Latin America and Russian Revolutions

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Transcript Latin America and Russian Revolutions

Simón Bolívar
Vladimir Ilich Lenin
 The success of the American Revolution and the
French Revolution.
 The ideas of the Enlightenment thinkers changes
peoples thinking about who should control the
 Many of the lower class people were oppressed and
disliked due to the fact that they were not born in
 Growth of nationalism in Latin America.
 By the late eighteenth century, the Spanish colonies
had a thriving class of creoles: men and women of
European ancestry born in the New World.
 While Creoles were born into wealth and education,
they were not allowed to hold any type of political
office or hold any important position.
 Napoleon invades Spain and
removes the Spanish king. With
Napoleon’s control of Spain
weakened its hold over its Latin
American colonies.
Revolutionary leaders emerge,
 Toussaint L‘Ouverture
 Simón Bolívar
 Toussaint L‘Ouverture was a slave himself but
once freed he leads a slave revolt in Haiti but is
later deported to Franch where he died.
 Bolívar, San Martín, and others lead successful
revolts in Latin America
 Spain's Empire in the New World fell and by
1825 all that was left was a few islands in the
Caribbean. The continent was free from
Spain's grasp, having won their
independence at the cost of bloody wars
with Spanish and royal forces.
 Attempts made to rebuild economies and 18
separate republics are set up.
 Wealthy Venezuelan creole.
 Bolívar was sent to Spain for his education.
 Known as the Liberator.
 In 1810, Simon Bolivar joined the group of patriots that
seized Caracas in Venezuela and proclaimed
independence from Spain. He went to Great Britain in
search of aid, but could get only a promise of British
 He and his followers invaded Venezuela on May 14,
1813; this marked the beginning of his "Compana
Admirable," (Admirable Campaign) which resulted in
the formation of the Venezuelan Second Republic later
that year.
 Dec 1819 , Simon Bolivar returned to
Angostura and became the first president
of the original republic of Colombia (now
Ecuador, Colombia, Panama, and
 Jun 1821 Simon Bolivar crushed the Spanish
army at Carabobo in Venezuela.
 Bolivar’s vision of a united South America
 Present day Colombia, Ecuador, Venezuela, and
Short-lived due to dissension amongst various
Bolivar resigned in 1828
In 1830, Bolivar’s Gran Colombia divided into
Colombia, Ecuador, Venezuela.
Panama later split from Colombia with US assistance
in 1903.
 The Upper and Lower class were becoming
more apparent. There was no middle class.
 In 1917, there was a shortage of bread and
prices began to rise.
 The people no longer respected the Tsar,
Nicholas II, who was an Autocrat.
 The rise of the industrial jobs led to poor working
conditions for the common worker and little pay.
 Land was being taken by the Government for Nobles.
 Hardships of World War I- Millions of weapons
available in the hands of the oppressed peasants and
workers due to their conscription to the army.
 Negligence and poor judgment of the last Tsar
Nicholas II.
 Czar Nicholas II was dethroned in Russia during this,
the "February Revolution.“ (Took place March 8-12)
 When V. I. Lenin arrived from exile in the spring of
1917, he joined the Bolshevik Party in Russia whose
goal was to overthrow the Provisional Government and
set up a government for the proletariat.
 The Bolshevik party went on the offensive and tried to
educate the workers and soldiers, convincing them to
seize power and land for themselves.
 In early October, Lenin convinced the
Bolshevik Party to form an immediate
insurrection against the Provisional
 The armed workers known as Red Guards
and the other revolutionary groups moved
on the night of Nov. 6-7 under the orders of
the Soviet's Military Revolutionary
 These forces seized post and telegraph offices, electric
works, railroad stations, and the state bank.
 Once the shot rang out from the Battleship Aurora, the
thousands of people in the Red Guard stormed the
Winter Palace.
 The Provisional Government had officially fallen to the
Bolshevik regime.
 V. I. Lenin, the leader of the
Bolsheviks, announced his attempt to
construct the socialist order in Russia.
 The new government made up of
Soviets, and led by the Bolsheviks.
 1918 – After Russia is out of The Great War
on March 8, The Bolshevik Party changes its
name to the Communist Party
 Russia enters a Civil War for two years 1918-
 August 30 - An assassination attempt leaves
Lenin seriously wounded
 December 15, 1922 - Lenin suffers second stroke and
retires from politics
 December 30 - The Union of Soviet Socialist
Republics (U.S.S.R.) established
 January 21, 1924 - Lenin dies; Stalin will become his