 318 2,842

%Rate 2004 - 2007 21.2% 10.0% 19.9%

3,000 2,500 2,000 1,500 1,000 500 0 2004 2005 2006 2007 Undergraduate Masters 10


Degree Awarded – Bachelors and Masters

Bachelor's Master's TOTAL 2004

260 75 335


276 102 378


283 120 403


296 99 395

%Rate 2004 - 2007 13.8% 32.0% 17.9%

300 250 200 150 100 50 0 2004 2005 2006 2007 Bachelor's Master's 11


Scholarly Activities

AY 2004 - 2005 AY 2005 - 2006 Presentations 112 142 AY 2006 - 2007 111 Publications 32 33 67



Faculty Professional Involvement       International Board: National Officer: National Appointment: State Office: State Appointment: State Board (Governor): 1 6 2 9 5 3 13


   Faculty Professional Involvement – Selected Examples    Governor Appointed Board: Felix Koo appointed to Texas Physician Assistant Board Shawn Saladin appointed to the Rehabilitation Council of Texas Sonya Salinas appointed to the State Board of Examiners for Speech-Language Pathology and Audiology Shirley Wells appointed by the World Federation of Occupational Therapists to their Diversity Project Carolina Huerta elected to the American Association of Colleges of Nursing Board Directors 14


  Student Involvement       Research with Faculty: RAs Publications Professional Presentations Attendance at conferences Student Awards Student Organizations 48 5 9 203 17 13 Selected Example  In May 2007, Physician Assistant students, Laura K. Williams and Mona Lisa Miranda, tied for first place for their history presentation of UTPA’s Physician Assistant Program.


AY 2004 - 2005 AY 2005 - 2006 AY 2006 - 2007 AY 2007 - Current


External Funding


$ 1,645,727 $ 1,880,182 $ 2,292,312 $ 2,281,110


inc. 14% inc. 22%

Direct Cost $1,120,141


Indirect Cost $163,872 Total $1,284,013



    Graduating enough health care providers for our communities Filling critical and hard to recruit open faculty positions (e.g., Chair in OT) Competing salary-wise with non-academic settings Clinical site restrictions especially in specialty areas such as pediatrics, OB-GYN and psychiatrics 17


  Equitable funding model for sustaining Cooperative Pharmacy Program.

Providing sufficient support infrastructure for complex activities:  College admissions of area 900 per year    Affiliation Agreements Student health requirements – e.g., TB tests Criminal background checks 18


 High-level support   Concerns of ADs (in general): too much paper; lack of clarity on title, role, appointment, job duties, stipend; desire to be involved in higher order initiatives.

Current productive ADs are based more on personal commitment to the Dean rather than benefits of being an AD.


Future Plans

   Staff position in the Dean’s office:   College-wide admissions; affiliation agreements; student records for placements; criminal background checks College Goal #1 College level graduate recruiter  College Goal #1, #2 Controlled, focused academic growth:   Graduate level On-line offerings   Certificate/continuing education College Goal #1, #2, #3 20

Future Plans

  Increase fee-for-service revenues from the Speech & Hearing Clinic to fund professional staff – assist in student supervisions; free up faculty for research.

 College Goal #1, #2, #6 Increased external


funding  College Goal #1, #2, #5 21

Budget Strategies

 Encouraged departments to use/increase student fees to pay for supervision related travel and lab maintenance fees.


Budget Strategies

 Worked with department chairs to re allocate funds from departments and the Dean’s budget primarily from travel and wages – reallocated a total of Reallocations covered:


.  Increased accreditation fees   Increased equipment fees Travel adjustments 23

Budget Strategies

  Discussions of entrepreneurial activities that support goals of the departments.

For next fiscal year:    work on reallocating other expenses such as M&O.

increased examination of departmental “efficiencies” (e.g., workload, scheduling, use of part-timers) given zero growth budgets.

full transparency of College-wide budgets.


Budget Requests

Requested increases due to:    Accreditation site visit Accreditation fee $4,000 (CLS) $7,000 (SW) PA moving to MS degree:  $181,486 total AY08-09 budget of $772,493.

 approved PA MS proposal with the Coordinating Board had a 1 st year budget of $778,826.


Additional Budget Requests

     New staff:  Dean’s office (1 FTE) – support staff  Speech & Hearing Clinic (.75 FTE) – professional staff Professional recruiters for hard to fill faculty positions (Chair in OT) Resolution of financial support for Ads Increase in doctoral supports funds Additional allocations for productive units 26