Transcript Document

Write down the 3 most memorable details from the video with the guy that talks to fast.

Industrial workers had long hours, dangerous jobs, and were not entitled to vacation, sick leave or workers compensation. In 1882, an average of 675 workers were killed each week. Workers began to organize for better working conditions, hours, etc.

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Craft Unions Included skilled workers Samuel Gompers was head of the American Federation of Labor (AFL) Used collective bargaining to negotiate Used strikes as a major tactic

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Industrial Unions Included all laborers (skilled and unskilled) in an industry Eugene Debs organized the American Railway Union (ARU) Used strikes to gain higher wages

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Socialism & IWW Economic and Social system based on government control Philosophy of Karl Marx Industrial Workers of the World (IWW) Many strikes gave up socialist views to work within the labor movement

Industry and government saw strikes as a threat to capitalism. As unions became more powerful, management took more action. Eventually, the Sherman Antitrust Act was turned against labor. Management had only to say the strike was impeding interstate trade and the government would intervene. Despite these setbacks, labor movements continued.

Great Strike of 1877

The Baltimore and Ohio Railroad struck to protest their second wage cut in 2 months. Freight and passenger cars were stopped for more than a week. Federal troops ended the strike.

The Haymarket Affair

May 4 th , 1886 – 3000 people gathered at Chicago’s Haymarket Square to protest police brutality. Someone threw a bomb into the police and seven police and several strikers were killed. The police then opened fire into the crowd.

The Homestead Strike The Pullman Company Strike

Steel workers went on strike in Pennsylvania and the owner hired a detective agency to protect the plant so he could hire scabs (strikebreakers) to keep the plant working. The workers forced the protection out and held the company for 3 months until Union support faded. It would take 45 years for steel workers to mobilize again.

The workers that were left went on strike after wages were lessened to $16 per week. Pullman blacklisted many people so they could never again work for the railroads.

Women & Unions

Tried to set an end to child labor and get it so they all got paid the same as men. Mary Harris Jones led a march of 80 mill children that had been hurt on the job to the home of President Theodore Roosevelt. This led to the passage of several child labor laws.