ASD Middle School

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Transcript ASD Middle School

 Introduction to the Middle School
 ASD Counseling Department
 MS Teaming
 Core Academic Subjects
 Exploratory Block
 World Language Offerings
 Mathematics Placement
This We Believe
Middle School Philosophy
Do what's
One hundred percent
Stop pursuing your dreams
MS Counseling
Middle School Counselors
Katelyn Kearney
Jennifer Hammonds
Here to make your transition go smoothly!
Step Up Program
Who are the best individuals to help our 5th graders adjust
to middle school?
It’s great to learn the ropes from someone who has
recently had experience with the process.
The Step Up Program helps to foster a relationship
between the 5th and 6th graders.
We hope to establish a connection with other students
whom they can seek support from.
What to expect in Grade 6
Next year, your child will begin the process of becoming
independent and pulling away from you as parents!
Don’t despair. This is only natural. They still need your
love and support - even if they don’t know that!
Kids sometimes make bad choices, but they are all
learning opportunities.
What to expect in Grade 6
 There will be a shift in the amount of homework.
 They will no longer be with just one teacher, they will
have 8 periods that they will need to balance.
 They will be expected to be more independent.
 They will take on new responsibilities.
 Technology is a large part of what they do.
What can you do?
 Be available and supportive
 Be positive
 Check planners on a daily basis for as long as necessary.
 Check NESA blackboard to keep up on assignments.
 Check Powerschool to monitor grades and academic success.
 Stay in contact with your child’s teachers.
 Help your child organize his/her binder and/or locker on a
regular basis.
What can you do?
Know your child’s friends.
Say “hello” to your child’s friends when they arrive at your home and make a
point of saying “goodbye.”
Know where your child is at all times.
Ask them questions.
Have your children call in and follow curfew times.
Know what your child is doing on the internet.
Continue to have family meals, meetings, and family activities.
Keep family traditions alive and well.
MS Teaming
 Philosophy to support students
 Two teams per grade level
 Two teams of teachers working with students
 Students are in teams for LA, Sci., Soc. Studies, Math
 Teams are mixed for Music, PE, Language, Explor.
Grade Subject Areas
 Language Arts
 Physical Education
 Mathematics
 Music/Core Enrichment
 Social Studies
 Exploratory Block
 Science
 World Language
MS Elective/Exploratory
Grade Exploration
World Language
 Courses A, B, C, and D
 Spanish, French, Arabic, Modern Standard Arabic
 Most courses are not for native speakers
 We do our best to have students grouped by ability
Math Placement
 Three measures of student progress
 Current Academic Performance
 MAPS Assessment
 Standards-Based Assessment
 Our primary goals are proper placement and
achievement of academic standards
Math Placement
Questions that are specific to your
child should be directed to a counselor
or principal privately. Thank you.