Transcript SEM1 2.04

PE – Understand data-collection
methods to evaluate their
appropriateness for the research
PI – Explain sources of
secondary SEM information
Types of Data
Primary Data
O Original data collected by the researcher
first hand specifically for the purpose of
the study
O Interviews, sampling, accounting records and
newspaper articles are good examples
O Spectators and participants are major sources
of primary data for SEM
O Concert attendees, gym members, game attendees
can answer polls, surveys and attend focus groups
Types of Data
Secondary Data
O Data collected by someone other than the
O Information & conclusions gathered after
reviewing primary data
O 2 types of Secondary Data
O Internal – collected from within the
O External – collected from outside of the
Internal Secondary Data
O Advantages – easily accessed and saves money
O Disadvantages – doesn’t acknowledge market &
might not be up to date
O Common sources:
O Budgets
O Schedules
O Call reports
O Order/shipping/billing records
O Sales reports
O Customer complaints/requests
External Secondary Data
O Data that originates outside the organization for which
the research is being done
O Advantages – inexpensive & plentiful
O Disadvantages – more difficult to obtain accurate
information because the data has much greater
variety & you have more sources. Outside data may
be biased
O Common Sources:
O Government agencies: federal for demographic information
on a specific geographic location and your target market –
census, state, local Chamber of Commerce
O Trade/industry associations for trends
O E-marketers for clickstream data about what advertisements
are viewed by target market
Info Available from External
Secondary Sources
• Political & economics
• Consumer trends and habits
• Social & ethical issues
• Technological
• Environmental (Physical)
• Legal – tax policies and proposed laws
• Demographic information
• Consumer protections
• Competitors – type, strengths & weaknesses
O Use external information to help guide
their efforts
O Use digital customer information such
as clickstream data
O Gives webmasters a view of what users
are viewing
O Raises serious security concerns
O Data sold as a way to increase revenue
Quantitative Data
O Deals with numbers.
O Data which can be measured.
O Length, height, area, volume, weight,
speed, time, temperature, humidity, sound
levels, cost, members, ages, etc.
O Quantitative → Quantity
Qualitative Data
O Deals with descriptions.
O Data can be observed but not measured.
O Colors, textures, smells, tastes, appearance,
beauty, etc.
O Qualitative → Quality